Thursday 15 February 2007


The shear stupidity of people never fails to amaze me. Looking at the news headlines, I came across this: "Newborn baby found in wheelie bin". That's right, some thick as pigshit teenager gets pregnant without even knowing it, has the baby at home, thinks the baby is dead and puts it in the bin. Two words:


I wonder if Bomb is thinking of using a wheelie bin to transport the Bombino around? It's much cheaper than paying several hundred pounds on a pushchair. Not long to go now and there's a mood of quiet excitement in the Sniffy household. I've been invited to the birth. I'll probably go so long as I don't have to be at the business end of things. I'm sure my sister will be grateful for my words of cheery encouragement alongside Connie's merchant of doom panic attacks.

So today is Thursday and here at Base 2a, I am listening to the constant chatter from the adjoining office, as usual. I don't understand how some people can never shut up. Ever. From the moment people arrive, to the minute she leaves, one person here talks constantly. It's amazing. I'm sure this is a skill that can be put to some good use somewhere - perhaps the CIA could use her to torture terror suspects - but it gets a bit tiring in the workplace.

This Thursday I am very tired, extremely so. I think the excitement and exertions of yesterday are taking their toll. I can hardly keep my eyes open and I ache like a bastard. But why? Well, partly because of this:


Yes, Trump finally got her heart's desire and we spent a couple of hours playing on her Wii. I'm not one for games consoles, but I must admit that this is something special. My shoulder is a bit stiff from playing baseball; I can't believe how engaged I became in my battle of wills against the pitcher. And because the controller vibrates and makes a noise, you actually get the sensation of hitting the ball (or missing it). I was a bit concerned at Trump's enthusiasm and skill when she was boxing.

I'm waiting for controllers that you attach to your feet so you can play kick-boxing or figure skating.

For some reason, I keep getting blue dye on the skin around my fingers and I've no idea where it's coming from.


Anonymous said...

I wonder do the Scottish have attachments for the head ala Glasgow Kisses?

Blue dye on your fingers?

Robbed any banks lately?

Anonymous said...

The potential for those vibrating controllers is amazing. I want a virtual sex game to come on the market, that'd be something else. I guess I'd settle for a game where I go around zapping somebody with a cattle prod I suppose.

I may have had my hands in the pockets of my jeans too much - they're black and new. This relates to the blue dye comment, not the vibrating virtual sex.

Anonymous said...

Blue fingers eh? The lesbian equivalent to blue balls maybe?

Didn't Trump put out last night? Threaten to take away her Wii!

Anonymous said...

I didn't say that, did I Kaybee?

Anonymous said...

Has Trump been playing 'hide and seek' with a felt tip pen?

Anonymous said...

Potential dangers with owning that Wii. For the sake of your relationship, package up that game console and send it to me.

Anonymous said...

I really don't think my life is worth doing anything with that Wii other than taking sound beatings in any games I play against a joyous Trump.

Piggy, you know, I'd been wondering where that pen had gone. She's a dirty bitch that one!

Anonymous said...

A virtual sex game?

Wouldn't a dildo suffice?

I know - you have some perverted fantasy about virtual Tazzy and Piggy shagging you, don't you?

I wonder if they'll be making controllers that big?

Dirty cunt.

Anonymous said...

You're a dirty bastard Piggy. But you're absolutely right, I could tell the first time I met you that you had a huge cock - a saw it poking out of the bottom of your trouser leg. Then again, your legs are only about 2" long, so that doesn't say much.

Anonymous said...

Not as big as the pish-flaps we spotted hanging from the bottom of your boiler suit!

No wonder Trumpy fell for you!

Anonymous said...

Filthy little cunt!

Anonymous said...

Funny..I never knew you could get "huge cock" and "Piggy" in the same sentence,but you did it.

Well done Sniffy!