Wednesday 27 December 2006

Copyrighting cunts

I hate it when you buy the DVD for a TV programme and they change the soundtracks to take out certain songs because of copyright and royalties. You watch the programme and get used to the the background music, which often consists of famous chart songs and stuff, but you buy the DVD and all the music has been replaced by something that's been done on a Bontempi.

They don't even warn you on the packaging and some of the bastards have the cheek to advertise the series' soundtracks for you to buy on CD! The worst offender was ITV's Cold Feet, which used songs throughout the series, released two CDs of the music, yet stripped all the songs from the DVD release.

I got Tittybangbang, a comedy sketch show, on DVD and they've done the same with this. It's not as noticeable because they didn't use music as much, but it's still annoying.


Turkey curry
One of the things that I look forward to more than anything at Christmas is turkey curry. The 27th of December is always turkey curry day in the Sniffy household - Connie is peeling onions as I type! Yummeee.

Running off to the circus
I got a set of juggling balls for Christmas. Let's just say, it's going to be an awful long time before I start throwing things about that are on fire.

Techno paradise
I also got a new PDA. I love it. It connects to the internet and everything.

Birthdays at Christmas
I despair at the number of people I know with birthdays in December and January, one in particular is the delightful Trump, who celebrates tomorrow. I don't mind buying two sets of presents, it's the fact it's impossible to buy birthday cards at this time of year. I'm sure she'd appreciate me making her one instead!


Anonymous said...

Made cards are the best.
At £4 a card, I may be making all of mine in future.

Anonymous said...

Is 'Turkey Curry' Salford slang for The Shits?

You dirty cunt.

Anonymous said...

Turkey curry? Really? I thought that was just a Bridget Jones thing.

Happy early Birthday to Trump! My mother's birthday was last week. December birthdays usually get shafted. Good for you for getting 2 sets of presents instead of the all-in-one.

Anonymous said...

We should join Christmas presies and start a circus.

I have a unicycle, diablo and juggling balls, Funny Thing has death sticks!

Think of the Fame!

Anonymous said...

December birthdays are shit.

I should know.

Still waiting on a birthday fucking cake!


Anonymous said...

Turkey curry is just turkey curry. It is DELISH!

I saw some filthy bastard making a sprout curry on Ready Steady Cook last night. That is incredibly wrong.

I think trump likes her pressies. Phew.

Anonymous said...

I bet she eBay's half of her pressies on the quiet.

Anonymous said...

As one of those lucky devils with a birthday in January, I know what you mean. Although not as bad as those who were born in December, we still get shafted. No on wants to go out and do anything to celebrate because they're all still paying off their holiday bills. It sucks.

Anonymous said...

Why would she ebay a load of things that she's been going on about wanting for the past few months?

I think she likes her pressies, she says she does.

I've always said that people born in December or January should be given the option to change their birthdays to a date in June: much more civilised and convenient and means they can celebrate with a barbecue (UK weather permitting).

Anonymous said...

Trumpy would eBay them for the cold hard cash.

And of course she *says* she likes them. She chose them specifically for the resale value.

Anonymous said...

Ive already got a set of juggling balls (har, har).

Are you thinking of becoming a busking juggler?

I know the NHS is shite, but surely things can't be that desperate.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you and Trump! I hope she had a lovely birthday.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

i too am a december baby, and sometimes it sucks having to wait on christmas to get the birthday pressies, if you get one at all.

happy new year to you and trump!

Anonymous said...

The copyrighting bastards. My wife got a CD of Richard "the arrogant twat" Ashcroft that wouldn't appear in iTunes when she inserted the CD. On closer inspection of the CD cover, we discovered it declares itself "incompatible with iTunes/iPod".

I mean, come on. Seriously, we bought the fucking CD, what more do you want?