Thursday 29 March 2007

Arise Sir Bonio

This picture says a thousand words

Sir Bonio

But the only word required is "cunt".

And this story has done nothing to ease the churning in my stomach, pounding in my head and grinding of my teeth that are the result of trying to deal with NHS bureaucracy that has been causing me much stress for the past few weeks.

The following people have been knighted or damed:

Sir Bob Geldof
Sir Paul McCartney
Sir Ellen McCarthur
Sir Kelly Holmes
Sir Cliff Richard
And now Sir Bonio of iPod

These people quite a lot in common, but in the main, they have featured in my blog because of crimes against humanity. Although admittedly, Kelly is only in that list because she's got better abs than is humanly possibly in a woman and that makes her a total bastard in my book.

So Sniffy is stressed and she wants to kill something; a plate of chips and gravy would be a good start, followed by all the people who have pissed me off.... EVER! I would have a big, massive skewer and I'd make a huge kebab, threading each one after the other, while they watched on. Oh, how I'd enjoy hearing them plea for their lives as they waited their turn, the blood and gore splashing on them!


Or... I could just get on with things as best I can, think nice thoughts and look forward to a) the weekend, b) the Easter break and c) a week off at the end of April.

Oh, my poor, aching head. I'm going to take to my bed for the evening.


Anonymous said...

Stay in bed is my advice, there's no point getting back out. Look.

I just searched google for, in quotes, the following:

"Bono is a cunt"
- 58 results

"Bob Geldof is a cunt"
- 46 results

And the most damning indictment of the human race, ever is this:

"Cliff Richard is a cunt"
- 1 result.

One lousy motherfucking result. It's too late, we are doomed as a species!

Anonymous said...

Were all those quotes from this blog? I'm sure I've said Cliff Richard is a cunt on much more than the one occasion here.

Anonymous said...

Chips and gravy. Yes. YES! Arise for chips and gravy.

I wonder if I can get one of those knight-things on eBay. Ya think?

Anonymous said...

Sadly not. Google clearly has silenced you, as you do not rank amongst the greatest Cliff Richard experts.

BUT! That's not to say that your outpourings of hate have gone unrecognised, oh no..

You see, when looking to find things to read on the internet, a good place to start looking might be our old mate Google.

This is what I do.

Type in something reflecting my current mood, such as "worthless despicable fuckstain" or "you appalling cunt".

Clicky results if they look like rants.

And that, back sometime last year, is how I found this blog! By searching for sweary anger! So maybe you don't need to give up just yet after all.

Sooner or later the world will learn the truth about Cliff Richard and his hard black dot-eyes.

Anonymous said...

Cliff Richard is the undead. Evil little shitstain.

Anonymous said...

Did you see what he jokingly suggested we call him?! Lord of lords or demi godness! How about demi penis or chief fucko.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting knighted next week for for being double jointed.

Anonymous said...

I wish some of the things you search for on Google you coud not find like swearing and vulgarness and bad language. And how do you know these people are c----? They may not be or if they knew us they might think we are what we say they are. There are everyday people out here besides celebrities that are not perfect as no one is. As that saying goes take a look at yourself before you put down others and be careful of stones that you throw (it means calling people names and putting them down as someone might do the same to you one day.) I think sometimes when people say these things like they want people to treat them like a god they are just kidding.

Anonymous said...

Maybe these people are talking about themselves. I think all immoral people are cunts.

Anonymous said...

Oh get real, you pathetic tossers. Look at Bono's "ethical" business dealings and tax-evasion tactics and you'll see what lies beneath the sanctimonious twat.

Now piss off.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being so nice and courteous to me. (Sarcastic) Meaning you are not nice and courteous to me. I am not a tosser. What you said to me I say the same to you. You have a nice Easter too.

Anonymous said...

Oh grow up you pathetic child. If you don't want backchat, don't leave comments on here. You're the type of person who wants a blogging code of conduct because some nasty people have been saying things that upset you on a blog that you seek out and read voluntarily. Clear off.

Anonymous said...

Well said sniffy. I especially like the pious 'look, Lord, I didn't curse none' tone of carmen's 'what you said to me I say to you' - but not as much as I like saying 'Carmen, along with all the other iron-hymened joyless sexophobes answering their repression with attachments to indifferent millionaires, you'll never experience happiness or love until you learn the difference between shit and clay. And that Bono is indeed a towering cunt.

Anonymous said...

anyhoo, I only found 51 google hits for 'bono is a cunt' today, which is certainly a worrying indictment of our world and its frankly pisspoor track record. Let's face it - even if there was a way to save this planet, there's not much point, is there? If it's not Phil fucking Collins then it's Michael Bolton, Mick 'Socialism' Hucknall or some other tripe-flinging crowd-pleaser with a gimlet eye on the main chance. As Kenneth Williams terminally opined, 'Oh what's the bloody point?' Well, at least finding you, sniffy, and your fine and sweary blog after hunting for fellow Bono-haters has leavened my spirits somewhat, as the sparks fly up to an infinite indifference, with no detectable supervising intelligence of any kind.

Anonymous said...

You are right. Some people are not intelligent.

Anonymous said...

A lot of people on here don't sound very intelligent themselves with these hurtful remarks they make about people.