Wednesday 1 November 2006

Peppery hedgehogs


Now that it’s officially winter, I am officially enjoying official wintery foods. Tonight’s tea will be copious amounts of black peas, a Lancashire delicacy that I was introduced to for the first time only last week. Trump is such a dear, she’s had the things soaking in water overnight so all we have to do is boil them up once she gets in from work.

They’re just about the weirdest peas I’ve ever had though; you cook them with bicarb so they go all mushy – a bit like mushy peas, only they taste a little like refried beans. Anyway, they have to be enjoyed with lashings of vinegar and lots of white pepper (and salt if you’re me, or not if you have any of your taste buds left).

I’ve just had a cup of hot Bovril with lots of pepper. Yes Bovril, the beef extract. I was stunned when I heard that the manufacturers were going to stop using beef products altogether. That’s just not right, what would they call it then, Vovril? Anyway, it seems that good sense has prevailed and the proper stuff is available again. My nose is dripping from the pepper, but the hot Bovril drink is something that is slightly addictive. I’d get another cup if it was a bigger jar. I think Trump only bought the smaller size to test it out.

I’m at her house now, eagerly awaiting her return from work. She knows I’m here, I’m not like a weird stalker or anything.

Car share

We’re being encouraged to car share at work. Apparently, if you car share, you get preferential parking spaces on the level of the multi-storey car park that’s immediately below that which the rest of us environmental vandals have to use. A whole level lower! It doesn’t really make that much difference when the car park is on the corner of the site that’s the furthest possible from where most people work. So you still have a ten minute walk to your office, you just have to go down fewer stairs.


The scheme is being advertised with colourful posters that say things like “be kind to hedgehogs, car share!” I still don’t follow the logic behind that link, especially since we’re in the centre of a big fuck off city and the nearest hedgehogs are about eight miles away.


I tried car sharing for a while and it’s a complete pain in the arse.

  • You agree a time that you’re going to pick somebody up.
  • You rush around your house like a mad thing to ensure that you don’t leave late.
  • Half way to picking up your passenger, you realise you’ve forgotten something important (like tampons), but you can’t be late, so you keep going.
  • You need a poo, but didn’t have time to have one so you have to trump in the car. You have to open the windows despite the gale force winds and torrential rain.
  • You arrive at your passenger’s house on time.
  • You expect them to be waiting on the doorstep for you. They’re not, so you have to get out of the car and knock on the door.
  • They let you in the house where you wait while they finish doing their hair, packing their bag, smoking their cigarette.
  • You leave ten minutes later, but not before they’ve gone back into the house to check that they shut the bathroom window.
  • You hit bad traffic – traffic that wouldn’t have been there had you not made the diversion to pick up a passenger twenty minutes earlier.
  • They make conversation about the bad traffic and how much better it would be if more people shared their journeys to work.
  • You bite your tongue.

I don’t really like having passengers in my car, not strangers at least. I like to be able to listen to my music, sing along if I like. How can I shout and swear at other drivers if I’m trying to be polite? I need my fart space.

So, be kind to hedgehogs, stay off work with a bad back!

Talking of which.... An edit and dedication to Her Majesty the Queen

Her Majesty has had to cancel a number of public engagements over the past week due to a bad back. She has my sympathy. But I can't believe it's taken her so many decades to discover that you can get out of your job by claiming to have a bad back.

Well done, Ma'am.


Anonymous said...

Carpool (that's what we call it here)? Surely you jest.

My car's usually a tip anyway, what with a five-year-old who is always bringing toys along for the ride, and me who can't be arsed to clean up after her. There's barely room for a passenger once I've got the front seat loaded down with my briefcase, handbag, lunchbag, and any other stuff I may have to bring.

And you can never have too much fart space.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Getting the bus to work is worse.

Did I tell you about the bus driver we had once that did taxidermy as a hobby?

Every fucking roadkill we came across he would stop to examine and sometimes put in a plastic bag and take home.

Worse thing though was that he had a Brummy accent.


Anonymous said...

Getting the bus to work must be vile, and I take my hat off to those who do it. Trump was showing me her woollen winter coat yesterday. She told me that she'd only worn it once before it had to be dry-cleaned because she'd leant in a load of snot that somebody had smeared down the window of the bus.


A bus driver was arrested for causing death by dangerous driving after he ploughed into a workman who was operating one of those elevated platforms on the road not far from where I work yesterday. They're fucking maniacs and they drive those bloody buses so fast on the city's streets, flying round corners and mounting kerbs. It's no surprise that they have an unhealthy pre-occupation with dead things - half of them try to kill the subjects of their taxidermy projects.

And they're generally miserable cunts too.


Anonymous said...

In Seattle you have to yield to the city bus as it pulls back out into traffic which means that you really better be paying attention becuase the driver will get back into the lane with little or no warning to the other drivers on the road. If you hit one of these maniacs, then you're liable.

aak - not to be confused with aas!

PS. It might seem like I'm gone, but I've still been watching you

Anonymous said...

Oh I know you come by now and again, Lisa, don't you worry!

We have to give way (yield) to buses here to, but this just gives them licence to drive dangerously. Idiots.

Anonymous said...

You even remmember my name - I am so please!


PS does Aas come around anymore?

Anonymous said...

Ah, how could I forget all those evenings of shameless flirting???

Shameless hussy!

Anonymous said...

And yes, Aas drops by occasionally too.

Anonymous said...

Shameless hussy, huh? Now that you are off the market, are you sure you don't mean shameful hussy? :o)

Tell me, has you love finally turned you into a cottage cheese lover?


Anonymous said...

Cottage cheese? Are you having a laugh??? Hell no!

Anonymous said...

But she got you to taste it - I thought more sure by now she'd have you converted!

Hey, I ran into this blog (through our university website) and found it amusing. Quite possibly you are all the entertainment you need, as you have been keeping many of us across the world enraptured with your tales. However, should you find yourself bored one day, you may want to check it out.

Tina, I have to get back to work. I've enjoyed touching, I mean touching base with you (bad hussy!).

Take care!


Anonymous said...

I prefer my hedgehogs with tomato sauce, but that's not for here...

Your car sharing list made me laugh. I will never be tempted to give it a try. Ever.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but it'd be more like tracter sharing in norfolk, wouldn't it?

Remember hedgehg flavoured crisps? Yum!

Anonymous said...

The way things are regressing at the moment, we'll be lucky if we can manage a horse and cart...

Anonymous said...

Ack! I just noticed that Sniffy, you dirty girl, has placed me on her blogroll! You're the sauciest babe ever.

Anonymous said...

Well Karen, I like to ensure that readers are kept on their toes!

Anonymous said...

Yippee skippy.

Anonymous said...

Dear god how old is that woman now?