Friday 16 May 2008


Cilantro is what the Americans call the leaf of the coriander plant - it makes sense and saves confusion between the green bit and the seeds.

Coriander leaf is a major component of Asian and Oriental cooking, it adds a pungent, fragrant flavour to dishes that I really enjoy. I love coriander, but coriander doesn't like me!

Apparently, coriander is an aphrodisiac (weh-hey!), but also a laxative (ah). I must admit that I've never experienced its aphrodisiac effects, but I often fall victim to its laxative properties. Yes, I love curries, but I find that within an hour or so of finishing, my guts start churning...

... and then I shit myself.

Without fail.

Annoying eh?

People who understand databases are weird
I'm trying to write a simple database. I can't do it. I think people who understand databases can also do cryptic crosswords. In fact, the workings of a database must be something akin to Lyra's alethiometer in the Dark Materials trilogy: lots of different overlapping planes of information all linked by jiggery-pokery and squinting.


I said I'd mow my parents' lawn tomorrow. Groan. Of course, Bell-end Towers has a lawn, and this means we'll have to buy a mower. But the choice! I'm inclined to go for a hover mower, simply because it feels like you're mowing the lawn with a space ship - how cool is that?

flying saucer

Something like this wouldn't be any good because it it'd be too big to get into the corners of lawn and it doesn't have a grass collector.


Anonymous said...

I wish I had a hovercraft from the 70's. They look ace.

Do you literally shit yourself? Or do you manage to get the bog in time first?

I can imagine that would make a trip to the balti-house touch and go if the people you're with are dithering over the bill.

Anonymous said...

I have been known to almost be caught short after a curry, but I usually make it to the toilet. I only have a very small window of opportunity before I reach safety though - about half an hour. It's a bit like the countdown scene in a film where a bomb is about to go off, I get the sweats and everything.

I don't know whether it's psychological or not, but it's very annoying.

Could you imagine if they did those sit-on petrol mowers that hovered? That would be AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

They would be the best - 'Now you can REALLY hover mow!'

I hate the curry sweats - I get them normally the next day - tears running down my face, holding onto the walls of the cubicle or the edge of the sink for support.... nasty. But those curries are yum yum.

Anonymous said...

Curries are fuckin' deeeelish.

The worst sweats I ever got were from Snappy Tomato Pizza's South of the Border variety. My goodness, they really hurt. I wonder if they still do them.

Anonymous said...

See: Snappy Tomato menu

South of the border with extra chilli.

Pure madness I tell you.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a pizza house of disreputable quality.

Anonymous said...

"Apparently, coriander is an aphrodisiac (weh-hey!), but also a laxative (ah)."

If that's true then it's concrete proof tha God exists and that he's a malevolent fucker.


Anonymous said...

I like databases.

And I'm good at cryptic crosswords.

I'm weird.