Monday 4 June 2007


I don't know why, but I can't stop saying "yes" in the style of a pirate. I did it before in Tesco: "Have you got a Clubcard?"


I'm such a tit at times.

Back home after a fortnight wirelessless. My life has meaning again. I am whole.

As I get older, I find myself hankering after my childhood days when it was easy and nice. It didn't matter that you had no dress sense and that your hair was shockingly bad. It didn't to me.

You got told when you were doing OK at school, you did exams that confirmed whether you were doing OK. If you weren't doing OK, your parents could go in and defend you and tell the teacher why you weren't getting on as well as you could.

In the real world, at work, you just plod on. Nobody tells you whether the work you do is good, OK, rubbish. You just carry on. And they wonder why you lack motivation, but they never bother to ask why, they just think you don't give a crap.

If only we could have parents' evenings for the workplace. Get my mum to go into work and tell the bosses off. It'd shake the public sector up good and proper.

Just wait till I'm in charge.

London 2012
I'm hoping for the Third World War to kick off so we don't have to endure this pile of shite. I think the cost of another world war will probably a lot less than the cost of the London Olympics - you note LONDON Olympics, that the rest of the country is paying for, but won't get any benefit from. Nobody wanted these games to come to the UK - apart from Seb Coe and Ken Livingston, that is. Billions of pounds down the drain for the purpose of massaging two already over inflated egos.


Anyway, there's much excitement today as the new logo for the London Olympics has been unveiled.

London logo

I didn't actually realise what it was supposed to represent until I read what it was.

Here's my effort... about as much effort as is warranted.

London 2012

Act on CO2
Just seen a public service ad from the
Department for Transport on the telly about reducing CO2 emissions by reducing car engine revs and by driving smoothly. We'd love to drive smoothly, but they keep putting fucking road humps, traffic lights and 20mph limits all over the frigging roads.



Don't know why, but everything's gone Tahoma on the front page of my blog. Weird.


Anonymous said...

I still don't get it. What's it supposed to be?

Anonymous said...

Apparently, it's supposed to be "2012".

£400k for that.

Anonymous said...

" It didn't matter that you had no dress sense and that your hair was shockingly bad. It didn't to me."

Never! Really?

As for that fucking logo - I wish someone would explain HOW and WHY it cost £400,000.

I could have done better with my eyes closed.

Fucking pile of shite.

Anonymous said...

Yarrr, me hearty! Surrender the booty! Whoops, J. Stole your line...

Yeah, I'd like my Mommy to come in and talk to some of the asshat parents in my school who like to make excuses for their offspring's asinine behavior. Bitches.

Anonymous said...

I won't even begin to take government advice on global warming seriously until they have a co-ordinated policy across all dept's. Speed humps and smoking laws (come winter, patio heaters will be everywhere), trash any other attempts at CO2 reduction.


Anonymous said...

I trained as a designer. I think the £400k must include the cost of sticking it on vans, billbords, t shirts and the like, otherwise, how the fuck can you spend that much on what is essentially a doodle.


You've got me at it now.

Anonymous said...

Yar! For some reason the pirate vibe has been spreading amongst these parts (these parts being the city I live, not my parts)...

I am avoiding the Olympics for as long as possible, and I get the feeling it won't be much longer. They should see what I could do with £400k... Much more inventive. Yar!

Anonymous said...

Wow what a mum you have!

Mine tended to agree with the teachers "yes he is a lazy wee shit"

Now I do the same with teenage earthangel 2...can't beat family traditions.

Amen to the crap logo.


Anonymous said...

The logo has been withdrawn from the website and banned from TV because it isn't safe for people with epilepsy.

Let's hope it's permanent.

Anonymous said...

CNN showed part of the tv ad showing the logo. Thankfully I did not have an epileptic seizure. However, it re-enforced how utterly shite it is. What were they thinking...

Anonymous said...

Hiya Sniffffff.

My mother couldn't have possibly agreed with the teachers because she sees the negative in everything - including us.

I, on the other hand, am still having a seizure after looking at that logo. Maybe I'll hit my head and pass out soon.


Anonymous said...

It's actually "Yah" you have been saying. You've been surpressing it, but you secretly want to join the ranks of the Cressida/Jocasta set.. You're just emphasising the R at the end of it to "keep it real". The secret is out!

"Oh, yahh, I was at the spa.. me hearties".