Wednesday 17 January 2007


With nothing much to write about, I thought I'd do so anyway since I have the opportunity to post something on consecutive days.

I am going to conduct a poll amongst the readers here, the question is:

"Should Sniffy quit her job and just get something through a recruitment agency instead?"

I am so tempted.

If I did this, would I still be allowed to do the thing where I block all the fire exits and set fire to the building? Or do I still have to be employed there for that sort of action to count?

Or.... I could become a serial killer and get them one by one in a Midsomer Murders-esque killing spree?

And before anybody says something to the tune of "I wouldn't want to live in that village; about ten people get murdered there each week", Midsomer is the name of a fictional county, not a village. And it's a telly programme so don't even think about being so obtuse as to draw a parallel to real life.

I could never be bothered killing somebody, I couldn't do with the hassle of a court appearance and unwanted media attention.

Ideally, somebody somebody would sponsor me to take a year out to go on a tour of the civilised world and report back to the masses via the medium of my blog. But I don't see that happening in the real world.

Anyway, on a lighter note, readers failed to spot that the photos in yesterday's post were in fact stalker shots of Trump. Either that or it wasn't interesting enough to make note of.

I'm going to get serious about getting back to the gym. It's already started with me organising my collection of jogging pants, buying a new sports top and attempting to change my gym membership to allow me to use any of the gyms in the chain (there's one near work and one near Trump's).

All that remains is for me to actually go to the gym and do some exercise. Easy peasy.

I went last night. The woman on reception didn't know how to change my membership over so I have to go back again. Fuckers. But I suppose that's the idea.

"Stop if you feel out of breath or any pain", the warning labels on the machines tell you. I'm sorry, but when you're in as bad a condition as I am, you get out of breath and feel pain just by moving your eyelids. For fuck's sake.

I ran a mile and a bit.

I did a couple of kilometres on the cross trainer.

I was losing the will to live by the time I got to the rowing machine and managed to do a kilometre. My arms ached, my knickers were cutting me in two up my arse crack.

The indignity of it.

Right, I'm off to check out the jobs on the Guardian website!


Anonymous said...

Calm down sniffy, I think you're overdoing the gym. You'll only put yourself off and stop. Enjoy the experience, build up comfortably at an enjoyable pace. Feel the endorphins kick in.

Anonymous said...

I don't think one visit a fortnight is overdoing it somehow.

This time last year I was running 4km three times a week + all the cross trainer shite.

I enjoyed it. Sort of.

I'll get there.

Anonymous said...

If you're that unhappy at you're job, I say go for it. No sense in sticking around if it's going to give you an ulcer.

Anonymous said...

Just thinking about gyms brings me out in hives.

Subsist on lentils. That should do the trick.

Can't you still go for some kind of university post? It probably wouldn't pay as well, but just think of the holidays.

Anonymous said...

funny you should mention that garfer.

A) Lentils for tea tomorrow
B) University job to apply for!




Anonymous said...

Do you know what it's called when you post shite because you just want to post something every day? Blogorrhea.

New job? Good luck, and I mean that sincerely. Hope you get somewhere that appreciates you and remunerates you accordingly.

I noticed Trump in the first picture, but I completely lost her in the baby's arse in the last one.

I'm doing the gym, too this year. I feel your pain. I can do the elliptical machine on moderate resistance for about 20 minutes or until my right foot goes numb - what the fuck is that all about? Then I do a circuit on the Nautilus equipment. You know, to build up my impressive musculature.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the job hunt.

You could sell off your sweaty knickers on e-Bay to subsidise your world travels/meagre income.

Anonymous said...

Getting back to the gym to this gym is the hardest part. Once you're there, it's pie.

Anonymous said...

What the hell is wrong with my grammar today? I can't write one coherent sentence!

Anonymous said...

You could wait until the BBC arrive in Salford and get a job with them.

Anonymous said...

Suffering is options Sniff. If the job is that hellish quit because something else will come up.

Gym... hmmmm, can't say I've been in a while.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me you haven't posted in a while because you've been applying for jobs rather than living in the gym?

Anonymous said...

Hrrrm, neither of those IDV, I've been too lazy. In actual fact, Thursday was a dead loss because of the storms meaning that most people had 4 hour journeys home. I was out on Friday night, then it was the weekend and I've also been working.

Anonymous said...

Linux software,news mobile ,games
