Tuesday 27 May 2008

"We're listening"

That's the default response from government ministers and Labour PMs in the wake of Gordon Brown's premiership going into a spectacular, but very welcome, nosedive.

Gordon brown DOH!

Petrol costs about £1.12 a litre (this week), with diesel costing even more. Something like 70-80% of this goes to pay off debt that resulted from Gordon's ten year stint as Chancellor, not on roads or transport or anything. Since 1st April, the Treasury has had £500m bonus in extra tax revenue because of the price of oil and its knock-on price of fuel at the pump.

Oh, and petrol tax is scheduled to go up by another 2p a litre in the autumn.

In addition, the motorists are due to face another smack in the face when drivers of older cars see their road tax potentially double next year. The reason? They want to punish drivers of older cars simply because they can't afford to buy newer, less-polluting models, whether the newer models are less polluting or not.

Costs are going through the roof, it doesn't help that the cost of moving things around has gone up 30% since last year.

People are struggling, really struggling, and they're getting continually hammered by a government that's supposed to represent the average working person.

Instead of doing something to help, the government is "listening". Get on and fucking do something, you useless, fucking turds.

Are they going to? I doubt it, "Climate Change" minister Joan Ruddock says that, although it's painful, we MUST press on with our environmental targets.

So essentially, fuck you Britain, we're going to milk you till you die while all our competitors get away with doing sod all to combat climate change.

If climate change really was such a problem, they'd be making damned sure that China, India and the States were doing their bit, rather then punishing their own people on an insignificant, shitty island.

But they don't really give a shit about the environment, it's just a really convenient lie that they use to steal from us to pay back the debt we're in, to pay for all the scumbags to carry on breeding, to pay for pet social projects in the UK and the third world because of our incompetent shit of a prime minister.

Gordon Brown says he's listening. Well, listen to this - JUST FUCK OFF AND GIVE US A BREAK!


Trump's been poorly. We thought she was getting better yesterday, but last night, just after I'd fallen asleep, there was a panicked rush to the bathroom, followed by sounds of projectile vomiting, amplified by the toilet bowel. Rocky tried to help by pushing his head between Trump's face and the pan; I was called upon to retrieve him.

Poor lass was quite ill and had to get up again shortly after. And then she had hot and cold sweats and shivers.

Did I mind being kept awake throughout the night when I had a conference call at 8am? Hell no. I know she'd look after me in the same circumstances.

Love is, eh?

Another rip off is dental treatment. Even as an NHS client, it costs £16 for a check up and clean - that's for about 2 minutes' work if you include a scale and polish.

Scale and polish, I had it done today and it really hurts. After this procedure, it feels like I can get my tongue through the gaps created in between my bottom front teeth. Very weird.


Anonymous said...

If we came out of the EU then we wouldn't be paying billions in subsidies that go to their dodgy expense accounts let alone the administrative fiddles and other countries that receive them.

We also wouldn't have a few thousand stupid laws and a treaty that is "self amending".

That means it can be changed without having to be put to a popular, ie to us the plebs, vote.

Welcome to my world
Won't you come on in
Miracles I guess
Still happen now and then
Step into my heart
Leave your cares behind
Welcome to my world
Built with you in mind ...

SLAM. "Gotcha!"

Anonymous said...

I've read on the Beeb tonight that they (the elected cunts) are on the verge of voting themselves in a 23k 'allowance' that won't require them to provide receipts.

Fucking charming.

As for Gordy, I really do wish he'd just resign.


Saying that though, who the fuck would replace him? Certainly no-one any better, I imagine.

We're doomed.

And yes, I too am getting heartily fucking sick to the back teeth of how much it's costing us to run our car. Especially in the knowledge that it's going to get even worse.

On a lighter, balancing note, it's nice to see that Connies still alive.

Even nicer than the knowledge that Trumpy is practising for a starring role in her own home-made production of The Exorcist.

Anonymous said...

Poor Trump!! Stomach viruses are the absolute pits! Flat ginger ale and bland soft food until she can stomach something else will see her through. The WCM has yet to prove such an excellent caretaker as you - and the bastard's had nearly 18 years of marriage in which to do it! Arse.

I'll remember your 1.12 pounds per liter when I'm bitching about $4 a gallon in a week. This is the highest gasoline/petrol has ever been in the States. Perspective, sometimes it hurts me.

Anonymous said...

I see he's talking to the oil producers today, trying to persuade them to up production rates. What the fuck is he playing at? This is a long term solution that is necessary, but it's so easy for him to help right now. Fucking tool

Anonymous said...

If you ask me Herge Smith has the right idea. Get on the next banana boat and escape this hideousness.

There's no point making money either, because when you get old they just steal it from you to pay for your 'care' in a home that smells of wee and boiled cabbage.

Anonymous said...

it's so depressing, at least when the tories were at their end, fucking the country up good and proper we had another party to vote for - what do we have now?

Fucking toffy nosed PR wankers running a party like it's an exclusive old boys network or the third way who have managed to get a leader so bland that for the first time since I was a teenage I have no idea what his name is.

Shocking. Vote Labour out, but to be replaced by what?


Anonymous said...

Labour were never a real alternative back in 1997; their appalling government of the nation over the past 11 years is proof of this. The country is ALWAYS better run under the Conservatives, give or take a few really dodgy decisions here and there.