Monday 4 December 2006

Santa Nav in ambulance mystery tour

I love satellite navigation systems. I think it's great the way drivers have these little things stuck to their dashboards so they have something to look at, rather than the road and the vehicles, pedestrians and other road users around them. I really can't understand why people need these things for going to and from work, or to go down the shops, or at all. We have maps, routefinders, common sense, road signs.

The emergency services are using them these days. Imagine my surprise to hear of this incident on Friday. Yes, an ambulance transferring a patient somewhere in London, ended up 200 miles out of their way in Manchester because they relied solely on their sat nav, rather than bothering to look at the road, road signs, a map, or use their common sense.

I don't think the blame lies with the technology, the blame lies squarely with the idiot ambulance crew. If I was their boss, I'd sack them for being so supremely thick that they're a danger to themselves, their patients and other members of the public.

And then I'd have their houses burnt down.

Thick twats.

The dried fruit is soaking...
And this can only mean one thing. Tomorrow, I make my Christmas cake... under close, and somewhat irritating, supervision from Connie. She won't let me just get on with it. It's not as if I didn't spend over half of my life working in a lab and following recipes. Oh no, Connie has to interfere.

She's already told me that I've used too much brandy to soak the fruit in "It's going to be far too heavy". I don't give a shit. I'm not allowed to drink and the only way I can legitimately have any booze is by spiking my Christmas cake with as much of the stuff as is humanly possible.

I will, as ever, post a diary of my Christmas cake here on this very blog. How very exciting for everybody.

Mother ruins
Mum always looks on the negative side of things. I tend not to notice too much anymore, but it is an odd trait of hers. I love her dearly, but she doesn't have piss me off at times. I thought she would be pleased at the £7 Christmas pud that I just bought from Tesco, but no, "Let's have a look. Oh, it's that one that looks like it's got really big pieces of fruit in it. Aldi's is best".



Anonymous said...

I'm with you Sniffy. Those drivers should be sacked. I could understand going a mile or two our of your way by accident. I'd almost be willing to let 20 miles go. But 200? Are you freaking kidding? Done. History. Fired. Hit the bricks.

Quick question - when you say "Christmas Cake" is this the same thing we would call a fruit cake? Very heavy/dense.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's the one, with fruit. Very nice, but not everyone's cuppa tea.

Anonymous said...

The only thing Christmas cake is good for is building foundations. Leave it a month in the open air and it's solid as a rock.

I hate Christmas cake and pudding. Horrible things.

Anonymous said...

Miserable bastard. Christmas cake and Christmas pudding are fuckin' delish. You need to be more open minded.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Christmas Cake. Mmmm.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Cake, pies and puddings with a Christms prefix are def NOT food.

Anonymous said...

You just need educating in proper christmas fare/fair/fayre. Don't worry, you have me now.

Anonymous said...

I have sat nav in the Rover, comes in very useful for finding Caravan Club meets. Although when we all leave together in a convoy it causes problems - we accidently blocked the A4 for 2 hours last Friday! Thanks Tom Tom, lol!!!