Monday 26 May 2008

Crap, crap, crap, CRAPOLA!

It's the end of the bank holiday.

We've not been able to make the most of the long weekend because a) poor Trump's been really under the weather, and b) the weather's been under the weather.

In terms of types of weather that really get on my tits, strong wind is top of the shop. I hate it, it puts me in a very BAD MOOD. It's been extremely windy since Friday, it's still windy today, so although it's not rained, I've not wanted to leave the house.

I made a roast dinner last night, so ignoring my own two pan rule of cooking: a roast dinner involves a roasting tin; two or three pans; colander; sieve; knives; forks, etc, etc, etc. And then everything gets covered in gravy and grease that congeals over everything and then you have to wash up all the shit.

So, for the sake of 10mins eating pleasure, you get four hours of misery, plus lots of mess.

Not forgetting the smell of roasting flesh and cooking vegetables that lingers for days. At least we didn't have cauliflower. I hate cauliflower with my roast dinner - stinks the house out and you get little floaty bits of the stuff in your gravy.

Gravy MUST remain untainted by things that can mix with it, hence mashed potato is an absolute no-no. Broccoli isn't much better, but if you don't cook it for too long, you can get away with it.

The thing is, I love cauliflower so long as it's either pickled or cheesy. Any other format is incompatible with my palate.

What I really want
I'm looking for a headboard bookcase for Bellend Towers. A what? A this sort of thing:

bookcase headboard

Not that particular one, but you get the picture. Imagine all the cool things you could put on there though: coffee; tissues; books; this, that, the other; dust, lots of dust.

Now, either the Americans are WAY ahead of the rest of the world, or they're completely naff and bookcase headboards are totally un-with-it, whatever, you can't get these things in the UK, at all, anywhere.

Anyway, I can't get one, so I'm pissed off. I think Trump is pleased that they can't be sourced over here. I might try to make one.

Virgin cock-up
Apparently, Virgin should've told my folks that they'd no longer be able to get the internet through their telly box, so the customer services woman told me when I phoned up to activate the broadband on the new box today.

For compensation, they're coming to install a modem at the weekend and they're upgrading them to 4MB for £7 a month less.

Check this out
Found this on the Bellend Homes website.

The canal doesn't look that good from inside the house, what with the floating milk bottles and takeaway boxes, but you get the picture.


Anonymous said...

Yay! First!

1. I simply LOVE cauliflower cheese.

2. I simply HATE brocolli.

3. I can just imagine what will be stored on that (or any similar) headboard in the SniffTrump household.

4. Virgin have recently announced that they're in the process of upgrading all 4MB (cable) customer to 10MB free of charge, so they might be lucky.

5. Yanks only THINK they're ahead of everyone else. Twats.

6. Yanks ain't as bad as Canucks though.

Anonymous said...

You see, I don't know whether that headboard thing is really old fashioned or whether it's quite mod.

If only my parents could take advantage of that super-fast broadband. As it is, they can't even turn the fucking computer on.

Broccoli, schmoccoli - I like it, but not in things (soups, etc).

Canucks, they're very sweet.

Anonymous said...

Canucks are sweet? And when the fuck did you taste one lady?!

The concept of the headboard is fine. It's the fact that it'll end up with the following on it;
1. Pepsi Max cans, both empty and half drunk. All sticky on the bottom leaving nasty marks.
2. Shrapnel from Sniff's pockets. She's not quite able to reach the money box 2 inchs to her right.
3. Dust. Inches of it. It pisses me off, but Sniff never sees it. Must be the bad eyesight.
4. Piles of books - half of them never opened, half of them 20 pages in.

So there you go. No headboard!

And I'm still REALLY poorly.

Anonymous said...

Cauliflower cheese is essential with roast rib of beef.

The Canucks stopped us starving to death during the war, so we can't be too hard on them.

Anonymous said...

Canadians are great, but I couldn't eat a whole one.

Anonymous said...

I'm quite sure Trump missed a couple of things off that list.

Anyway (fave word), I'm pleased to hear that Trump is still poorly. It'll teach her the hard lesson that life isn't easy.

Women should learn to feel poorly more often in order thatthey realise it's how they make men feel all the time.

There's nothing sweet about Canucks, apart from their departure from our wee isle.



Anonymous said...

That canal will come in handy for the bodies

Anonymous said...

And chanelling their overflow pipe from the toilet into.

Lesbo's shit the biggest shits ever, you know.

Massive big fluffy things so they are. And they expand like shaving foam.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if you could water ski in that canal Sniff? We were reminiscing about your water skiing days at Sproat Lake.... Ohhh how we laughed.

Anonymous said...

I laugh almost every day when I recall my waterskiing exploits. I've not spoken to anyone who's managed to learn to waterski as an adult, it's something that you need to pick up as an infant.

Piggy, despite Bellend Towers having three places to pee, you're using the canal when you visit.