Friday 9 March 2007


I take issue with quite a few things, although not to the point of becoming obsessive. Well that's not true; once my knickers in a twist about something, I'm well and truly wedgied by it for the rest of my life.

One thing that I can't reconcile myself with is things on PC keyboards. I'm currently using Trump's computer as she takes a well-earned, post-dinner snooze. This is what I found on her keyboard:

Keyboard stuff

Now, I know I shouldn't really complain - especially since it's not my PC - but why do people rest things on their keyboards in such a way? It just annoys me. It's not so noticeable here, but tomorrow I'll be using a PC at the Moonlighting Drugs Testing Agency and I can guarantee that there will be about three or four pens resting on the keyboard of the PC that I'll be using to do number crunching and stuff. They just get in the way, and if I hit the keys hard enough, the pens and pencils bounce up and roll into the path of my rapidly dancing digits.


Another "stuff" thing that I have well and truly decided that I dislike is peppers. You know those bell pepper things? More to the point I don't like them: chopped small in things; raw in salads. I had some sushi for lunch and there were two tiny bits of red pepper in one of the fishy roll things. What the fuck for? They added nothing to the flavour, mainly because they fell out due to my poor chopstick control, but nonetheless, they contributed absolutely nothing to my £1.99 lunch. That's £1.99 for something that looked like it had been cobbled together from the contents of the pig bin.

I know where I stand with my minestrone cup a soups and so I really should stick to what I know, even though they do contain far too much in the way of rehydrated red pepper.

What is it with those fucktards who hang anything that can be hung from a lanyard around their necks? You see them wandering about town, looking "cool", with a mobile phone, set of keys, MP3 player and shite dangling from a neck band. Nobs. The same is true for work colleagues who hang keys, nail clippers and pens from their ID card chain. I suppose the sound of them jangling along serves a similar purpose to the bells that lepers used to warn of their approach: "Cock alert! Heads down unless you want an hour long conversation with a fuckwit!". They could always try wearing a collar and a bell like my cats have.

Of course, I do use one of these things myself for my work ID card. It looks like this:


Actually, I have two because I work for two places. I am blessed.

Anyway, you see the quick panic release bit that sits at the back of the neck for when your being throttled by an angry member of the public. You see, working with NHS staff members, I can fully understand why members of the public would want to strangle certain NHS employees.


Anonymous said...

The only good pepper is a roasted red one.

All raw peppers are foul. Colourful, yes, but still disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Is that a wee tin of Vaseline I spotted? I wonder what that might be for?

And what about that box of Canasten One?

I love raw yellow and red peppers. Garfy doesn't know whats good for him.

Anonymous said...


Whenever I've had ministrone soup, it's always had wee bits of red pepper in it.

Anonymous said...


Most NHS employee's (not including yourself, obviously) are a bunch of twats.

I view them as no different to Council staff, except that they work in a hospital, or somewhere.

Do you know who I think are the absolute angels of the NHS? Well, I'll tell you - its the Ancillary/Auxillary staff.

During me stay last year (for the kidney stone episode), nurses were rarely to be seen. When I did see them (after annoying the fuck out of them by pressing the 'call' button on that wee keypad thingy that they invariably ignore), they always seemed pissed off that I'd dragged them away from their tea/biscuits/chats about last nights shag/cocaine.

The Ancilllary and Auxillary staff, bless their cotton socks, were all fucking brilliant - surely the most undervalued/underpaid staff in a hospital.

Anonymous said...

Fucking heck - 3 comments (now 4) from me in one day!

Now that's what I call value for money.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are obsessive, and please take Shift.Click out of your list and replace it with MINE. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Piggy, I'm with you on the Healthcare Assistants (as they're now called) - paid rubbish wages and do all the hard work while (too many) nurses steal their wages.

I also find the bits of pepper in a minestrone cup a soup a bit of a distraction; thank god the croutons are there to make it all better. I quite like roasted peppers and peppers cooked in big chunks (e.g. ratatouille) and I'm a bit of a hypocrite in that I like peppers chopped smallish and cooked in a chilli con carne. Apart from that though, they're hideous.

Shift click is back eh? JOY!

Anonymous said...

It's all change here at the NHS in NI from 1st April due to RPA.

Another waste of time and money.

I hate my ID badge, though it doesn't have NHS so neatly written on it like yours.

If they don't already know me.

Fuck em.

Anonymous said...

Really, goes to a fucking spamming blog -

Anonymous said...

I see far too many people walking around here with 5lbs of crap hanging from their lanyards. They'll eventually have neck problems and our taxes will be raised to have their heads adjusted. Losers.

Anonymous said...

In all honesty I never wear my ID card unless I really have to. I don't like advertise who I am to the norberts wandering about the place and anybody who needs to know me does so already. I also hate the way that my ID badge swings about and bashes against me. Annoying piece of shite.

Anonymous said...

Love the peppers - red, green, orange, yellow, jalapeno... mmmm. Not a fan of the lanyard - they give me the urge to run up behind people I dislike and choke them with it. As for the keyboards, I will not take a picture of mine, it's likely to show off all the crumbs, empty coke cans, and last nights dirty dishes.

And who the hell puts croutons in minestrone? Blasphemy!

Anonymous said...

Batchelors put croutons in their minestrone cup a soup, they're the most nutritious thing about them.

I love jalapenos. I also love jalapeno flavoured jelly beans from the Jelly Belly company.