Sunday 13 January 2008

Period living

I was in the supermarket the other day. As I left, I walked past the news stand and there I saw a glossy mag called Period Living. Imagine that, a monthly devoted to monthlies.

How nice.

I was too laden down with groceries to be bothered to stop to buy one, but it's left me pondering as to its content.

Editorial - How to tell when your colleague is being visited by the Pink Fairy
I don't think you need to read a magazine article to point out the tell-tale signs of a woman's menstrual cycle. And colleagues are best avoided irrespective of the state of their hormones and gussets.

Special feature - Plug it up or let it flow: do modern sanitary towels really cut the mustard?

Honestly, I can feel a letter coming on. And they sold it in Sainsbury's too!

I want my plastic wallet back!
I finally sent my driver's licence off to Swansea so as to change my address - I've only been here since April. Anyway, I sent off the paper bit, the card bit and the plastic wallet that they both came in originally. The amended licence was returned sans wallet. Thieving Welsh bastards.

I'll remember this the next time they want road tax from me. "Oh, did I forget to send the cheque? Silly me."

T minus seventeen
will be here in 17 days. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with her. I've never really thought about the things I could do with April in all honesty. No, really, honestly, it's never entered my head.

I wonder if I need to tell the local authorities that she's coming, just so as to warn them and so they can ensure an extra police presence round these parts.

I'm going to take on this thing, it'll be fun. I might tell her that you have to climb up the frame to access the pods.

Monday minus nine
The weekend is nearly over again. Sundays are so depressing; the anticipation of another week at work. How desperately miserable.


Anonymous said...

Don't bother with that wheel malarkey.

Take her out for a curry, teach her how to say 'fook' and 'I'm mad fer it me'. Then you can tool her up with a handgun and kick her out of the car.

I'm sure she'll cope.

Come to think of it you can have a freebie in one of my log cabins if you like.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh Garfy... I thought you were AWOL.

Who needs to go to Manchester now that I've seen the e-brochure and I've taken a virtual tour?

I'd love a curry. I'm already ace at saying fook I'll just brush up on the mad fer it bit and I'll be right set.

I need a new computer... this one has had the biscuit.

17 days... I'm soo excited.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to send her out carjacking with a difference - see if she can come back with a 192 bus.

And no fear, there will be curry - PLENTY of it.

OK cocker?

Anonymous said...

Did the mag have a wee string attached to it for carrying?

Make April genuflect.Take pics.

Anonymous said...

Yes the thieving Welsh bastards stole my plastic wallet when I passed my motorcycle test recently. If you read their blurb that comes with the new certificate, it states they no longer return plastic wallets.
Bit late telling you after the event!

Anonymous said...

Are you dead?

Anonymous said...

Considering that the immaculate Pissoff is visiting soon I think you should post.

Anonymous said...

Did SID just say 'immaculate'?

*wanders out in fit of laughter*

Anonymous said...



