Wednesday 7 February 2007


It's a lovely day today, hang on, I'll get a photo...


It's not brilliant, but you get the idea. Today is the coldest day in the history of mankind - it's official. Well, according to the people here at Base 2a it is. "It was minus five point five according to my car", Posh Scouse informed me.

"Yeah, it's a bit nippy."

"Strange though, because it doesn't feel that cold."

Well no, that's because your internal thermometer is permanently set to "It's too hot, we need to open the windows, I CAN'T COPE WITH THIS HEAT!", that's why.

When I logged on to my PC here, I noticed that Cynthia had been using my office. I didn't really need to log on to know this since my office furniture had been rearranged with chairs in the middle of the floor. Plus, the sub-zero temperatures outside had made their way into my office because the bloody lunatic had turned off my radiator, as per.

So February is here and winter has arrived at last. We'll be getting snow tomorrow and, despite this being forecast, the country will grind to a halt because we just don't cope with weather here. I'm preparing for this by taking a load of stuff home with me in case I have to "work from home" tomorrow.

Fill in the blank
"**** are glorified Fisher Price activity centres for adults"

Can anybody guess what the missing word is?

Hair bear
Following requests for adoption of Bear by the Bears, I don't know whether to ask Connie to make a bear for them. Should I do it? If she agrees, what colour should I ask her to use? Should I ask her to do one with tattoos and piercings, as would be fitting for its new life with the South Yorkshire homos.

I'm starving hungry, knackered and I've got a bit of a cough with accompanying faint headache. Can I go home? I think I'll be doing well to make it past about 2pm.

A campaign of terror
There have been three letter bombs on consecutive days, with one going off at the DVLA (the agency that issues driving licences and administers road taxes and things) today. The first one went off on Monday at the company that collects London's congestion charge. I'm not sure about yesterday's, it was some finance company I think.

I think the blasts have done nothing more than singe a few eyebrows and fingers, but it seems that somebody is holding a grudge. I think it's Convict or Garfer.

I've no idea how to make a letter bomb, and it's not something that I'd ever want to do, but I'd love to find some way of enacting my revenge on those who I feel persecute the law-abiding majority through harsh taxation and draconian legislation (i.e. HM Government). Voting doesn't work and direct action would be great. But who would I target, and what would I do to them?

Suggestions on a neurotoxin-impregnated postcard please.


Anonymous said...

Hello i totally agree with you!.When i heard the news that the dvla had been bombed the irrational side of me thought,GOOD!.They fine and fine us for doing 3 miles an hour over the speed limit,or if we drift into the congestion charge zone by accident,and then it's like they want some sympathy off the public when some nut sends them a letter bomb.The people who have caused this are the government using the fines as a stealth tax.Good picture by the way!.

Anonymous said...

Macs are Fisher Price toys for adults.

YAY! Connie's making us a baby!

We love Connie. x

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I'm going to agree with Piggy and Tazzy, and go for Macs. Possibly because my mind has wandered into summertime because of your picture...

Anonymous said...

Convict or Garfer??


Does Connie do exploding bears?

Anonymous said...

Exploding bears? Don't be ridiculous.

Koalas are much worse, especially when they've been at the eucalyptus.

Anonymous said...

Exploding arses are much worse than anything. I'd rather have a package explode in the office than my arse go off.

Anonymous said...

The finance company (Vantis) is the company that runs the accounts for Speed Check, which is the company that supplies speed cameras to the police.

Shaun, the police, local government and some other associated bodies are the organisations that run the speed camera partnerships, not the DVLA. More info can be found here and here

Although I can understand the bombers frustrations, assuming that it is all connected with companies that are employed by the government, I cannot condone the use of mail bombs to protest in this manner as innocent people are being injured.

See my post here for more outrage

Anonymous said...

Not even if they're Welsh?

No, I agree, acts of terrorism and violence, anything intended to cause harm is totally reprehensible. Not to mention lacking in imagination.

Anonymous said...

Once again, no love for the Welsh (or the Welshish).

I shudder to even suggest this, but do you think Connie would be up to knitting the certain anatomical bits that P & T's bear would undoubtedly require?