Wednesday 10 January 2007


I was poorly last night. I think I had a bit of a migraine, although it might just have been a bad headache that made me throw up and feel like shite. Having been asleep from 10pm, I woke up at 5 this morning, wondering whether I felt well enough to go to work with the remnants of my head. I decided that I felt too washed out by the entire experience. Those sorts of things leave you feeling weak for a day or so afterwards; like you've had stroke - in the medical sense.

I should have gone back to sleep; I don't get enough, but the radio came on and stirred me fully from my half-waking state. As I pondered my intentions for today, I wondered what had afflicted me yesterday evening. And then it happened, I thought:

Why do some people pronounce migraine, meegraine? It sounds ridiculous. It's like when people say margarine with a hard g, or data as darta. Do they do it to get attention, as if saying "I had a migraine" isn't enough to make people realise they had a bad headache with nausea?


It's an iPod, a phone AND an internet communicator! That's right, an iPod, a phone AND an internet communicator!!
Steve Jobbie, head honcho of Apple or Mac, or whatever they're called, announced their wunderprodukt for 2007 at some sort of convention in America yesterday. I heard it on the radio this morning, his self-congratulatory tone, accompanied by gasps of wonderment and delight from thousands of applauding, adoring MacGeeks.


This product is going to be a mugger's dream. Already folks are warned not to advertise that they're walking the streets listening to their iPods; we're told not to use our mobiles where onlooking attackers might be lying in wait; this iPhonicator is everything bundled into one handy, and no doubt ridiculously overpriced bundle that is probably set to autocrash every ten minutes.

Well done Apple.

Let's face it, there are already mobile phones available that can play music, connect to the internet and take pretty good photos and video clips as well as, surprisingly, make telephone calls. Why would anybody want an iPhone? Probably because they've got more money than sense and prefer style over substance.

We don't cater for your sort
It's nice to see that the House of Lords has passed the Bill to prevent discrimination based on sexuality in the provision of services, despite protests from "faith groups", i.e. big-mouthed homophobes who align themselves to certain religions. This should prevent, for example, a hotel refusing to give a room to a gay couple because of their sexuality. It's odd that some of the so-called Christian protesters would like to refuse service to a gay couple, but wouldn't seek confirmation that a straight couple were married (to each other) before handing over the key to a hotel room. Hypocrites. Bizarre too that, despite laws banning things like "No blacks, No Irish" signs on hotels being in place since the 1970s, similar signs for "No gays" are essentially still legal.

I suppose the new legislation is a good thing, equal rights for all and that. But I think people know where they're welcome and I wouldn't want to give any of my money over to some crackpot bigot who lives their life based on fairy tales and superstition anyway.

Of course, there's a BBC News Have your say online debate about this. And it just gives the world's biggest bunch of backwards bigots an excuse to crawl out of the woodwork (yet again) to spout some hate-filled bile in the name of Allah. Just look at the sort of tits exist in this world:

Added: Wednesday, 10 January, 2007, 20:41 GMT 20:41 UK

Shame on parliament that has passed the regulation.The members of the parliament are the rebellion of Allah. They will be punished by law of nature very soon.Those who believe in holy books understand well that a entire community was stoned to death prior to Jesus,moses and the last prophet Muhammad( pbuh)simply because they were homosexuals.I think we should be aware of the fact that aids is the ultimate result of homosexuality. Shame Shame Shame.

Syed Aliyazdan Raza, Karachi, Pakistan

I'm sure if they looked hard enough in their holy books, they'd find some reason to stone themselves to death too. Prats.

I suppose this law brings an end to the days of "We don't like strangers round 'ere" and "This is a local shop for local people, there's nothing for you here", although I don't think it's discriminatory to refuse service to a potential customer on the grounds of them "looking a bit funny".


Anonymous said...

Yay! First!

I'm pleased you wrote about the anti-discrimination thing. I was going to yesterday, but couldn't be arsed.

Personally, I couldn't give a shite if they are christians, jews, moslems or whatever. If their religion says they shouldn't like something, then fair enough - but when they are operating a business, then business rules/laws should apply and religion should be removed from the equation.

Like you said, I wouldn't want to give bigots my money anyway, although you can be sure that some poofs and dykes will stay at such hotels, just because they think they're making a point. The fucking silly twats.

A bit like that lot of queers that booked holidays at Sandals Resorts just so they could kick up a fuss.

Anonymous said...

I must admit, that I am quite discriminatory and I'd discriminate against anybody who was a cunt, irrespective of sexuality, race or religion. I think that's fair enough.

I don't like the gay mafia who like to wave the flag, wear the badge and make a point about just about everything. In fact, I don't like anybody who classes themselves as a something or other above all else as this generally means they automatically want to give some sort of pathetic excuse for not getting along with people.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine has twice been refused service in either Lidl or Aldi; I forget which. In both cases he was trying to buy a bottle of alcohol and was given no explanation apart from "We can refuse to serve anyone". Personally I would think in this day and age, you'd take anyone's money.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, people can still refuse service and just give any reason they choose. There are plenty of other decent folk in the country who will do business with people. Let the small-minded tossers live in their hate-filled little worlds, life is too short to be expending energy on them. Although a can of petrol and a match isn't that expensive.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Sniff, you're so fulla shit! You're currently driving round with my old dying ipod attached to your itrip thingy! Have you got the offending device disguised as something, like a potato? Or giant biscotti?!

And you've got a fucking huge pink Union Jack. How I adore you, you big haired buffoon!

Anonymous said...

Oi, gobshite!

Apple technology is generally inferior compared to most other formats. And I hate the way Apple users are such committed evangelists for the overhyped, overpriced crap.

I may have a pink Union Jack, and even a rainbow flag AND umbrella (all were bought in fits of gay pride), but I don't go trying to fly my flags from the flagpole of the local church or mosque, do I? I ain't no friggin' Jenny Schecter!

Anonymous said...


An excellent word to add to my collection.

You will be pleased to learn that your Apple phobia is shared by the dwarfish toupeed magician Paul Daniels.

Anonymous said...

It's not Apple phobia (fear) that I have, it's a true hatred of the fucking things; they're shite.

Anonymous said...


We bought our rainbow umbrella's together, remember!

How fucking camp is that?

Anonymous said...

iPhone doesn't look appealing to me. I think I'd rather have separate breakable gadgets than one to break and take me out entirely.

The whole discrimination thing is just unreal - I mean, outside of some very obvious flamers, how can you tell who's sleeping together? I once had a very close friend who looked like my sister, and we got mistaken for sisters and/or lesbians all the time - that's a pretty big assumption to make. And plus, who the fuck cares anymore? Narrow minded bigots.

Anonymous said...

Hiya Sniff...

Anonymous said...

Hi April, good to see you're back safe and sound.

Are you going to update your blog at all?