Thursday 22 February 2007


Apparently, according to a "poll", the UK's favourite regional dish is the Yorkshire Pudding.

Are these people having a laugh? The Yorkshire Pudding is an accompaniment, not a food in its own right, such as runners up the Melton Mowbray pork pie or Cornish pasty. Fuckwits.

But on reading this report, I felt compelled to buy a slice of gala pie for my lunch. It was a toss-up between gala pie and scotch eggs, so I bought both - the latter for the journey to Darn Sarf this evening. I don't know why, but there's something good about pork products and hard boiled eggs. That's nice hard boiled eggs and not those fucking horrible dried-up, green-yoked things that you used to get a buffets in the 1970s.

I don't know what it was about the 1970s, but food was awful. Haute cuisine was prawn cocktail followed by steak and chips at the local Bernie Inn; it still is for some, generally for those sorts of people who allow their children to use pub restaurant furniture as a climbing frame and who don't like food with "too much taste".

It was during the 1970s that I developed by intense dislike of tomatoes on sandwiches and of bananas in my packed lunch. You should never have salad veg on a sandwich unless it's absolutely fresh, and when a sandwich is trapped in a hot plastic lunch box with a banana for four hours, the result is something that is permanently etched in the memory.

Off to London to see the Queen
So we're off to Darn Sarf this evening, with a trip to The People's Republic of London planned for tomorrow. We'll be knocking on the door of Buckingham Palace at about 8.30, so I hope Her Majesty is out of her nightdress and ready for breakfast with her visitors.

I can't believe how much of a parlava some people make of arranging holidays. Fucking shut the fuck up. How can somebody who is on holiday every three weeks have five days to carry over into the next year? Bloody hell.

So anyway, after the Queen, it's off to some museums and things, particularly the Science Museum where we'll be playing with a load of games consoles in an exhibition that's being held there.

Then I'm going to tell Tony Blair what I think of him by projecting an image of my arse onto the Houses of Parliament from one of the pods on the London Eye. With the size of my arse, all I'll need is Maglite, and the curvature of the glass of the pod will do the rest.

I like being a tourist; I just hope the people there are friendly... for a change. Report to follow.

Egypt blogger jailed for insulting islam
That's right folks, a 21 year blogger from Alexandria has been jailed for four years for insulting islam (3 years) and the country's president Mubarak (1 year).

Are these people total fucking nutcases or what?

Islam a loving faith that is open to criticism, my arse. Some of the Christians as just as bad with their views on certain sections of God's flock. Superstitious fruitcakes.

In light of this, and recent losses of freedom of speech in the UK, my planned trip on the London Eye tomorrow has been postponed.


Anonymous said...

I've just been chatting to my sister about the Bernie Inns. Except I couldn't remember the name.

If you add the obligatory Irish coffee after, you get a meal rich in wine glasses.

Anonymous said...

I like Yorkshire pudding with roast beef. There's a "pub" here that serves it fairly well - it's run by an Englishman, and he claims it's his mother's recipe. Sure.

I saw some old recipe cards from the 1970s at my mother's when I was helping out during her hip replacement recuperation. Apparently, it wasn't a true 1970s dish if gelatin wasn't involved in some form. Nasty!

Anonymous said...

Yorkshire pudding filled with chillie con carne is nice. It's blasphemy really but what can you do.

Tell queenie she's a German inbreed. That always goes down well.

Bye bye Blair. Thirty thousand a speech on the lecture circuit should be sufficient for a 'pretty regular kind of guy'.

Anonymous said...

Yorkshire pudding with jam is tasty.

If you project your arse on Westminster you'll cover the whole of the West Bank.

Anonymous said...

My Dad used to plonk his Yorkshire pudding in his custard with syrup on it.

Anonymous said...

Tell the queen she's a nasty old horse-faced nazi cunt that I'm sick to the fucking back teeth of leeching from me, will you?

As for Yorkshire Puddings... My Tazzy makes the bestest Yorkshire Puddings in the whole wide world, ever.

Fucking yummy, so they are.

Maybe I should give you one of them filled with donkey shite to push in the old nazi cunt's face.

Failing that, or if Brenda is out at Netto's when you visit, there's always Convict. He's pretty nearby.

Anonymous said...

I think the Royal Family has done more for the country than most politicians ever do, but there you go.

Yorkshire puds are quire nice, but they're not a dish in their own right - you have to have something with them. That's why the pork pie or pasty should've won it.

Anonymous said...

The royal family have done what?????

More for the country???? How so?

Oh you mean like leech from us like the best parasites the world has ever know?

Or how about look down on the rest of us like scum?

Or murder those they don't like in horrible car accidents? I know, I know, it's all rumour.

I'd actually like to know what the fucking cunt's actually do.

I don't buy that 'bring in tourism' crap either. They fuckers are never anywhere to be seen, won't let us pop in for tea, won't let us spend a night there when we're stuck in London (it is OUR fucking house after all - it doesn't belong to them).

The tourists come to see the palace. Nothing more.

Personally, I think the royals would do much more for this country if they were all exiled.

Bunch of fucking waste of space cunts.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't come to England to see any palace, I'd come for the yorkshire pudding. And a Strongbow.

Anonymous said...

lo Sniffy,

We did the Natural History and ScienceMuseums on Saturday on a visit to the inlaws in london too.

Absolutely heaving, still half term in london....the queue to get in was massive

Anonymous said...

Piggy, I think we'll have to agree to disagree, but I think 60p a day on the Royal Family is money far better spent than a lot of the shite that this government wastes our cash on. And I do believe that the Queen, for all her faults, has conducted herself with a sense of duty to her country and a job that she was never really prepared for. I don't give a fuck about tourism, it only matters to Londoners and the rest of us get fuck all from it. I reckon the Royals are definitely worth the cash now that they've been slimmed down to the real family.

I used to love Strongbow, but only from cans or draught. It tastes like farts when it comes in plastic bottles.

London was OK on Friday, although there were still loads of spazzy kids under our feet. I went to the Science and Natural History museums, they were OK.

More later, perhaps, but I'm busy this week, so maybe not.

Anonymous said...

" And I do believe that the Queen, for all her faults, has conducted herself with a sense of duty to her country and a job that she was never really prepared for."

With a little help from Mercedes and a stray tunnel, you mean?

I can think of better things to 'spend' 60p on given the fact that they're already insanely fucking rich and don't NEED my money.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and I can think of much better things to spend my money on than the millions of fucking scroungers in this country and their horrible kids who will never contribute a thing, but will continue to breed and sponge from everybody else for generations.

That's the problem with taxation - you haven't got much choice where it goes, but I'm happier at the thought of it going on people who might actually benefit the country in some way as opposed to the utter scum that do fuck all.

Anonymous said...

I still fail to see how they benefit the country.

All I know is that they get money from me that they don't need, whereas I do!

I earn my money.

They dont.

And neither do they need it.

Anonymous said...

Sniffy, are you OK?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm fine thanks. Blogging will be resumed tomorrow. Just been a bit busy this week.

Anonymous said...

If I have to digest "puddings" one more time!

Post you lazy hallion!

Anonymous said...

She's fallen into a giant Yorkshire Pudding SID.

Like fanny batter, but tastign much better.

I imagine she's a little stuck.