Wednesday 14 May 2008

Call for the emergency dog groomer

Rocky's beard is a bit long.

Rocky long beard
That's him with his seatbelt on

When he got shaved the other month, the only things to survive were his eyebrows and beard. The rest of his fur has grown back, and his beard jest kept on growing too.

Him having a long beard wouldn't normally present a problem, but we've gone back to Gravy Bites for his dinners, which he loves. He uses the gravy to condition his beard:

Rocky's tripey beard

It's like having a little furry leper in the house after he's had his tea; both of us try to avoid him, prevent him from coming near us and smearing his tripiness on us.

At least he's not a toddler - they're always full of snot and slobber and stickiness. Manky little bastards. I'm sure that between the ages of 8 months and 5 years, all children constantly have snot dribbles on their top lips. Disgusting.

I fail to see the attraction in them.

How do I tell my sister??? As much as I love my little niece, it makes me feel a bit queezy to go near her; she's had a cold and terrible bogies since she started nursery in November.

Children: disease-carrying parasites or bringers of joy and pensions?

After a couple of weeks of lovely warm weather, it's gone quite nippy again. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Anonymous said...

Poor little bugger...

Appears to have lost an ear in the 1st pic.

Toddlers are vile, and they just have to have ALL the attention.

Anonymous said...

Not as much attention as their mothers!

Rocky wears his ears like that to attract the ladies. They call him Mista Luvva Luvva, dontcha know.

Anonymous said...

He's a cutie... great name as well.

Kids in restaurants has been continuously the one thing that's made me most angry this past year - WHY??? WHY???

At least the McCanns had the decency to leave their kids in their room whilst they ate.

Anonymous said...

His full name is Rockford Nibs Trumpsniffer.

Kids are so all-consuming. They drain any room of its energy. Take take take, give me attention. You don't feel like you can sit and eat your meal because you're having to watch some chimp (no offence) mauling with their food and only taking in enough calories to fuel a sloth. So where does their energy come from? They recycle snot and live on it.

The McCanns - Myra Hindley and Ian Brady would've been proud of the way they got rid of their child... and got away with it.

Anonymous said...

Not just got away with it, but profited hugely!!! - If only I had a child i could make money off.

Fucking parents don't even tell their kids to sit down and not say anything, got forbid they should have 'boundaries'. No wonder so many yoofs are killing each other. I BLAME THE PARENTS.

Trumpsniffer? - That has to be the name of a cartoon, surely??

Anonymous said...

Trumpsniffer - it was fate, wasn't it?

You shouldn't be allowed to breed unless you pass a test.

"Do you read The Guardian?"
"Oh yes, we love the family section"
"Then please follow my colleague who will take you to our sterilisation centre. NEXT!"

Anonymous said...

It really was fate - blogging romances, I'm so pleased for you I can't say - well, i just did, but you get the idea.

I know people who are honestly thinking of having a 3rd and 4th kid - fucking idiots, seriously, where are they all going to go? I get it that Americans have big families, more space for them to live, but not here.

We should get government incentives for not breeding, like a thank you for being responsible, concerned and children loathing good citizens.

Anonymous said...

All the incentives for this government are for people to breed and keep on breeding without any thought for how they're going to pay for them.

"Tax credits for hard working families."

Drives me fucking mad.

Anonymous said...

It's crazy - it'll all change, have to, more and more people will opt to not have abortion dodgers and instead spend their money on themselves.

Oh yeah, I'm childless, selfish and proud.

Not that having kids makes you selfless, far from it frankly.

Anonymous said...

Kids. Exterminate the fucking lot of 'em, I say.

Irritating, annoying little cunts.

I must say it's very odd seeing Herge Smith popping up again after such a long absence.

Not before fucking time.

That dog of your looks fucking manky. It needs a good wash as well as a haircut.

I mean Rocky, of course. Not Trump.

Anonymous said...

Some people think that having children is 'addition'.

I regard it as 'dilution' and consequently remain proudly sprogless and richer as a consequence.

Anonymous said...

We're all childless heroes!

Anonymous said...

Yes, why don't the childless get any rewards. Humans are ruining the planet; there isn't enough food, water, oil, gas, room. Yet they keep on breeding and they keep getting rewarded by idiot socialist governments.

Rocky had a bath soon after that photo was taken - Pantene Pro V - he was delish afterwards.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, breeder here.

You'll be happy to know that Miss Peanut is regularly chastised for her poor behavior. And she is a delight to eat with in restaurants. I come from a "children are to be seen and not heard" family, and I'm passing that on.

Pantene Pro V? Spoiled little pooch!

Anonymous said...

"children are to be seen and not heard" - i think, Peevish that you are the last parent to enforce that.