Tuesday 14 November 2006

Three fingers pointing back at you

I was going to write a post about how Britain seems to be turning into Nazi Germany and that all sorts of sections of our society are being blamed for the ills of the nation. According to the press, the following people would be heading for our equivalent of a concentration camp:
  • Muslims - poor bastards are really getting picked on for just about everything at the moment
  • Motorists, especially 4x4 drivers
  • People who go on foreign holidays and take cheap flights
  • People who don't want ID cards
  • People who don't believe that global warming is caused by carbon
  • Polish people
  • Youngsters who wear hooded tops
  • NHS managers
  • Immigrants

Of course, the people mentioned in this list haven't generally done anything wrong, but they've all been targetted by the government for particular and unfair blame. But like Ghandi (I think, definitely Madonna) said, when you point the finger, there are three fingers pointing back at you.

Blaming sections of the population for the failings of a society simply because they're easy targets or more visible is a sure fire symptom that the fault lies elsewhere. In our case, it's with our wholly inept government.

Google me
Anyway, off that crap now. I have decided to start a new feature on Cakesniffers. Yes, Google me, will give me the opportunity to play mind games with people from my past, who I probably never really cared that much about, or perhaps cared lots about and perhaps those I'm just a bit curious about. What I'm going to do is simply type somebody's name and see if anybody finds my blog by searching for that name.

Who shall be my first victim?

Today I choose Jo Montgomery.

I used to work with Jo a few years ago. She's nice, but she's one of those people who only has people in their address book to use them as recipients of multiple-forward joke e-mails. So Jo, if you find me, hello. Hope you're doing well. Drop me an e-mail if you get chance.


Anonymous said...

What's the verdict on us non-youngster types that wear hoodies?

And what the hell is with all the pop ups I get everytime I visit you? Fuckers.

Anonymous said...

Metallica also used the three more fingers pointing at you line.

The government are bastards. Come the revolution!!!

Anonymous said...

I have a particular hatred for 4x4 drivers. Stupid cunts living in boxy houses. They sure need a 4x4 to get Jemima to school round the corner.


Anonymous said...

You see, there you go again - singling people out. What next, singling people out because of the clothes they wear? They're just different, they're not doing anything illegal, just exercising their right to have a choice in what car they drive. I think the biggest menaces on the roads are people carriers, buses and cyclists*, but nobody has a go at them.

*Not forgetting Rover drivers and caravans, but everybody has a go at them anyway and this is the only instance where wholesale criticism and vitriol is totally justified.