Friday 1 December 2006

World AIDS day

WAD 2006 Manchester

Don't forget people, try to think about AIDS and how it affect so many people all over the world. Make a donation if you can.

Support World AIDS Day

I'd like to mention the George House Trust in the North West of England, go and check out other charities that help people living with HIV AIDS near where you are.

Oh, and as promised:


We also found something very special at the markets, which we thought explained Piggy's recent lack of blogging:

Spit toast Piggy

Alas, it turned out not to be him as he is now back online after a few techinical difficulties.

UK readers, petition our shite government
Our shite government wants to introduce a pay as you drive road pricing tax (another tax) to "ease congestion". We already pay as we drive in that 85% of the cost of fuel is on tax (the more you drive, the more tax you pay - you use more fuel if you drive when the roads are congested), we also pay annual road tax and motoring insurance tax.

The new scheme will mean all cars will have a black box fitted to them that talks to yet another overpriced spying system to track where and when you drive. So not only is this yet another unfair tax on the motorist, it is also a gross invasion of privacy.

You can petition the government at Well you should be able to, only they can't process signatures as the site is "extremely busy" at the moment. What a surprise. A prime example of democracy in Britain today.

Democracy doesn't work. Let's have a revolution.


Anonymous said...

Bloody hell, you got there before me!!

I've also found out that the ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) system may be illegal as discussed here.

My other concerns are that with the black boxes fitted, they can monitor your speed and automatically administer speeding fines even though you may have a valid reason - such as accelerating to overtake a tractor; and also that it will be a criminal offence if your black box isn't working.

Anonymous said...

They're cunts. I hate them so much I could explode.

The speed tracking thing had occurred to me too.

You'd probably only need to make sure that the black box was working for your MOT, there aren't any coppers left to check otherwise.

If it was a case of "pay as you drive", they'd simply up petrol tax. There is obviously an ulterior motive: they want to track us. They also want to give multi-billion pound contracts to their mates who "donate to labour" and make more useless public sector jobs for people so they can rake in the national insurance, income tax and PAYD tax!


Anonymous said...

You're attacking that sausage like a pro Sniffy. I'm beginning to have my doubts about you...

THanks for the heads up on World Aids Day - I have to admit that until I turned on the news this morning, I didn't realize that it was today.

Anonymous said...

Always on 1st of December, Karen.

That sausage was so hot! And spicy with it. Do they have Christmas markets in Canada, or is everything shut down because of the weather?

Anonymous said...

And they said that Maggie's government was bad.

With the Smoking Ban coming into force on 1st July 2007 an estimated 2.8 million will "more than likely give up smoking". So that's 2.8 million * 365 * 2 (assuming a 40 a day habit) * £4 (guess at the tax on a pack of fags nowadays) equals ...
£8176 million lost in revenue for the government.

We're fucked. Seriously, well and truly fucked. How else are they gonna find that amount of cash each year? Oh yes, "Green" taxes.

Anonymous said...

I'll make sure to mark my calendar from now on.

It's certainly too cold for an outdoor market, at least in Alberta. There is one year round indoor "farmers market" in the city and it always includes crafts, pottery, and knick-knacks. I don't know if you'd consider a "Christmas Market" like the one where you're eating the sausage, but there are giant Christmas Craft shows each year (again, indoors). What goes on at your market? Is it just open at Christmas?

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a fun time Piggy's going to have with that sausage picture... Looked like a good one, though!

Anonymous said...

Show us your stuff Sniff.... Eat that sausage.