Saturday 21 June 2008

At the "People's" Post Office

Angry robot
(copyright Jamie Smart and that)

This is how I felt after an exasperating visit to Manchester's main post office today. God I was furious.

The long protracted move to Bellend Towers is on for next week, definitely, absolutely, no doubts - we're moving.

We're frantically changing our addresses on things in preparation, but there's always something that slips the net - and goodness knows how I'll get on without my junk mail - so we want to do a redirect of our post to the new place. Makes sense, non?

You can do it online through the Post Office's website... only you can't, because it doesn't work. So the alternative is to go to a post office and do it in person, armed with ID and stuff. So I grabbed my wallet (photo drivers licence, bank cards, etc) and a recent Criminal Records Bureau disclosure certificate, Trump picked up her wallet and a credit card statement and off we trotted.

I was fuzzy headed and a headache was brewing.

Town was mental and we had to negotiate the usual hordes of people who just hang around in the way; standing at the top and bottom of escalators, walking right at you, being generally smelly and retarded. We got to the post office, picked up the relevant form, and I searched my pocket for a pen. Curses! I'd forgotten it. There were no pens to use, apart from at the counters themselves. Or I could've bought one, but only a blue one and the form needed to be completed in black ink.

Off to W H Smiths... off to Cafe Kasbah for caffeine and somewhere to sit to fill out the form... back to the post office.

We got to the counter, the woman checked the form and asked for our ID. We passed her our drivers licences.

"Have you got the paper counterparts?"

Er, no

"It's just that we need both parts."


"Because if somebody found or stole your wallet they could use your photo licence, but it'd be unlikely that you'd be carrying the paper counterpart too."

"Exactly", besides, the dog ate mine. "And if they happened to find or steal my photo licence, what is the likelihood that they'd look like my photo? What is the likelihood that two identity thieves would steal two photo drivers licences and look like the people on them?"

"We need both parts. You wouldn't like it if somebody got hold of your post and pretended to be you."

They can have my post, they can pretend to be me, more fucking fool them!

"Have you got a bank card?"

We handed our debit cards over. She took the numbers off them.

"Have you got any other ID?"

She took my CRB disclosure and looked at it thoroughly.

"I need to check whether I can use this"

Oh, for fuck's sake. My head was really hurting by this point.

"Sorry I can't accept this"

No, but you had a good fucking look at it, didn't you? Nosy bitch.

I was so annoyed. You need about four pieces of ID to get a CRB check, the document is a certificate of who you are and where you live and that you're not a fucking criminal, but it's not good enough to get your post redirected.

"Oh fine, just take my name off the application. I'm changing all my address details anyway and I could do without getting a load of junk mail redirected."

She turned to Trump, "Have you got a utility bill with you, I can't accept this either".

Fucking retarded mongs.

It's OK for them to lose half the post, deliver it to the wrong addresses, have postmen steal a load of it, or sign for things that only the recipient is supposed to sign for, but they won't accept perfectly valid ID so somebody can redirect their own post. You can buy a house with less ID than they require.

Last week, I signed a petition to stop the closure of post offices around the country. Fuck that, I'm going to start a campaign to burn the whole fucking lot of them down.

Of course, this is all part of a government ploy to make ID cards seem useful. For years, certain pieces of documentation have been perfectly acceptable to demonstrate a person's identity, but not any more... but if we had an ID Card.... Would we still need the paper counterpart, just in case somebody had stolen the photo part? No, thought not. Probably because we'd all be barcoded by then anyway.



Anonymous said...

Calm down, find your inner space.

I have a Sub Post Office run by a bloke called Douglas who dispenses everything from condoms to universal travel adapters.

This is what we need, not tv screens advertising crap insurance, sub par interest bearing accounts, and rip off Saga holidays.

If a criminal record can't prove your identity what can? I suggest you get some scars and carry a chair leg up your jumper.

It always works for me.

Anonymous said...

I thought I was going to have to apologise for Sniff's glares. I don't believe in shouting at people who are trying to do their jobs, but it was insane. Why my bill wouldn't do, I don't know. Frustrating and yet another nail in the Royal Mail's reputation for me. Instead of pissing around getting Wendy twatface Richards to advertise shit, they need to get their acts together in providing a decent service. RM is entrenched in sexist, racist bloke culture that sees a constantly high staff turnover and half of those who work there are pricks. Apart from our postman who is lovely and has nice legs.

Anonymous said...


