Tuesday 3 October 2006


You'd find it difficult justifying calling me a luddite; I love technology, gadgets, new things (sometimes) - I have a fear of card games that involve bits of wood and pegs. However, for the first time since Windows 3.1, I find myself installing Windows on my defunct PC. Following advice from the P&T Helpdesk, am looking at a blue screen of doom that tells me that my old hard drive is being reformatted.


Who chose the blue screen of death? It's so threatening! What colour do Macs go when they have the blue screen of death? I bet they just come up with some slick animated message that says "I'm afraid this relationship has run its course. It's time for your overpriced upgrade". But the blue screen of death is just that, even if your PC is doing something nice, like installing a snazzy new operating system, it still instils that feeling of anxiety that it might not go right and that "Yes, it really is fuckadoodledood!".

It's just nasty because it takes you back to the days when people still used DOS applications like Word Perfect and stuff. "I don't need Word for Windows. Look, I can do all I need to with my keyboard and the field codes tell me what the formatting of the document is like". I bet they saw dead people too. Fucking weirdos.

Now that I'm wireless enabled and now that I am mobile, I'm thinking of being adventurous and trying to piggyback onto other people's wireless signals, or connections, or whatever they're called. Can it be called a connection if it's wireless? I think I'm getting back into seeing dead people. Anyway, I'm going to get myself mobile and set up a wireless network here so I can sit at my desk and surf the internet without an unslightly ethernet cable sticking out of my computer.

"Please wait while setup examines your discs. This could take several minutes depending on the size of your discs"

How exciting is this?

I think I'm going to have to invest in a laptop mouse; I can't cope with this touchpad thing without being a complete drama queen.

I don't quite know what I'm going to do with my old PC if I manage to get it sorted out. It's an unsightly old thing and it takes up lots of space, but we've been through a lot together: we shared hours together blogging, sending messages to people, writing e-mails, looking through photos. Hey ho, I suppose we have to move with the times.

When I became we
It's exactly six months since I met Trump in real life. She's amazing, I'm very happy, I'm very lucky.


Anonymous said...

Yay! First!

Formatting is such a bore - especially that blue screen.

We have the whole house filled with wireless gadgets - the PC, laptops, keyboards and mice, headphones, etc, etc, etc... We'll never go back to wires ever again.

Regarding the 'WiFi-Hopping' remember Google is your friend and tap in 'War Chalking' - it's very interesting.

We WiFi Hop all the time, especially when out and about with the laptop. Highly illegal, of course, but fun nonetheless and helped out immensely by a little download called 'WiFi Hopper' which again helps you to find!

Something worth reading : http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4721723.stm

Anonymous said...

I'm looking for a couple of valves for my wireless.

6 months WOW that long?

Good to hear

Anonymous said...

hey, congrats on the 6 month anniversary and the new laptop.

I got one in the summer and like the convenience but haven't come to love the keypad or the %^&$@ trackpad. I guess I'm resistant to change.

Anonymous said...

Macs don't really do anything comparable to the BSOD. They just freeze, or they do the spinning beachball. And that's rare.

They do, however, boot up in "Sad Mac" mode if there's a hardware issue. A little picture of a sad mac shows on the screen.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwm congratulations on the anniversary. Am I the only dense idiot who didn't pick up on the fact that you two were together? Or maybe it's just because I'm still fairly new here? Sheesh, anyways, I'm happy for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Wooohoooo.... 6 months - you love machine.

Anonymous said...

"It's an unsightly old thing and it takes up lots of space" - Put it in a home with all the other useless, incontinent old duffers.

Yay for your semi-anniversary!

Anonymous said...

I thought Macs booted up in "sad Mac mode" every time you started them!

In terms of wireless hotspots, isn't this something that's being encouraged by the Mysterious They to bring about a whole new openness of access and that? I reckon it's just an excuse to to Caffe Nero and Suburb lots.

Seeing the delish Trump this evening and I'm going to make it a special half anniversary occasion: I'll cook then I'll piss about on her PC all night. Might as well start as I mean to go on.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your anniversary.

Make sure you lock down your wifi when you get it. I assisted, ahem, my friend in getting 3 months' worth of free internet thanks to the slackness of the set ups round our way. Eventually they all twigged that someone else was using their bandwidth and locked them down.

If you're seeing dead people can you say hi to Garfer if you meet him?

Anonymous said...

Happy Aniversary!

You're a lesbo?!

Anonymous said...

Oh har har har, you're such a wit, ain't you?

Anonymous said...

congrats to you and trump.