Monday 25 December 2006

Merry Sniffmas, 2006

Nothing much else to add except Merry Christmas to everybody. I hope that everyone is with the ones they love, or at least not too far away from them.

Christmas Bears 3

I am starving, I need something to eat. People go on about their hearty, oo-la-la Christmas Day breakfast, but for me, this consists of half a kilo of selection box chocolate.

Bring it on!


Anonymous said...

Yay! First!

All those chocs, eh? Ah well, at least there's plenty of storage space for them around yer arse.

A Very Merry Crimbo to you and Trumpy.

And Connie.

And sis.

And daddy.

And the feline occupants.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours, Cheeky fucking Christmas cunts!

I am celebrating: playing with gadgets!

Life is good.

Anonymous said...

Alright for some.

Have a great Christmas and think of poor Tickersoid alone here on safety cover.
With the spirit of the season in mind, even though I'm not a Christian, I volanteered so that others could be with their young families.
The prospect of 12 hours pay at tripple time had nothing to do with it.

Anonymous said...

And well done to you! Have you spent most of the day spending your money in your head?

Anonymous said...

Reading the papers and blogging more like.
The Tickers coffers are swollen at the moment due to final divorce settlement.
Next on list is the usual, buy leather jacket and sports car.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Sniffy! Hope the jolly old fat guy was good to you! Enjoy the sprouts and turkey this evening.

As for spending the day with those I love - nope, just family ;)

Merry Fucking HO.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean; my brother is wearing a fucking kilt. Jesus help us all.

Have a good un.

Anonymous said...

Merru Fuckin Drunardk christmas; jeisus lovex a;; as im told\\



Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas, Sniffy! Technically, it's Boxing day for you, but I've still got a half-hour of Christmas left, so take it!

Anonymous said...

Morning joy be upon you all! Bastard piss heads. Today is when tne REAL fun begins, it's the: BOXING DAY RUNNING BUFFET!
Sprout sandwich anyone?