Monday 2 October 2006

Celestial valium


Sniffy has a new PC. It's a laptop and it's so difficult to get used to the keyboard!

Yes, celestial valium. I think this is the name I shall give to those things you sometimes notice and that bring instant calming when, in a state of despair and frustration, you look to the heavens and take a deep breath in an attempt to prevent yourself blowing your top and killing somebody.

Today's celestial valium was the most fantastic rainbow I have ever seen. It arched above the city centre, lighting up the dreary buildings beneath it. I swear that the Arndale Centre was at the end of the Rainbow.

I'd noticed this wonderful vision as I was making my way home from work. The traffic wasn't bad, but I'd become annoyed by the antics of the driver in front of me - just way too slow at setting off from lights. I looked to the heavens and there it was. I marvelled at its perfection - the whole spectrum was there to see, not just your usual diffuse range of colours, but discrete bands of colour from red at the top to blue at the bottom. It was so bright and perfect, and it even had a bonus outer rainbow. A bit like this, only a proper full rainbow over a big city.


Ahhh, my heart leaps up when I see a rainbow in the sky, the calm washed over me. I was ready to set off from the lights again, relaxed and ready to continue my journey home. Unfortunately, the fuckwit in front was still dawdling and they took just that millisecond too long to set off.

Why do people do it? Why do they have to ruin it for everyone when there's a nice rainbow in the sky? Tossers.

A Canadian tradition
I got a birthday present the other day. The delicious April kindly sent me a Cribbage board and a set of Canadian souvenir playing cards.

I'm taking this as a threat. Canadians get very tetchy when beaten at their national game by foreigners - as I found out when I wooped April's arse (figuratively speaking) while playing this game for the first time in the summer.

I'm not sure what happens during the game, but you end up moving little pegs up this wooden board that has lots of holes in it. I couldn't remember how this came about, I thought dice might be involved, then I realised what the cards were for - dur. Essentially, you get shouted at by your opponent and they keep saying lots of numbers then you do adding and put your peg into the board. Then you beat them and they get arsey.

So that's cribbage sorted.

Next week I'll be discussing how to beat the Canadians at seal clubbing and hockey.

I think the acquisition of this new fangled machine was most timely! It seems that my poor old desktop has completely died. I'm sure it'll be OK if I can figure out how to reformat the hard drive (the one that works) and reinstall windows, but I'm not sure how to do that.

Answers on a postcard please.

Laptops are OK, but you don't half write like a spaz on the keyboards. Bloody nora, this is difficult. Still, any excuse for writing a load of old shite here will do!


Anonymous said...

I can't possibly leave a comment. The pressure to be witty at this site is incredible. To be first and witty is mind numbing.

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't crash into someone while sucking your celestial vaccuum. Oh, I meant, valium. Yeah.

Just remember, there's millions of IDJUTS out there who don't know how to drive. Imagine that the IDJUT you're dealing with at the moment is NOT the worst of the lot. At least, that helps me.

Anonymous said...

Cribbage kicks ass. That and canasta are traditions at family gatherings on my father's side. It's definately more of an east coast/maritime tradition than here out west. I find very few people who play here, it's a pity.

Anonymous said...

card games suck.

Anonymous said...

No bedtime crib for us two then, eh?

Anonymous said...

You thick cunt.

Do you have your Windows installation disk?

No? Ignore the rest of this comment.

Yes? Read on!

1. Insert you Windows installation disc.

2. Turn off the PC

3. Turn it back on.

4. Windows begin re-installing itself, asking you if you wish to format the partition at some point.

5. Go for a cup of tea or a long shite.

6. It should be half way there.

7. Wait the wait while it does it's stuff.

Anonymous said...

i never win at cribbage. i suck eggs at it.

computer worries - i would actually zero out the hard drive using gwscan (available from, then reload windows. seems to work better for me.

Anonymous said...

Figuratively Sniff I was playing my mom and my dad at the game while you held the cards and they told you what to do. I'll whip your ass the next time I see you, you peg pushing pimp.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think anyone living outside of an old folks home played crib. Those boards do make excellent pieces of firewood, though.

Anonymous said...

Oh and April, I still beat you and will do again!

Anonymous said...

Actually, I tried doing this "insert windows disk and leave it" thing and it just killed it, said it couldn't install on top of a previously installed version of windows. How do I get to the DOS menu to FDISK my c drive?

Would a boot floppy be required?

Anonymous said...

Crib is a great game Kaybee.

Sniff... you'll never beat me again so bask in the glory now - this is your moment of fame. Enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Strangely enough, it was a gorgeous English guy who taught me how to play cribbage. I was 17 at the time. I can't remember anything about the game now, except don't the cards have to add up to a certain number?

Celestial Valium - I like it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for your advice on crib. I do remember counting being involved, but I was too scared by April giving me the dead eye to concentrate on what was going on.

Anonymous said...

hey sniffy, take my advice, and it'll reformat your hard drive the easy way. it takes forever, but in the end, it works.