Friday 30 May 2008

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep

We have a digital kitchen timer that beeps for every corresponding minute of the time that you set.

Fuck me. Setting it for a baked potato is REALLY annoying.

Other annoying things that beep include alarm clocks. What joyous things they are. You're at your most comfortable in the land of nod, heavy with sleep, deep in dreamland. And it all gets shattered by a single, quiet beep. A beep that replicates and amplifies the longer you leave it. Which utter bastard invented the alarm clock? It must've been much better in them days when people got knocked up by somebody banging on the window with a stick. Perhaps. Who knows? Perhaps somebody got fed up with being knocked up and invented the alarm clock as an alternative.

Inventive people should be shot.

Some people wrap their potatoes in foil before baking them. I scoff at those people.

Cocks and Gussets have sent out our revised mortgage offer letters. Wankers.

Vid du freaks
We've just been watching the video to Pat Benatar's Love is a battlefield on Virgin's music on demand service.

It's got it all, but mainly it's got freaks in abundance. Check it out:


Anonymous said...

I have just dined on fillet steak with brandy peppercorn sauce, Jersey Royal new potatoes tossed in butter and finely chopped parsley, and some lightly steamed English asparagus. Dessert was chocolate torte with raspberry coulis and whipped cream.


I scoff at baked potato eaters.

Anonymous said...

Saturday is fillet steak night, although I tend to go for a rib eye these days.

Anonymous said...

We had garlic and herb pasta with four cheese sauce, added mushrooms, added garlic and heaps of parmesan on top.

Massive platefuls.

It was simple, took only 20 mins to make and it was fucking delish.

I too scoff at baked potato eaters.

And the suckers that pay over-the-odds for Jersey Royals.

Anonymous said...

I never used to eat baked potatoes, but Trump likes them, so we have them with chilli con carne instead of rice. They're OK the way I do them.

I'm not generally mad keen on potatoes, I think I could live without them.

Anonymous said...

That Pat Benatar video is kinda like Thriller but with bad 80s hair. Scary.