Thursday 5 June 2008

Escape to the country location, location, location

There are a number of programmes on the telly where people are assisted in their search for a dream home by some "experts".

I'm currently watching Escape to the country; a couple from Wythenshawe want to move to the Peak District.

It's similar for Location, location, location, A place in the sun, etc. A bunch of people who can't be fucked to do what everybody else does when looking for a home - looking on the internet, getting flyers from estate agents. Why bother doing that when you can get some know it all from the telly to do all the searching and negotiating for you.

So they get shown three or four properties, whinge a lot, and still don't bother going for any of them. There was a couple on last night's Location, location, location who had viewed 50 properties over the past year and still weren't happy with anything they were shown. Answer? BUILD YOUR OWN!

Which brings us to Grand Designs. The people who design and make their own properties as featured in this programme are annoying to the extreme.

Justin and Cressida are leaving behind their careers as teachers in Chorlton and moving to North Wales to be self sufficient so they can bring up their two young children in an eco home made of compacted shit.

Some guy just looked in as he walked past, came to the front door, rang the bell and knocked, but didn't bother waiting for me to get the keys to open the door before fucking off. Well, he's not a very good salesman/religious freak is he?

Some food is just better at room temperature. I'm referring to food that's supposed to be hot of course. I've just had some cold lasagne, the flavours are so much more obvious with cold food.

So, here is my list of favourite hot foods that are fuckin' delish cool (not cold):
  • Lasagne
  • Curry
  • Pizza
  • Italian meatballs
  • Baked potatoes
  • Boiled new potatoes

Things that are NOT nice cold:
  • Chilli con carne (unless it's been mixed with rice, then it's fuckin' delish)
  • Baked beans
  • Pasta
  • Chips

Things not nice hot or cold:
  • Cottage cheese
  • Cooked carrots
These aren't exhaustive lists, but you get the picture.


Anonymous said...

I've never had hot cottage cheese - sounds disgusting! I can't agree with you on the cool pizza, though - pizza should be served piping hot from the oven so that you blister the roof of your mouth with the first bite.

I like Iced Coffee and hot coffee, but not lukewarm. Give me one extreme.

I've seen Location x3, but not the other show. It's ok, though, because if you give it a couple of months, one of the american channels will have made their own version...

Anonymous said...

Chinese isn't nice cold.

I actually quite like Phil and Kirsty on Location, Location, Location; I know I shouldn't but I think because they are who they are, a bit knobbish that I like them - unlike every single yoof presenter who tries sooooo hard to be cool.

Same goes for Property Ladder lady, she's cool as well, and I quite like the fella on Grand Designs.

Funny really seeing as how I pretty much dislike everyone else on telly.

Cheese generally is nice hot or cold.

Anonymous said...

Oh the presenters are cool - Phil and Kirsty are fabulous and I have a soft spot for Kevin McLeod on Grand Designs. It's the idiot punters that need their skulls opening up and their naked brains tasering!

Cottage cheese is vile.

Normal cheese is OK.

Pizza good hot or cold.

Anonymous said...

I used to love cold baked beans straight from the tin when I was a student.

I still love cottage cheese.

I fucking hate pizza.

My latest fave food is dolmades, for some reason. I'm addicted.

Anonymous said...

Dolmades? WTF?

Anonymous said...

I do not recommend a cold Bombay Bad Boy Pot Noodle.

Come to think of it, I don't recommend a hot one either.

Kirsty is strangely fanciable, in a plump posho sort of way.

Anonymous said...

I've never had cottage cheese so I cannot comment but I don't mind cooked carrots. Especially mashed up with a bit of olive oil and a bit of fresh parmasen cheese. Mmmm. As for the rest of the list, I totally agree. Although, chips in my opinion should be warm, not hot, and nestled between two slices of buttered white bread. Mmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Dolmades = stuffed vine leaves.

Dozy cunt.

Anonymous said...

"Kirsty is strangely fanciable, in a plump posho sort of way"
Err, yeah Garfer.. she's a total dish!

I like stuff vine leaves too, I never knew they were called that.

I'm sorry Karen, but no to carrots, not matter what you do to them.

Anonymous said...

I like all cold food. Still eat my beans cold.

Kirsty is delish. I'd eat her hot or cold.

Actually, I'd settle for just a peep up her skirt.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rhubarb crumble is absolutely disgusting cold. Especially if it's been in the fridge for a couple of days and all the juice has soaked into the crumble, rendering it soggy and slimy.

I think I'm going to throw that dish out that The Mother made me - Looks disgusting now.

Anonymous said...

Baked potatoes are a nay Sniffy. Cold spuds? I don't even like them hot let alone cold.

All I ever get to watch nowadays is cartoons. Then again, I managed to watch a show on the crystal skulls last night and that was interesting.

Homes... just give me a home instead of a trailer and I'd be happy.

Anonymous said...

Aww, poor delightful April. Why don't you come and stay with us this summer?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Pissoff - come back!

It's sunny and warm here now.

Sort of.