Tuesday 10 October 2006

Hot and cold

Sick bed

This just about sums up my life over the past couple of days.
  • Achy joints
  • Headache
  • Stomach ache
  • Tiredness
  • Nausea
  • Boiling hot
  • Shivery cold
  • Right as rain
Viruses are right bastards: they make you feel rotten for anything from 24 hours to two weeks and, with the 24hr variety, they make it look as if you're avoiding work and dumping on colleagues at a particularly stressful time for everybody else. Fuckers.

But there's also something quite nice about the symptoms described above; the state of half sleepy confusion and loss of time is so odd. Being in bed when you'd normally be in work allows you to hear things that you'd normally miss out on: children going to school; emergency vehicle sirens on the motorway; burglars trying to get into the house. But as you lie there, drifting in and out of consciousness, you wonder when you're going to get better and if you're going to get worse before the time when you can finally get up and feel human again.

After spending most of last night and today in bed, groaning in fitful sleep, I finally came to at 3pm today - my headache had started to subside, I could stomach the ginger biscuits that Connie had brought me and wafted under my nose like smelling salts.

Ahh ginger biscuits, they're so yummilicious!

Laptop keyboards are shite
They're nice and soft when you click them, but all the keys are too close together and some of the keys are in the wrong place. I can't get used to it.

I feel like I could do with a special device that disabled people use to type, like a stick attached to my head or voice recognition software.

And what about those daft little mouse pad things? Bloody hell, are they designed so people contort their hands in readiness for when they get rheumatoid arthritis or something?

Media madness
When I was a good girl, I bought music downloads from the MSN music store. I have quite a few tracks that I acquired this way. I can't play any of them because the licences weren't transferred from my dead PC and the relicensing thing doesn't work properly so I can't get new ones for them.

Thanks a bunch, bastards. They're all shite anyway and I get what I want from other sources these days.

...Like stuff on vinyl and everything! Yes, that's right a vinyl record, me! Whatever next? The truth is, like most normal people, I prefer digital media because you can cart it around with you, but when I heard a song called You got me thinkin' by a New Zealand outfit called The Tornadoes featuring Tyra Hammond [oh yes, should mention Opensouls too - check em out from the link in the comments] , I had to have it and the only format I could get it was vinyl. Of course I tried my usual download sources, but all I got was viruses. Fuckers.


Anonymous said...

Tracey Emin Envy there Sniff?

I hate being sick,thats why I never am...and if I end up very sick someday I want one of those helper monkeys, which I will train to shit on peoples heads.

Knowing my luck he would probably shit on mine!

The cute baboon cunt

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry that you have been sick. However, I wanna give you props for deciding to venture into the Vinyl market with our Tornadoes 7". You like the label? That group is an offshoot of another group over here in NZ called opensouls. Check us out at myspace.com/opensoulsspace or at opensouls.co.nz.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I actually should've given it full kudos by mentioning Opensouls too. Thanks ever so much for dropping by, I feel like a proper groupie now!

Anonymous said...

In soviet russia, band talks about groupie.

Wait, this isn't Soviet Russia.

That's pretty cool! See, when you get sick and act all "I hate Microsoft", you get picked up by a band!

Glad you're feeling better. Did those burglars ever make it in?

Anonymous said...

Mmmm... ginger biscuits. Got any left?

Anonymous said...

I hope you're feeling better. We missed our sniffling sniffy.

Anonymous said...

I hope you get the voice-recognition software. I can't wait to hear your comments on the performance.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just stumbled on your post while bored at work! Have this weird flu thing on and off for a while, work wont be pleased if I take more time off...
Agree with you on laptop keyboards, try typing more than 30wpm you end up with a mess, as for the mouse pad, why did they even bother with these things?!