Monday 7 May 2007


In the year or so since I've been using Trump's fridge, I've always been most puzzled by the door. There's this bit where nothing really fits; you can slot in a bottle of salad dressing, or a salami, or a bag of mozzarella... until it goes off and explodes.

As the rest of the fridge was becoming short on space - mainly because of the huge ice monster that was encroaching from the useless icebox - I searched for an alternative location for my cans of pop. And then I had an epiphany:

Pop dispenser

Well, you'd have thought she'd have told me, wouldn't you?

I don't really like fridges; they tend to be hiding places for long-forgotten groceries. Are they fit to eat? Will they taste nasty? Will they taste OK, but be toxic? You end up playing a game of Russian roulette with a jar of pesto.

Who'd have thought a fridge could cause such excitement? The whole experience had me scouring the internet for fridges. They're not cheap, and you don't pay much less for one that doesn't have an icebox. Why pay for something that doesn't freeze anything, that wastes electricity and takes up valuable space that could otherwise be occupied by good things like gala pie or scotch eggs.

The L Word
I love The L Word and I can't wait until series 4 is available here in the UK. But until then, I am forced to watch the previous series on DVD , over and over. After the first couple of viewings, you get over the excitement of watching some of the hottest women play out some fairly steamy sex scenes and you start to notice some pretty terrible acting.

Now, only those who have ever seen the show will understand this, but how crap is Tina? Bette (the gorgeous Jennifer Beals) loses grant money, she informs Tina who, with a look of a seven year old in a school play being told to "act like you don't believe what you've just been told", mouths a "wha?" and says "That's totally fucked up!" Awful.

And I, along with the entire lesbian population, would love it if Jenny would just fuck off.

But the one thing that pisses me off about this is the patronising way the owner and manager of the show's social centre refer to "these people", "our community". For example, "Many of our community like to use wireless internet, so let's hook up a network". Or "Many of our community are vegetarians". Or "These people deserve a place where they can come and be themselves and enjoy themselves." And of course, nobody else likes any of these things.

That's totally fucked up.

I'm getting new slippers. I am very excited.


Anonymous said...

Yay! First!

Fluffy bunny slippers, I hope?

On second thoughts, how about some granny slippers?

And a pipe.

Anonymous said...

When you start to get excited about slippers, you know it's the beginning of the end.

Anonymous said...

I already have a pipe. The slippers are red towelling; they're from an online slipper store, called slipperstore, surprisingly enough.

Anonymous said...


where did our relationship go wrong.

Anonymous said...

I'm just trying to avoid another flip-flop disaster like the one last summer.

Anonymous said...

That Pepsi Max in the fridge?


It's got to be the most revolting version of Pepsi in existence.

As for the red towelling slippers - at least they hide the drips, I suppose.


Anonymous said...

Pepsi Max is fuckin delish.

I was going to get navy blue slippers, but the red ones kind of jumped out at me. Just look at the luxury. You are so jealous.

Anonymous said...

Wait for Christmas.

*hint hint Trump*

Anonymous said...

Yes it is true that a large percentage of the lesbian "community" are vegetarians.
Because eating pussy doesn't count does it!

Tee hee.
Thats me trying to be funny not offensive.

Anonymous said...

English fridges are too small. I say buy a second fridge and put it outside in your carport...!

Anonymous said...

* hunts around in the back of fridge *

Wow! A tribe of pygmy Inuits!

And a pot of salmon spread from 1972...

You're right Sniffy - Friges are exciting!

Anonymous said...

Al, apparently, vegan men's cum tastes really sweet. Or so one of the characters in the l word claims.

April, have you ever seen a British terraced house?

IDV, thank you for your input.

Anonymous said...

I have two fridges.

One for beer.