I know I shouldn't have a go at people for doing their jobs, and I know she was trying to help, but come on, that was fucking ridiculous and the reasoning behind them not accepting what we'd given them was totally stupid.

Anyway, fuck em. It's thirty odd quid of my money that they're now not getting.

Anonymous said...

Privatise the bastards.

It's the bored looks, the couldn't carelessness, the this is what the book says and my my supervisor says and it's almost lunchtimeness of it all.

And the pensioners don't know what to make of it. 'Your card isn't the right what up dear'. Position 4 is now free.

Anonymous said...

One my.

Add a why and delete a what.

I fucking hate the Post Office. Apart from Douglas and my postie.

Anonymous said...

They're soul-destroying places, full of people who don't want to be there. NOBODY goes to the post office for anything other than something related to hassle, paying things that you don't want to pay, doing things that you'd you'd rather not have to do. And unless you've got a local post office, or a family-run thing, the staff don't give a crap. "MUST. FOLLOW. RULES. MUST. OBEY. SUPERVISOR. CANNOT. USE. INITIATIVE. OR. COMMON. SENSE. CASHIER. NUMBER. NINE. PLEASE."

Anonymous said...

What really amuses me is the Post Office cash card. My mother (aged demented crone, but lovely with it) has one.

Anybody who gets hold of one with a PIN can withdraw £600 in one fucking go with no ID required.

Good old PO, helping the aged as always.

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, the Government are now setting in place their plans to expand the ID Card scheme to include the Post Office.

Apparently, the Post Office will be one of the agencies that will be taking fingerprints and iris scans!

I can just imagine the queues already.

In case you havent seen it, heres the very interesting link on The Register (one of my fave sites):

Well worth reading, if only to see the hair-brained fucking schemes they are going to use to coerce us.

I'm still taking the position that I'd rather go to jail than subject myself to being forced to have an ID card.

If they can fit me in with the tns of thousands of others, that is.


Anonymous said...

Oops! Forgot to link it.

Trying again.

Click here

Anonymous said...

There'll be plenty of room in the prisons for law abiding citizens because they'll put a load of murderers, rapists and terrorists out on early release to accommodate the oh-so-dangerous people who value their privacy and liberty.


Anonymous said...

You aint seen nothing yet!

Just wait until you actually move house. Oh boy are you in for a treat

Try telling your bank that you have moved house. They will want proof with an address, for example, a utility bill. Trouble is you have not been there long enough to have a utility bill to show them. Try not to forget that utility bills in your name is not sufficient proof that you wife has moved house with you, so try not to put all the bills in your name. Spread them about a bit, but just remember that when there is a problem with your gas supply that they will not talk to you ‘cos it is in her name. (“Its Dada prodecton init”).

Of course there are the utter nupties in some banks which will demand a utility bill and ID. Then try to use your driving license for ID. Nu Huh. You sent it off when you moved house and have not got it back yet. How about your passport? Same deal. Try to offer your driving license before you send it away and it will be rejected ‘cos it has your old address on it. Just remember that all of your financial statements will be going to your old house in the meantime. (Except of course you have re-directed your mail, so you are ok?. Tee Hee!).

Anonymous said...

The banks were surprisingly good - they just did it over the phone after the security checks.

Some things can also be done online, which saves dealing with fucktards completely.

As far as utility and other bills go, I'm paying the insurance policies, I'm paying for BT, we're both paying for Sky and Trump is currently copping for the rest.

But Post Offices? Jesus, you'd have thought they'd be trying hard to keep their jobs.

Bring on the revolution.

Anonymous said...

We have to take off our shoes, belts, coats (one woman was wearing a running suit with a zipped hoodie type top, and they told her to take of her "coat". She protested, they insisted. Turns out, she only had a bra on underneath, but she didn't want to go through the hassle of a private screening so she took off her top and walked through the metal detector in her bra and running pants), but if you want to change your address, you just fill out a card and drop it in the mail slot at your post office. It takes six weeks to have your mail forwarded, but that's all there is too it!


Anonymous said...

where'd you get the cartoon? I've just bought this weird little comic book by Jamie Smart... strange coincidence.

Anonymous said...

Check out the Bohda Te websites or the Bohda Te t-shirt collection at There are loads of them. I have that T shirt and the "Do the robot: rampage, destroy... be awesome" one.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's the comic I bought, quite weird.

Anonymous said...

I think Bohda Te is a mix of lots of cartoonists' work. Check out Bear if you can - brilliant.