Thursday 5 October 2006


So here I am, piggybacking onto somebody else's wireless signal! The only problem with this is that you can't guarantee a connection and the plug might be pulled at any second. Miserable bastards.

Still, it's worth it for a laugh and just to see that the PC can do it.

Techno stuff isn't fun or interesting. Nor is spending hundreds of pounds on a laptop when sorting out your desktop is free. C'est la vie.

Le vie en rose.

Roses are red.

The Red Planet is Mars, which is in our solar system along with Jupiter, bringer of joy.

A few years ago, five to be precise, a band called Train had a hit with the song Drops of Jupiter which I loved. I loved it so much that I bought their album, which was shite. Shite is probably unfair, but it was certainly disappointing.

In the spring of this year, a band called The Feeling had a single out called Sewn, which I really liked. Unfortunately, their subsequent releases have been shite. One of them has the lines "Fill my little world right up". I'm sorry, but you can't take any song seriously when they include "little" in the lyrics. It's like Madonna's Like a prayer, one of the finest songs of all time ruined by the line "When you call my name, it's like a little prayer". Honestly.

Load of old bollocks, that's what it is.

I guess I dislike it because of the cringe-worthy "Can I get you a little drinkie, Sue?" in Abigail's Party.

Little, it's just a stupid, childish word.

V for Vendetta
I watched this film this afternoon. What a joy to see the Houses of Parliament being blown sky high. If only it were true. It'd make Bonfire Night worth it if they put on a display like that.

Some fuckers kicked in one of the front fog lamps on my car when it parked outside Trump's yesterday evening.

Even my usually very liberal attitude is tested by these random acts of vandalism. These little shits who perpertrate such act will never contribute a thing to society; they just cause trouble, upset and hassle for the rest of us while we have to pay for the honour of keeping them in benefits or prison through our taxes. Surely we should just be able to kill them? Or at least stick a cattle prod to their testicles for a few hours? They wouldn't be kicking anything for a long time after that, would they?


Anonymous said...

Yay first.

Pinching other people's bandwidth is such fun.

Note to self, never get anything Sniffy listens to especially if I like them cos they'll bomb on the next record.

Or at least stick a cattle prod to their testicles for a few hours? - What makes you think they're male? Where would you stick the prod on a female?

Oooh, stick .... prod ... I must lie down in a cool dark room now.

Anonymous said...

A nice 'little' segue from techno to Train...

Anonymous said...

Too bad heinsight abortion isn't possible for the parents of those little vandalising hoodrats.

Anonymous said...

Yay!V for Vendetta.

Natalie was sooo hot!

Anonymous said...

Great film, I'm going to read the graphic novel once Trump has finished with it.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen V for Vendetta. I do like, however, The Amazing Race if that counts?

Stick the bastards. I'm with you on that one Sniff.