Thursday 28 June 2007

The hostel of Trinidad

One of the most intriguing programmes on telly these past few weeks has been Channel 4's Sex Change Hospital. It features the hospital in Trinidad, Colorado that is the sex change capital of the world.

Marci Bowers, herself a transexual, is the chief surgeon and a woman who I like. The episodes show her meeting her patients, discussing their operations, and then getting right down to the graphic details as people go through genital reassignment surgery.

It is fucking gruesome, but compelling viewing all the same. Marci is a superstar who injects more than a touch of humour as she does away with her patients' bits and doings.

There was one trans man who never seemed happy with whatever procedure he had done; plunging himself and his partner into more and more debt, just so he could have the body he wanted.

His main complaint was that his penis wasn't large enough and that he had trouble reaching orgasm. He was about ten stone overweight. In theatre, Marci had a look at him, eaked his manhood out from beneath the fatty folds and, post op, recommended that he try to clean the cheese from his nob.

Boys will be boys eh?

The Hostel
I watched The Hostel on div at the weekend. Such a gory film, such a worrisome prospect - worrisome by the fact that you could actually imagine societies that kidnap folk so that rich people can pay to torture and kill them.

Trump had to watch Shrek to get over it.

I don't think we'll be going on holiday to Slovakia in a hurry.

The Hostel and Sex Change Hospital have many similarities. It's just that Marci Bowers cuts out the middleman kidnappers and charges her own victims for their slashings and cuttings, but lets them go at the end of it.


Anonymous said...

Marci Bowers is a genius. Imagine being a psycopathic slasher and getting someone to pay you for your little hobby!

I particularly enjoy the show Extreme Makeover, which is esentially the same thing, operation on someone until they are completely unrecognizable. Though I always wonder what the doctors have against normal sized breast. No matter what the woman looks like, or what she claims are he biggest problems (usually the nose and chin) she always ends up with shiny new tits to complete the look.


Anonymous said...

Marci Bowers is really funny. You've got to be a bit special if you can make jokes as you're lopping off someone's little soldier.

Hostel = trauma.

Anonymous said...

Hostel, Saw I-III, and their ilk are movies that I will never, EVER watch. I can't take torture films, and I can't help but wonder about the direction of society when these films become mainstream entertainment.

Why am I in this handbasket?

Anonymous said...

That's brilliant - that she gets paid to do that not the dick cheese.

Anonymous said...

I'm facinated by gender reasignment op's.

I find it amazing how masculine a woman can look after loosing her 'what nots' and 15 years of testosterone injections.

I notice that constructed vaginas always look like a kid of three made it in oregami class.

Anonymous said...

It's those guys that do their own reassignment I admire.

Especially the one that used those extra duty wire cutters.


Anonymous said...

I walked out of hostel in disgust. You have to be MENKO to enjoy that shit - are you?

Apparently Captivity is in a similar vein so that's another to avoid.

I enjoy a good horror but not gratuitous violence/torture.

Anonymous said...

The Hostel was too disturbing - much more than I'd anticipated. I won't be watching the sequel.