Wednesday 14 March 2007

Take. Tube. A...

I ache. I am very tired too.

Today was "sort the back bedroom out" day at Trump's and this involved:

  • Clearing out the back bedroom
  • Painting it
  • Assembling a huge fucking flatpack wardrobe that had been delivered at 7.30 in the morning
  • Being shouted at because it was bigger than we both expected and we couldn't get it to stand up because there wasn't enough room.
  • Assembling a flatpack desk - again huge
  • Putting stuff back in the room
My back hurts and I have carpet burns.

The assembly of flatpack furniture is sometimes quite a challenge. This is particularly the case when the item you are putting together is about 50% bigger than you'd anticipated. It was OK putting the main frame together, but getting it from a lying to a standing position was something of a challenge. She kept shouting at me and shuffling the offending bits of badly joined chipboard around.

"Will you just stop shuffling the fucking thing around the floor and explain to me what it is you're trying to do!"

I snapped. Me!

Would my wonderful relationship with Trump end with me ramming a screwdriver into her head?....


Nah, of course not. We calmed down and got it sorted.


It is fucking massive and I don't think it'll ever come out of that room again. I'm already having wicked thoughts about attacking it with an axe.

Anyway, what else? Ikea is annoying. It attracts annoying people and annoying families. The problem is that you're kind of herded around the recommended walk way and you always get stuck with the same groups of people are you navigate the store. Last night, not wanting to seem anti-semitic - because I'm not, we were accompanied on our trek around the Ashton store by the cast of Fiddler on the roof. Well, not the entire cast, just the annoying fucking children who kept barging into us.

We were also plagued by some chav cow who shuffled her way through life with a sullen expression on her over made-up face. Why can't people pick their feet up when they walk? She was with her mother. If I'd have shuffled about like that with my mum, I'd have been told off.

And of course, there was the obligatory large Asian family with small toddler. It was gone 8pm. Noticing my despair, Trump said "Oh be fair, it looks happy enough."

"Yes, it does now. But it'll be getting tired and all it will take is one tiny thing and it'll kick off and scream round the rest of the store."

Count to five...


True to form, the little bastard ran into something, bashed itself and then spent the rest of its time there crying its head off.

And Ikea are fuckers. I'd checked their website for the availability of the desk we'd gone to buy and it claimed to have it in stock, but there were none. So this meant a trip to the Warrington store in a panic with my petrol light on. I've never had a petrol light come on before; it was exciting, but quite stressful.

Got to get rest now. Tomorrow promises more stress and excitement. Report to follow.


Anonymous said...

FIRST! Yay me!

Anonymous said...

Ikea is the same here as it is there. How peculiar is that? Exactly the same. Do they have a restaurant that sells 'homemade' Swedish meatballs and other weird stuff? Do you have to buy your own sacks? We have to pay .05 a piece for them. I wanted to buy this lovely cabinet at Ikea but their web site says it isn't in stock at my local store. HA! They've probably got fifteen of them! Can't fool me!

Anonymous said...

Oh that bitch! It said '0 comments' when I clicked.

Anyway (fave word).

Wardrobe: Dykes with 'screw'drivers. I laughed at that thought.

Wordrobe: Well done. Not bad for girlies.

Ikea: Hate the fucking place for exactly the same reasons.

Petrol light on: I once tried this on the motorway, thinking 'Oh I'll safely get to the next service station'.

My thought was wrong. Ran out of petrol fucking miles away from anywhere. Had to call the RAC.

In the 2 fucking hours it took for them to arrive and charge me almost a tenner for a gallon of petrol (and in kindly words refer to me a a 'stupid cunt'), about half a dozen cars almost smashed into me whilst rubber-necking.

Anonymous said...

if you survived a joint trip to ikea, then your relationship is solid :-)

Wifeys always driving with the petrol light on, drives me nuts lol

Anonymous said...

My current bad back is indirectly due to an Ikea office chair which collapsed.

Anonymous said...

Carpet burns? I'd like to know where they are and how you got're a dirty girl, aren't you?

I once ended up with rug burn on my stomach but I refuse to divulge any more details.

Anonymous said...

Sniffer has reported that the bombino has arrived safely. I'll let her give you the details. Let's just say, from the look of it, Sniffer could be the mother. It's a small less wrinkly version of her.

This wardrobe is a beast. Anne Frank could run around in it. I have carpet burns too. Nothing kinky, just foul nylon carpet and me decorating in shorts. I can barely move my legs today.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Bombino dropped!

Looks like Sniffy, eh? Genetics are weird that way...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Sniffy!
Being an Aunty is the best... it's amazing how quickly you can turn your attention from gadgets to baby clothes.
Look forward to pics and updates soon.

Anonymous said...

Well, Aunty Sniff, eh? Congratulations!

Petrol light in Car has been on for the past week - I took it to get filled up this morning.

Fifty Quid!

Actually, £50.12. never am I letting Car drink so much again.

What's with Trump's ceiling? Bloody ghastly.

Anonymous said...

I don't suppose the other customers in Ikea were too thrilled to have a stroppy lezza going round with them either.

Anonymous said...

A valid point, both from Tickers and Anonymous - you cunt!