Monday 25 June 2007

Day off

I've got the day off today. I'm still in bed. If we had proper summer weather in this country, I'd be out and about, enjoying the warm sunshine, skipping through flower-filled meadows, stopping to make daisy chains.


As it is, we've had apocalyptic weather for the past eight weeks and I think today the UK is being hit by a fucking hurricane. Awful wind and rain and cold.

It's so bad that my body is being tricked into going into hibernation.

I'm going to book a holiday, get away from this place, get a bit of sunshine.

Where should I go?

Out on a school night
So why did I choose to take such an awful day off work? Well, I went out last night and, anticipating this and subsequent tiredness, I planned ahead and booked a day's leave. But where would Sniffy go on a school night?

Yes, I went to see the FABULOUS Marc Almond.

He was wonderful. What a voice! What a performer! Not bad for somebody who nearly died a couple of years ago.

Trump kept her ticket: "I'm keeping this, he might be dead soon", she said as we entered the Ritz in Manchester.

So that was good.

The audience was so weird. I don't know why, but whenever I'm at a standing only venue, I always get to stand behind the tallest blokes with the biggest spiky hair. They wore lots of eye makeup and their female companions were equally odd-looking.

Between me and that giants, stood a bloke in a dogtooth check jacket - he was arm's length from the woman he was with. They didn't speak. He shuffled his position and scratched his greasy head at just the right times to ensure that he, in combination with They might be goth giants, blocked my view of the star of the show. He and his woman left after half an hour. They didn't speak or make contact with each other, simply turned and left. Weirdos.

Fuck, why am I complaining about weirdos at a Marc Almond concert?

Thank you for the invitation
I was supposed to be going out for a curry with my colleagues tonight. But the only colleagues that I'd care to spend time out of (and in) work with aren't going. Now, politically, I should go because it's a leaving do for somebody who's been acting head of department for a year or so, plus, some new "team" members have been invited before they take up their posts so it'd be good to show my face. But I can't be arsed. If I'm just going to show my face, then this tells me that I shouldn't really be going. Especially if it's not free.

Work's dos are generally torturous affairs, thought up to keep employees on their toes. I'm sure they should be covered by employment laws so that workers across the world are protected from this out of office scrutiny. "We want to thank you for your efforts throughout the year. This is your opportunity to let your hair down. Enjoy yourselves. But not too much, obviously, because we're still watching and we will remember every single faux pas."

Why don't I just put my blog address on my e-mail signature?


Anonymous said...

Dearest Tina,

why not go to NYC? You can take Trump to Trump Tower and worship at the shrine of gingerness.

Yours obsequiously,


Anonymous said...

Darling Tina: Why are you bothering to blog if you're still lying in bed? Shouldn't you be enjoying your time off? Roll over and go back to sleep, else.

Anonymous said...

I'd be out and about, enjoying the warm sunshine, skipping through flower-filled meadows, stopping to make daisy chains.

No you wouldn't. You'd be out there stamping on the daisies and take pot-shots at the lambs with a rocket launcher.

Anonymous said...

I'd be out and about, enjoying the warm sunshine, skipping through flower-filled meadows, stopping to make daisy chains.

No, you wouldn't.

That'd be much too girly for you.

Besides, you might get mistaken for a scarecrow by some local chavs out practising with their air rifles.

Anonymous said...

NYC is hopefully on the cards, but not this year, and I need sunshine NOW! It's fucking horrible here this summer, totally shit.

Hey Karen, I'd already done the sleepy lie in and stuff, don't worry, I didn't waste that part of my day off.

Widget news spam cunts.

Convict and Piggy/Tazzy, you're so WRONG! I'd never aim a rocket attack at a lamb, maybe a rambler - one that walks with one of those long sticks, who wears waterproof leg-covers. Nobs.

Anonymous said...

There was 6 inches of snow on the Coquihalla (sp?) this morning. I'm fucking freezing.

Anonymous said...

I really don't think it's ever going to stop raining. I'm so fed up.

Anonymous said...

Hey you! (The correct way to begin emails)

I'd be out and about, enjoying the warm sunshine, skipping through flower-filled meadows, stopping to make daisy chains.

No you wouldn't. There is no flower-filled meadows in Salford.


Anonymous said...

The sun is shining the birds are singing.

Time for Sniffy to emerge blinking at the light, her cattle prod at the ready.