Monday 30 October 2006


I could never write songs, or be a singer for that matter.

This has nothing to do with the fact that I have no talent for either writing or singing. No, you see, I'd never be able to incorporate the necessary "oooooooooos", "aaaaaaaaaahhhhhs", "boooooeeeeeeeeps" and other such non-verbal accompaniments that are a prerequisite for a hit song.

For some examples (and there are loads), check out the following:

Every little thing she does is magic - The Police
Use it up, wear it out - Odyssey
The house that Jack built/Respect/Seesaw/Dr Feel Good, etc, etc, etc - Aretha Franklin
Give me the night - George Benson
Anything soul/RNB

These are probably extreme examples, but just about every pop song has some degree of this. I reckon the "Oooooh Factor" is very important in popular music, it sort of provides a link in the song and it'd be interesting to see what songs would be like without it. I suppose you'd end up with something like Coldplay or Keane or some other such shite that we could all live without.

Why has Windows Media Player attributed Tori Amos's From the choirgirl hotel to Natasha Bedingfield? I'd love to know how that one came about.

Zipping up my boots
I'm heading back to my roots. Or not, if you're somebody like the Appletons (from All Saints), James Martin (Yorkshire TV chef), Mel Gibson (total American/Aussie/American cunt).

What is it with these people that they change their accents so easily? I remember when Mel Gibson was an Aussie (in films like Tim, Galipoli, Mad Max) and then he turned into an American in the mid-eighties. He also tried being Scottish (Braveheart) and English (Bounty/Hamlet). He was just annoying in all roles. Tit.

People do change their accents depending on where they live and the people who they associate with, it's only natural; I have a strange Manchester/Yorkshire accent from my time at university all those years ago. However, what really grates on me is when people from the North of England (who have the flattest vowels on earth) start to change to "Southern-speak". A classic example is TV Chef James Martin, a bloke from Yorkshire, who still speaks like a bloke from Yorkshire apart from a recently-acquired tendency to change his vowel-sounds to make them more palatable for TV. No longer do we get "butter" or "honey", oh no, young James now favours the "batter" and "hanny" sound. Tosser. I'm sure even the most retarded Mockneys can understand what is meant by "butter", fuckwit.

Laying about in bed all day, stinking of shit
I'm in bed. I should be parking my car at work right now, but I've been suffering with a bad back for the past couple of days and even the slightest movements in the wrong direction, and even those in the right direction, were causing me a lot of pain when I tried to get going this morning.

But now I'm sat in bed, propped up on three pillows, laptop at the ready. These things don't half kick out some heat. Really hot now.

The problem with bad backs is that they can lure you into a false sense of security: you get moving and it eases up a bit so you make your way into work and then find that you can't get down the stairs in the car park or walk to your office. Can you imagine what that'd look like? I'm sorry, I couldn't face that humiliation, or the concern of all the healthcare professionals who would obviously flock to my aid. So to save being laughed at by people, I decided to stay off today.

Already from my sick bed, I've heard screams of "YOU BASTARD!!!!" from one of the neighbour's houses. This was around 6am and was quite disturbing. And my prolonged stay in this room has made me aware of a strange smell in here. I think it's the holdall that I took to Canada; the one that got drenched in red wine that's sat on top of a wardrobe.

I'll be taking Voltarol, a lovely drug that has no side effects that I can gather. Although I did have a strange dream in which I was preparing for stint in a stand up comedy show and I ended up deciding to talkabout stealing prescription drugs off old people. I woke up before the audience started dying of laughter, obviously.

Finally succumbed to a You Tube vid clip

Firefox 2
I've installed the latest versions of web browsers from Mozilla (Firefox) and Microsoft (Internet Explorer) and they're both OK, although I do prefer Firefox these days.

Boring techno crap. ... Anyway, I'm using Firefox to type this and I've noticed that it underlines any text that's not in the English (British) dictionary in a similar fashion to the way MS Office applications do. How good is that? Well it's OK I suppose.


Anonymous said...

Yay first.

Hope the back gets better soon. Mrs C has been off work for the last year with a bad back.

You didn't hurt yours dirty dancing with SID did you?

