Wednesday 13 December 2006


There are some things that make you despair. As we're bedding down into the 21st century, it amazes me how savage some people are - people in so-called civilised nations, nations with aspirations to join the EU. That nation is Turkey:

"A job well done is worth celebrating, but Turkish Airlines say staff went too far when they sacrificed a camel.

To mark the last delivery of 100 aircraft, maintenance workers clubbed together to buy the beast - and then consume it.

The sacrifice took place at Istanbul international airport... read on..."

Shocked and appalled. Fucking pigs.

A pheasant plucker
Then again, I accepted a gift of a brace of pheasants from my boss at work today. I think he'd gone out on a killing spree with his shot gun after we got some bad news at the end of last week. Of course, the birds in question are in need of plucking, gutting and the rest - after a week or so being hung. They'll be pretty ripe and it won't be a pretty sight. What was fun to watch was Mother's reaction when I asked her to look in the bag that they were in - I never knew people could jump that high at her age.

I also like it when Otto gets hold of the tail and runs through our scumbag neighbour's garden with it in his mouth. I'm also tempted to nail the heads to the top of the fence as an act of revenge against them and the way they constantly look over into our garden in the summer.


After a break of about 8 months, I've been asked to do a bit more moonlighting work at a place that funded: a snazzy digital camera; a pushbike; holiday to Rome; holiday in Canada. Did I say yes? Too fucking right, I'm skint! The last two nights have gone some way into funding half of Trump's Christmas presents. She should be paid off by next Tuesday with any luck.

Secret Satan
I have to buy a Secret Santa present for the maddest person in the world. Yes, I picked Cynthia out of the hat in our not-so secret Santa draw. I've no idea why they have it so we all know who's buying for whom. It's just another mechanism of inflicting torture on us all. But what do you buy somebody who is eccentric to the point of being insane? Somebody with the oddest sense of humour on the planet? As far as I'm aware, she only eats herrings, yoghurt and dried crackers, so a box of Thornton's chocs would probably be lost on her. She's really into history and travel and gardening, but there's no point in buying her books because she knows it all already, or talks like she does.

I might just get her a t-shirt emblazoned with: "You don't have to be mad to work here... I'm bonkers enough for everyone!"

At least I'm getting out of the Christmas "party" this year. Thank fuck for that.


Anonymous said...

Oh my fucking gawd! I'm first! Yay! etc.

Don't forget our Crimbo card containing a freshly mined and cut diamond!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Cynthia likes camel meat? Nothin' says Christmas like baked camel.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for killing things as long as you eat them. I have a friend who goes shooting regularly and brings back things like pheasant, partridge, pigeon, and hare. You don't have to hang the pheasant for a week unless you want a really strong flavour and the hen will be milder than the cock.

Secret Santa sucks. I bet it's an American invention cos we never had it when I was at school.

Anonymous said...

Cynthia will be getting a variety of tinned fish from Aldi. I can't be fucked pissing about with this shite.

P&T - you'll be lucky to even get a card, I haven't even bought any yet and, even when I do, I never get round to writing or sending them. I'm totally crap at it.

Convict. Hunting is one thing, buying an animal and slaughtering it at work is just wrong. I think the birds will be ready at the weekend, so the timing will be just right.

I really hate secret Santa. What a pile of fucking shite.

Anonymous said...

You've got dead birds hanging about your house? Unless you live in the country, that's fucking weird. Go to grocery store!

Anonymous said...

They're in the shed, but agreed, it's weird. As they say though, you shouldn't look a gift horse (or camel, or pheasant) in the mouth. At least I know where these came from, the shit you buy at the shops could be any old crap.

Anonymous said...

Eeew. Freshly killed dead bird. Yuck. I'm not coming over for dinner.

Anonymous said...

Sorry week old dead bird.

Anonymous said...

Been out beating today. Came home with 5 pheasant. Yummy, yummy, yummy.

Anonymous said...

I plan to scorch a goose (they deserve it for being honking irritants). Turkeys are rubbish. They squat in trees looking stupid.

Any stuffing ideas?

Anonymous said...

Trust Garfer to reappear when there's talk of killings, stuffings and cookings!

I thought turkeys sat on supermarket shelves looking dead. I'd stuff a goose with something by Nigella - any excuse to get one of her cook books out!

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