Thursday 15 February 2007

Street tuff

Rather than posting the link, I thought I'd just copy and paste this report from the BBC News website. This, good people, is why people should have to be tested before they are allowed to breed. I thank you.

Shock at women goading toddlers
Plymouth Magistrates' Court
A jury at Plymouth Magistrates' Court was shown the footage
Footage of four women goading toddlers to fight has "stunned" police and social services in Devon.

The seven-minute footage, filmed at a house by one woman, was shown in a case at Plymouth Magistrates' Court.

In the clip, a boy wearing a nappy was called a "wimp" for not hitting a girl back after she struck him in the face.

Four women admitted child cruelty charges and were released on bail on Wednesday. Det Sgt Andy Kings said the police had been "stunned" by the case.

I didn't see any harm in toughening them up
A defendant
"This was a multi-agency operation with the police and social services working together and every professional that has seen this has been shocked and stunned," he said.

"Locally this is something that is new to us, but we are aware that similar incidents have occurred elsewhere in the country and it is something people need to be aware of."

The film was found by social services.

The boy, aged two, is seen crying after being punched in the face by the three-year-old girl and is told by one of the four women in the room "not to be a wimp or a faggot" and to hit her back.

The four women, all from the same family, are heard laughing as the toddlers are urged to keep on fighting.


When the boy tries to get away and climb into an armchair, the women shout at the girl to punch him again.

She does and the boy is urged to fight back, but says: "No, I don't want to."

The girl leaves the room, and when she comes back the two are taunted and told to fight again.

The court heard that when interviewed by police, one of the women said: "I didn't see any harm in toughening them up. I done the same with my own children."

One of the women pleaded guilty to causing or procuring the children to be ill treated in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering of injury.

The other three pleaded guilty to jointly inciting the ill treatment of children.

Sentencing was adjourned until 16 March for reports.


Anonymous said...

Licenses anyone?

Honestly, one requires a license for fishing, driving, having a dog (up until recently) etc. Having children is far more important than any of the above, yet anyone can have one.

We shouldn't need licenses for anything, but the few ignoramuses make them a necessity.

Ignore my spelling.

And this in no way means that I like children. I don't. But I dislike cruelty even more.

Humans can be so stupid sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I dislike cruelty too, but I guess if you're young and really scared, you do stupid things.

As for Bombino transport, just put it in a baby suit and drag it round by the hood.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the licenses. Sterilize those fucking cunts immediately.

Toughening up? I'll toughen them up with a cricket bat upside the head.

I can forgive the idiot teenager, I suppose. Adults who perpetrate cruelty against children ought to receive it back tenfold. In prison. From the biggest baddest bitch in the cell block.

Anonymous said...

hmm...hard to say. People are stupid, yes. But teenagers being raised by stupid people...I dunno.

Anonymous said...

I heard this on the radio yesterday and wanted to throw up. Why did these people have children in the first place? They could have just watched wrestling or UFC and avoided the stretch marks.

Anonymous said...

It'll become an underground sport next like dog fighting.

Anonymous said...

Underground? It's already an open sport!

I say put the fuckers to sleep.

Fucking scum.

No wonder this country is in the fucking mess it is.

I blame the Americans.

Anonymous said...

And I bet they were all lethbians.

Yeah, they must have been.

Anonymous said...

I say we should "toughen" these bastards up with 6 hours of teeth pulling.

Without anaesthesia of course and performed by a monkey.

Named Derek.

Anonymous said...

Sniffy'd make a fairly scary dentist, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm I can just hear her now...

"Open your fucking mouth you tosser"

"Trump leave the vibrating tools alone*

Oh the shame!

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of fucking cunts. I can't believe some of the shit that goes on.

I blame the Americans too.

I can't log on to my Blogger. They've shut me out?