Saturday 24 May 2008

Turned out nice again!

Trump has bought a ukulele.

What did I get? A new vacuum cleaner and this month's Vanity Fair.

Oh and a whippy ice cream.

I wish my facial hair would take the hint and not come back once plucked out You put yourself through the discomfort of actually pulling a hair out, why does it grow back?

Come dine with me
There's a programme on the telly called "Come dine with me": five strangers take it in turns to host a dinner party, on which their guests score them, the one with the highest score at the end of the week wins a thousand pounds.

God, some people are cocks. The current episode is set in Leeds. There's a total cunt of a woman called Pippa who thinks she's gorgeous (she commissioned a nude portrait of herself) and a "wine student". Vile woman even locked out a guest because they arrived ten minutes early. Her idea of fine dining was to have her guests eat in the conservatory, sat on garden furniture rather than proper chairs. Her dining table is strewn with rose petals, she's wearing a tiara.

Horrid people, the lot of them.

There are some programmes where I find myself spitting expletives for their entirety. This is one of them.

How would Sniffy play it? Something cooked in two pans with a pudding from Tesco. No booze. And then they can all piss off out of my house.


Anonymous said...

Not as bad as the apprentice - that programme makes me want to kill. Cunts the of them,

When I'm cleanin' windas'

Anonymous said...

That should have been -


So angry thinking about it I missed out the LOT

Anonymous said...

Mmm, whippy ice cream. The best! Hey there Sniffy! It's been quite a while since I last checked in...sorry about that, I've been a bad girl. Trump surprised me by stopping by and leaving a comment so I thought I'd pop on by. Ah, how I've missed your salty language.

Congrats on the new house, btw.

What is it about these crappy reality programmes that keep us coming back for more? I recently got sucked into the vortex that is "Rock the Cradle" where the "talented" children of former celebrities are pitted against each other for a recording contract. It's like watching a car crash though...I just can't stop.

Don't be a stranger!

Anonymous said...

Trump bought a ukulele?

The neighbours will be pleased then.

Poor fuckers.

And think about those poor babies (the cat and dog) and their very sensitive ears!

I'm phoning the RSPCA.

Anonymous said...

That's nothing, I've polished and tuned my guitar too. It's just a good job I could never sing while playing.

Herge: they're total cunts and they all need to die on fire.

Karen: I love "reality" programmes. I use them to confirm my hatred for people.

Anonymous said...

Come dine with me is full of attention seekers. Oh, nothing new there then. The difference is that those cheeky bastards sift through your knicker drawer while the host slaves over something complicated in the kitchen. Cunts indeed.

Anonymous said...

That's no different to what you get up to while I'm slaving in the kitchen cooking your tea!

Anonymous said...

Setting the timer to 3 minutes and pushing the 'start' button is hardly slavery.

Anonymous said...

You've been to this house, you know there's no microwave here... and if there was, I wouldn't know how to use it - I'm totally phobic of them.

Tonight's offering was spaghetti bolognese - proper, with no rubbish in it.

Anonymous said...

Boil in the bag, was it?

Anonymous said...

Yeah Piggy, whatever.

Anonymous said...

That'll be a 'Yes' then.

Thought as much.

I just hope it wasn't Asda.

'Proper' spaghetti, indeed.