Saturday 15 July 2006

The longest day

I've been awake for 24 hours, I'm starting to feel a bit sick. Long distance flying is shite: it's impossible to sleep because the seats are so uncomfortable; there's always a bloody film playing; it's always too light. I tried covering my eyes with my hood, but this made my hair a mess and the stewardesses ignored me because they were scared!

Jesus, I'm tired now.

Anyway, I have some observations from my trip to Canada that I think should be shared with Blogworld.

For a Briton, being in Canada is a little like being in a strange parallel universe. You find yourself in a place that seems very familiar, the climate is very similar to that at home (at least on coastal British Columbia it is), they speak English, shops are the same, as is much of the food. But it's just not the same as England... thank fuck, I suppose.

I was most impressed with the way the toilets flush - they sort of suck everthing out in a vacuum, then fill the pot with water. My only bugbare was the the way they never had a complete toilet seat - they seem to favour the type with the gap at the front for some reason. Never really worked what that's all about. Of course, one thing that I WASN'T impressed with was the "portapotty" chemical toilets that took you by surprise when you'd expect something to have a proper plumbed flush from its exterior.

Come again?
The pronunciations are different and they use completely different words and phrases when meaning the same things as we do. For example, I was often greeted with "You're such a fucking cunt" by people meaning "Hey, how you doing? Hope you have a great day!", subtle differences, you see.

Things get worse in the States. Whereas the Canadians have the nouse to understand that people across the world say the same words differently, or mean the same as they do by using slightly different terms, the Americans cannot compute. For example, when asking for a "blended iced mocha", I was met with a blank stare from the coffee shop in Brewster, WA, until April stepped to translate: "That's a mow-ka frappe". There's no such thing as "cafe au lait", but there's latte a-plenty in the coffee shops. You can really throw them by talking about a fortnight.

Anyway, vive la difference and all that. It's nice that things aren't all the same wherever you go - there'd be no point in going anywhere, would there?

This is weird, still on the subject of pronunciation... I went through the "Okanagan" in Canada and "Okanogan County" in America. There's a lake Okanagan too - it is very big. But when I spoke to people about visiting "The Okanagan", I was met with many blank looks. They don't pronounce Okanagan the way you'd expect, instead, it's like Oh-kan-argan.

At least I know now! It's nice to know how to pronounce the name of such a beautiful part of the world. Here is Mother, demonstrating what the Okanagan looks like by means of her obligatory tea towel that I bought there:


I've warned her that she has to be very careful because this is a special mystical, voodoo teatowel. The consequences of accidentally burning it when she's removing something from under the grill are raging forest fires that destroy the area surrounding Kelowna! She won't pay any attention to my pleas, so think on and look sharp!

You're very welcome
The Canadians are trained to respond to thanks with "You're welcome". I think it's genetic. It is also very endearing and I like it. Of course I engaged in such exchanges of pleasantries with my very own "It's a fucking pleasure". I think it'll catch on.

I may come back with photos and stuff from my trip, but you can get the gist of what happened from those terrible girls, Connie and April. The bitches may have been trying to kill me, but they did it in such a lovely way. April, Connie and Jenn are absolute darlings; I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to meet them and I really hope that I get the chance to meet up with them all very soon.

A quick PS
Baggage handlers at Manchester Airport are a bunch of clumsy fucking idiots. Be warned if you're too lazy to transfer $35 bottles of RED wine from your case to your carry-on baggage.


Anonymous said...

hmmmmm, wasn't the last thing Jenn said to you as we were leaving for the airport something like "Are you sure you wouldn't feel safer carrying-on those bottles of wine".....

You are just so fucking adorable!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I just like to live life on the edge - you know me!

Fuck it, if I couldn't drink the stuff anyway, why give it someone else to enjoy? No, that doesn't convince me either, I am SO pissed off, but hey ho.

You're pretty fucking adorable yourself, Connie.

Anonymous said...

Thank Gawd you are back. I've missed my no-longer-daily dose of cuntness.

Anonymous said...

Shit. You made it back.

Oh well, there's always next time.

Yay! Welcome back, Sweetpea! Did you shag any of the Canadian birds then?

Did April rub her muff all over you and beg you to poke your tongue out?

Did she like it?

Are her kids horrid?

How tidy was her house? i bet it was a tip.

Anonymous said...

Isn't there supposed to be a monster in Lake Okanagan?

I bet it says 'eh' a lot and drinks Pabst. Not a patch on oor Nessie.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! It's a fucking pleasure to read you again.

Shame about the wine...

Anonymous said...

Yes Piggy, of course April did all those things to me, but what with me being very happy and knowing that I have got THE best girl (and shag) back home, I had to let her down gently and decline her constant offers of hot dirty sex.

No SHE DID FUCKING NOT do any of those things, you dirty fucking cunt. Although there was this time when were in the lake together and she was trying to help me balance so as I could waterski...

Her kids adored me and they cried when I left. Well, I got a wave and a "Bye, Sniff!" from the little one and a "See ya" from the oldest.

Her house is lovely, a lot more spaceous than anything you or I could ever afford and it's spotlessly clean (because her mother has a key and did it for her while we were in the States!). She also has a VERY impressive BBQ just outside the back door. Wouldn't last two minutes outside my back door; thieving cunts in Salford would make sure of that.

Garfer, there IS a monster in Lake Okanagan. It's called the Okopogo or something weird.

Anonymous said...


Unfortunately we never got to use the bbq enough because we were too busy driving over the universe.

Adorable... what planet are you from Connie? Sniff was a right pain in the arse and she makes a shitty nanny.

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