Sunday 18 May 2008

Fucking MOVE!

We had to go to Tesco this afternoon. Needing a paper shredder, we figured it'd be better if we went to a Tesco Extra (wider range of stock) so we headed off to the big one in Portwood.

I don't know what it is about this particular store, but it just drains me of my will to live; me and Trump always end up getting into a strop there too. This usually happens at the fruit and veg section, but today, tempers started to rise by the time we got to shampoo. By the time I got to fruit and veg, I wanted to kill. I wanted to kill everybody.

The fruit and veg section is never helped by a lot of aisle space being taken up by cages being left all over the place, but the people who dawdle and make passage from one end to the other absolutely impossible. And it's not even worth thinking about actually trying to pick up any veg because of peoples' trolleys blocking the shelves.

Today, my progress was blocked by the entire width of the aisle being filled with people, trolleys, children, walking at 0.2 miles per year. Why aren't you allowed to run at them really quickly and ram a trolley into the backs of their legs?

And then there are the children: pushing trolleys (sideways); walking alongside their parents, taking up space; standing in the way; screaming; breathing.


The only compensation is knowing that I don't have to go home with the little shits.


Anonymous said...

You read my mind. I was in the new "Super Walmart" yesterday and I couldn't believe the fucking dimwits blocking the aisles just standing there with their fingers up their asses. It just pissed me right off. Fucking brainless twats anyway.

Anonymous said...

Aren't you allowed to ram them with your trolleys? I always do. I particularly love it when they stand in the aisle chatting with other families.

I also love it when they bring their entire multi-generational families.

If only guns were legal in the UK, they'd be less dawdling.

Anonymous said...

The thing is, it shouldn't be up to the customers to take it in to their own hands. The supermarkets should have armed guards at every problem aisle to make sure that people move along.

There should also be cages in the car park where people leave their offspring while they do their shopping.

I'm off to e-mail Tesco right now!

Anonymous said...

There should be cages with the rotting corpses of children with a sign hanging on a large chain that reads'

"These children didn't behave"

Sorted - I think you should defo email Tesco, see what they say!

Anonymous said...

My sentiments exactly!

Anonymous said...

I'd kill to buy my own groceries and have a kitchen to cook them. I've been eating the blandest shit for the past three months from a steam line. The toothless lunch lady is hot!

:( I miss normal life.