Friday 16 March 2007

Cakesniffer's Birthing Centre

Having virtually been at the conception of Bomb's baby, the day finally arrived for her to give birth.

Bomb drop

She was booked in for an elective caesarian, but with one thing or another, she found herself hanging on past 3pm yesterday. Tempers were becoming frayed and Connie decided to take things into her own hands. "I've seen loads of these things, I can do it myself. Wait here and I'll be back..."

Connie attack

I waited in the room next door and after about half an hour, I heard some squeals, which were quickly followed by Connie coming in to show me this:

Connie 2

Connie Connie

Yes, this is my little niece, who is also called Connie.

She is tiny, but pretty cute. More importantly, she's healthy and seems to have a good appetite.

Bomb and Connie

So that's me for you, Auntie Sniff. I'm going to have lots of fun helping her grow up.

Auntie Sniff

I have a list of things that she must do:

  • Be happy and confident (but not gobby like her mum)
  • Be healthy
  • Learn to speak Italian
  • Learn to play a musical instrument, preferably the piano, but drums would be fun
  • Like animals
  • Respect her elders
  • Do as she's told
That'll do I reckon.

I just wish she could've waited to be born after the weekend. I've had to buy two mother's day cards now!


Anonymous said...

Aw, the little munchkin is adorable (for a baby I guess). And you look like the happiest auntie ever Sniffy. Congrats and hope that mom and baby are doing well.

2 Connies? How will we ever keep the stories straight?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all concerned! Fine bloody bit of business, that! Whoohoo!

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwww! And you look like a natural holding that baby! She's a cutie pie, too, all pink and plump! Miss Peanut was greyish and wrinkly...

Nice work to the Bomb, and cuddles to Baby Connie. How's Big Connie doing in her new role of Gran?

Anonymous said...

Yay for Sniffy and Co!

Congrats blah de blah.

Yay! for sleepless nights,dirty nappies,no money,high pitched screaming and all the misery to come.

Welcome to my world.

*feels broody again*

*thanks God it has now stopped*

Anonymous said...

Have you tried nursing her yet Sniff?

Anonymous said... just don't want a kid that's learned to play drums.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but it won't be my kid, will it?

Hee hee hee