Tuesday 31 October 2006

You're a vegetable and I hate you

For all the years since I first heard Michael Jackson's "Got to be starting something", I've never known what the hell it was on about and was convinced that the closing reprise went something like:

"You're a vegetable, you're a vegetable
And I hate you, you're a vegetable"

Could these really be in the lyrics of a pop song? Well, and I'm not sure whether these are correct or not, but this is what he's supposed to be saying:

You're Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah
And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah)
You're A Vegetable, You're A Vegetable
Still They Hate You, You're A Vegetable
You're Just A Buffet, You're A Vegetable
They Eat Off Of You, You're A Vegetable

So there you have it, it wasn't my ears playing tricks on me, the lyrics are truly bizarre!

There are other instances of odd song lyrics, but plenty where we just get it wrong. One of my favourites was Womack and Womacks Teardrops, from about 1988:

Footsteps on the dancefloor, remind me baby of you
Teardrops... in my eyes, next time I'll be true

Not difficult, but I used to think she was singing about "teardrops in my high heels".

It's good to know that it's not just me. A friend of mine once thought that Bonnie Tyler was Lost in drag, while I know of another person I know thought that Kirsty McColl was telling us There's a guy works down the chip shop swears his 'ead off.

Trick or treat
Following the great tradition that was brought her from North America, the UK's children are terrorising their neighbourhoods by taking part in "Trick or treat" activities. There have been arrests in Liverpool, apparently, where the little shits have been vandalising the homes of those who don't give them enough cash - sweets are not enough.

We've had three ghostly visitations so far, from "youths" who have gone to all the trouble of dusting off last year's Scream mask and wearing it under their hoodies.

"Trick or treat"

"Sing us a Hallowe'en song or tell us a joke. You're not getting anything until you do."

"Don't know any"

"Well, you're not getting anything then. Tell us a joke!"

"Where does Bin Laden keep his CDs?.... In a rack (in Iraq)"

"Good, have a couple of Heroes, but leave the time outs! They're OK if you're allergic to nuts.... I think. That'll be a treat for us if your face swells up and you can't get your mask off!"

Little bastards will be exploding fireworks through people's letterboxes for the next month or so.


Anonymous said...

Ooohh! You just gave me a great idea, I'll dress up as Wacko Jacko tonight! All day I've been trying to decide what to wear while getting intoxicating in front of the neighbourhood kiddies.

...maybe incorporate a Scream mask too. Third cousin to Michael, I'm sure of it; remarkable resemblance!

Anonymous said...

Scream mask is sporn of michael

Anonymous said...

I just take the little bastards in and show them my blog.

That shuts them up!

Anonymous said...

My favourite misheard lyric was by the Police:

Message in a Bottle

For the longest time it sounded like...

Massage in a Brothel

Anonymous said...

The Police had some classic ones. In the early 80s, there was a national newsreader called Sue Lawley. Her name fits perfectly in "So lonely".

I can't understand a lot of this modern so-called music.

Anonymous said...

The one I remember most was someone claiming that the refrain of "Roam" by the B52s was "Roam Nipsy Russell."

To this day, the WCM sings "Just like a one-winged girl" instead of "Just like a white winged dove" in Stevie Nicks' "Edge of Seventeen."

We had a gajillion kids come for candy tonight. Freeloaders!