Wednesday 23 May 2007

"Reply me immediately"

From: ramin razaq <> Sent: Wednesday, 23 May, 2007 1:39:32 PM Subject: Reply me immediately From: Dr Ramin Razaq Attention please, I am Dr Ramin Razaq the bank manager of AFRICA BANK (AB) BURKINA FASO WEST AFRICA BRANCH. I am contacting you based on Trust and confidentiality that you will keep this as top secret. don't be scared or surprised, i am the manager of AFRICA BANK and i have an opportunity to transfer sum of US$10.5MILLION (TEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED UNITED STATE DOLLARS) I have the courage to look for a reliable and Honest Person who will be capable for this important business Transaction, believing that you will never let me down either now or in Future. The owner of this account is JOSEPH F. GRILLO, foreigner and he is the Manager Of petrol chemical service, a chemical engineer by Proffession.He died in world trade center as a victim of the September 11,2001 Incident that befall the United State of America, the bank has made series of efforts to contact any of the relatives to claim this money but without success, you can confirm through this website: and my Investigation proved to me as well that his company does not know anything About this account. I want to transfer this money into a safe foreign account abroad but I Don't know any foreigner,I know that this message will come to you as a surprise as we don't know ourselves before, but be sure that it is real And A Genuine business. hope that you will never let me down in this transaction, at the conclusion of this business, you will be giving 30% of the total amount, 70% will be for me. I look forward to your earliest reply by email for more details Thanks. Best regards Dr Razaq.

So, how should Sniffy reply?
  1. Fuck off
  2. Learn to type/spell, you ignorant shite
  4. Is this the same as "Sucky-sucky, ten dollah. I love you long time?"
  5. Just fuck off

I'm at work. I can't access blogs. Half of my other favourite sites have also been blocked. Nobody to talk to. Need Kit Kat. Want to go home.

Looshkin respite
Looshkin the psychotic cat is enjoying her stay at Trump's parents' home. She is a cat transformed: cuddly, friendly happy. We're puzzled by this. What is wrong with her that she doesn't like her real home in a Manchester 'hood, where she can enjoy watching youngsters enjoying the open space of the field behind the house; the scratbag yobs on scooters, flying around the roads at all times of day and night; the nicotine as it drifts in from the neighbours on one side; the sound of the young father playfully chasing his daughter around the house (with an axe) on the other; the threat from Snowy, the nicotine-stained cat, as he stares up at her from the top of his fence.

Of course, her attitude to her current temporary dwelling might change if she happens upon a chance encounter with Jazz, the toe-licking Staffordshire Bull Terrier.


Anonymous said...

Same responce as everyone else. Delete.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it "Me so horny. Me love you long time."

I'm sure it is Sniff.

Anonymous said...

yes, Tickers, of course we all usually delete without reading, but I'm at work and l'm bored and reading it killed a few more seconds in the countdown to hometime!

April, I'm not fussed either way. Very kind offer.

Anonymous said...

So lucky ramin is writing to you too??

That cunt razaq fucking owes me big time.

Please write back and say YOU CUNT...SIDs soicitors are on the case.

Anonymous said...

I seem to have had his whole fucking family emailing me over the past 6 months.

Bunch of cunts.

Kit Kat, eh? Nothing better than a couple of chocolate fingers.

Anonymous said...

Just eat many KitKats.

Anonymous said...

I think we've all received that e mail.

Conmen from Ongobongoland really should make use of a spellchecker.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the Africa bank thing.
Bit embarrassing really I clicked on the wrong button and sent it to everyone.
My mum's asking some very awkward questions.