Wednesday 9 May 2007


I've noticed more drivers creeping through traffic lights as they turn to red. Twats. But not as bad as the utter tosspot who drove past a line of stationary traffic that was stopped at a pelican crossing on red, yes, narrowly missing the folk who were crossing. Nobrot.

Oh the joys of motoring, and the hazards of being a pedestrian. UK pedestrians can't help but notice the changes to pavements on the approach to crossings. In their wisdom, councils have done away with the nice, smooth slope down to the kerb in favour of tactile paving slabs with raised bumps. These are intended to warn blind people that they're approaching the road. That's what they're intended for; what they actually do is cause agony for older people with arthritis and anybody with sore feet or joints. They also break up and cause a trip hazard.

Sore feet slabs

Look at the shadow of the person in the picture. They're scratching their in puzzlement at the crazy paving before them. "How do I traverse this dangerous footway unharmed?". That's what they're saying to themselves.

So all this for the benefit of, oh I have no idea of the proportion of population that is 100% absolutely, can't see a fucking thing BLIND, but I know a much greater proportion suffer from arthritis, sore feet and joints, and tripping up over broken paving slabs. I hate them, they REALLY hurt my feet.

I think making things easier for people with disabilities is absolutely necessary, but there must be a better way of doing this. Imagine if you're totally blind with arthritic knees and ankles? At least people who can see can avoid these bumpy pavements, and they do. Next time you're out and about, have a look at the people walking in front of you and watch how they skirt round the bumpy approaches to the crossings. Most will, believe me.

Ups and downs
Trying to upload 75MB worth of photos to Costco for printing while downloading Windows updates. Network and Trump not happy.

They're here, they are wonderful. I bet I could run really fast in them.


Anonymous said...

Yes, but going over those bumps in a wheelchair is really stimulating.

Lets them know their cumming to a road.

I'm going to hell aren't I?

Anonymous said...

Dirty bird. Straight to hell, do not pass go.

Can't wait until I get my bariatric scooter. You know, the one with the special ridged saddle.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm. I want one that does 1mph,instead of the superfast 8mph.

Middle of the road for me it is.

Anonymous said...

I saw something very twattish on the road this evening.
The traffic had slowed and at first, I couldn't see why. Turned out to be a kid on a scooter, texting whilst riding.
In the rush hour, in the rain!

Anonymous said...

Pictures Sniff... Pictures.

Anonymous said...

Lday Mcuk is back as betty destructor. she's turning into you.

Anonymous said...

As part of the ridiculisation of Crewe's main thoroughfare, the local council have installed humps (this is the main trunk road through the town just to reiterate) and reduced the speed limit to 20mph (again, it's a main road). Now these humps are black, and the road is black. They don't have lights on, they don't have islands and they certainly don't have belisha fricking beacons, yet astonishingly every single one of them is met on either side by these bumpy paving slabs. Everyone with half an eye working can see that they are not pedestrian crossings.

Not so much the blind fellas who only have their super sensitive feet to go by.