Tuesday 20 March 2007


I'm tired today. My sleep was disturbed for the second consecutive night last night and I'm not happy about it. That feeling that you get when you're tired; it seems as if somebody has got their hands around your brain giving it a Chinese burn, sort of pulls your eyes together so you can't focus too.

And then you have to be able to string words into sentences because you're at work. Bastards.

But why is Sniffy so tired? Well, I was woken a few times on Sunday night by the sack of screaming - moreso by Bomb who insisted on bringing her downstairs to change her nappy. Nice of her, considering I'd given up my bedroom for the both of them because it's bigger than the downstairs spare room with the tiny bed and ridiculously bouncy mattress!

So last night I went to Trump's as planned. Thank goodness for an early night and 7 hours sleep! Or so I thought...

As Trump finished her dealings on the internet, I drifted into sleep.

10.30: Theme from Wonder Woman on my mobile. Big Connie wanting to know how to change the timing on the central heating because Anna was going to sleep downstairs that night. Half asleep, I had to talk her through the not-difficult process, but not without me getting annoyed at her lack of comprehension, common sense, attention.

10.40: Drop off with some programme about sleep disorders wittering on in the background. Brrrr... chilly tonight!

Don't know what time it was but: Woken up by Trump dropping VERY COLD all-in-one remote control on my bear arm. "Nnnnnnooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sleeeeeeeeeeeeping"

It was almost a tantrum, but not as big as the one I threw when she wanted a cuddle with her freezing cold limbs on my toasty body.

"Why are you doing this? I need some sleep! I'm so tired!!!"

"But I'm cold and I want a cuddle"

Drifted off to sleep again...

11.58: "Phar-phaaar-phar-phaaaaaaaaaaar... And that's all that happened in Parliament today, now it's time for the news at midnight on Radio 4. Peep, peep, peep, peep, peep, peeeeeeeep"

For fuck's sake.

4.44: Inside my head "All my life, watching America. All my life, there's panic in America..." Visions of Razorlight's weird-looking singer scare me further from my sleep. I am awake an hour before getting up time.

What the fuck is going on? Why the hell am I waking up before 5am with that awful song going through my head? What sort of evil tricks is my mind playing on me?

It's no wonder I'm mental.

Use the force, Skywalker
Well, would you?


Four thousand feet above ground on a platform of glass above the spectacular Grand Canyon. Yes, it's the Grand Canyon Skywalk.

Even crawling on all-fours, I'd get that awful feeling of the ground coming up to meet my eyebrows, bringing my stomach with it. Followed by nausea and blind panic.

So despite my strong desires to visit the Grand Canyon, I think an invitation to walk the Skywalk would be met with a firm "Hell no!" from Sniffy.


Anonymous said...

Yay! First!

I'd LOVE to do that glass thing!

Next year, perhaps.

Who else is going?

Anonymous said...

I'd LOVE to do the Grand Canyon, but I couldn't live with the crippling embarrassment of being rescued from a glass walkway.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about the glass walkway. It reminds me of the time we went to the Delaware Natural History museum, where they have a section with glass floor with an ocean floor recreated underneath. My brother was about 2 years old at the time and couldn't be coaxed out onto that glass floor for anything.

Anonymous said...

Sleep. Oh god, sleep.

I sympathise, as I'm a light sleeper. And internal walls in any house built in the last 20 years are paper-thin. Japanese walls. And I live with inconsiderate twats.

But listen! Irritating songs in your head can be your friend!

I use them to get to sleep. Try imagining them slowly changing key, and pitch, and getttinng... sloowweerr. Then keep them spinning at about 10rpm until sleep claims you.

Also, when you are trying to sleep but you keep obsessing on something awful, like a recent tragedy, for instance. The power of the annoying tune drives everything else before it! Try: The Pussycat Dolls, "doentcha wishya gulfrend was hat like mee, doentcha. wa wa wa wa waa waa waa, wa wa wa wa waa waa waa". Repeat. Repeat.

Though admittedly I couldn't suffer Razorlight either, I've never seen such a smug projecting face. The rage would wake me.

Earplugs are cheaply available on eBay. Mylot123 is my supplier - they hurt after a bit though.
Good luck.

Grand canyon: I'd trust a basket lowered on ropes, but not that thing! Hell no!

For closer to home, Blackpool Tower have a section of thick transparent flooring right at the top. Not exactly the canyon, I know, and the best reason not to look down is that if you do, you will see Blackpool - which is just as scary as a 40,000ft drop, and almost as likely to kill you. But it saves you a plane trip, and American customs, so consider it! Jumping on it is genuinely a rush of fear ¦¬).

Anonymous said...

Cnn had a bit on this stupid thing this morning. Apparently it costs $50 to get on the reservation and then another $25 to go out for about 15 minutes (yeah...that's all) and you CANNOT bring a camera or cell phone in case you drop it.

Who's stupid idea was this?

Perhaps the cuddle with Trump wouldn't have been such a bad idea. It could lead to doing things that when you're done make you very sleepy...or so I've heard.

Anonymous said...

The tune going round my head lately has been the bloody Sacla advert tune.

I had a good 24 hours of sleep over the last day. Could've done without the fever, vomiting and squits though.

Anonymous said...

BBC World Service had a reporter on the skywalk thing in the early hours of this morning.

He was broadcasting as he went on it, and his voice (and legs) went all wobbly for a moment, then he sort of regained some composure (he was babbling a bit, though). Until he looked through the wall bit, and gave an involuntary "oooh".

He said it was ace overall and well recommended.

You can probably "listen again" online, they're good for that these days.

Anonymous said...

Heck no on the skywalk. I couldn't handle the glass section of floor at the CN Tower in Toronto, and that's only about 1000 ft above the ground. Even then, the brave were crawling across it. I don't know how they'll make any money on the Skywalk if that many people are afraid of it.

Anonymous said...

I, too, would have to be on all fours to go out on the skywalk ... I have atrocious depth perception that causes me to have to inch my way down stairs (if I have my hands full and can't see over whatever it is I'm carrying.) I've already broken several bones in my feet from misstepping. No glass skywalk for me. ::shudder::

No radio on my bedside table, either. Horrible thought!

Anonymous said...

Hello Loz and Kirsten, and thanks to you both.

It seems that we have a resounding "I don't THINK so" to the prospect of doing the skywalk. As Loz said, Blackpool Tower has a perspex platform that I once crawled over - in my youth - and I don't think I'll do anything approaching that again. CN Tower? HELL NO!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You deserve intelligent and constructive advice. You won't get it from me 'cos I'm totally pissed.

Anonymous said...

Have you thought about posting anything this week?

Lazy cunt.

Any fewer posts and we'll be starting to think you've eloped with that other lazy cunt, SID.