Anonymous said...


Strangely enough, I didn't hurt mine dancing with SID. I wrote this post then saw what had happened to him and thought "ey up!".

Mine just goes because my back muscles are weak and I'm overweight. I need to get some exercise and lose a little of my podginess. So many problems would be sorted if I had willpower!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sniffy! Sorry to hear about your back. I too thought perhaps it was the result of some freakish incident which would have us all in stitches as you shared the story. Alas it is not. And what do you mean pudgy? I'd hardly call you pudgy!

Mel Gibson, has and always will be, in my opinion, a self righteous cunt who couldn't act his way out of a paper bag (unlike my fellow canadian Will Shatner).

Ooooh! I said the word "cunt". Bebop a looooooo bop.

And unfortunately, the quest for one of Chadwick's cousin still continues...

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit fatter than I should be.

I love the way people who visit here feel free to use whatever language they see as fit to get their message across. Cunt is obviously a word that people would wish to use a lot more often if it weren't for the taboos of modern society. Firefox spell checker recognises cunt as a proper word! Super.

I never knew TJ Hooker was Canadian! He's gone right up in my estimation. Gibson is a total arse.

There are plenty of UK Bearbrick sellers who'll ship to Canada you know. Or I'll send you Chadwick himself for £100.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I don't normally use the "c" word. I hope I didn't offend anyone!

While a mere 100 pounds for the great Chadwick seems an amazing steal, I couldn't bear (ha ha ha) to take him away from his darling Francesco. I will continue looking and see if I can't find one somewhere.

And oh yes, TJ is definately a Canuck. Listen closely the next time he says "about". :)

Anonymous said...

Offended? HERE??? Get real!

Aboot, eh? God, that was almost a terrible Canadian joke, eh? And another!

Chadwick is staying put, he is priceless (to a limit).

Seriously though, check out ebay UK and I bet somebody will sell you one to Canada from there.

Anonymous said...

I'm really disgusted at Karen's use of the 'C' word!

Really and truly, such a word is abominable.

I'm never visiting this blog again.

Fucking disgusted, so I am.

And, erm, did you just say 'a bit fatter' than you should be? A bit? A fucking bit?

Cunts. The lot of you.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for the conduct of my visitors - hope you're not put off by it.


Anonymous said...

I wonder how James Martin says funny butter?

I never said the C word til I started loitering round here. these dys I'm never short of an insult for anyone.

Cuntolas, the lot of yu.

Anonymous said...

this fucking keyboard. someone stole hlf of my vowels.

Anonymous said...

Har har har, James Martin's "fanny batter".

Dirty bitch.

I can't believe the tone has been lowered in a post with a cute baby panda in it!

Anonymous said...

With you on the back Tina.

Mines fucking killing me.

*slips another diazepam into mouth*

Anonymous said...

Voltarol 50mg and "Felbinac" gel back rubs for me. I keep thinking I'm ok then I try to do something like lean over to wash my hands. Hurts like a bastard.

Anonymous said...

Yeouch! I had my bout of back trouble when Miss Peanut was a tiny baby and I was hauling her around in a carseat. I had to bend and twist to get her in the car, which wrenched the shit out of my back. Thank god for my brother in law, the physio - aka, He of the Giant Heating Pads. Ahhhhhh.

Accents - I love 'em. Even the flat American varieties. One of my work colleagues is from Minnesota, which is like 2500 miles from here, and her accent is adorable. I'll take British accents of all sorts, but the Scottish ones are especially sexy to me (if completely unintelligible at times).

Anonymous said...

You could add to that music list, Hanson's MmmBop.

The Chorus:

Mmm bop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, ba duba dop
Ba du
Mmm bop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, ba du dop
Ba du bop, ba du dop
Ba du

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kaybee. I did leave Mmm Bop out deliberately in anticipation of somebody mentioning it.

Thank you.

Some Scottish accents are OK, some are hideous - same as English ones I suppose. I like the Ulster accent. Not mad keen on Welsh though.

Anonymous said...

ahh okay, I wasn't sure how global they reached.

Anonymous said...

Surely they have a galactic reputation!?!?!?!