Tuesday 25 July 2006


I noticed two fucktard car drivers using iPods on my way home from work this evening (on the stretch of road where the coppers pulled me up last week). One of them even cut me up: no indication, just a nice leisurely drift across the lanes and into my side. I beeped, beeped again, flashed my lights, shouted. But the fucking idiot was so oblivious to anything that was going on to the side or behind him that he just moved into my lane without looking. Of course he couldn't hear me because he was listening to some shite on his shitty iPod.

If only I'd let him hit me. Imagine the fun I'd have had in court with him. The thing is, he was driving some fancy Mercedes or something and I'm quite sure that the stereos on those things are pretty good anyway, so why did he need to use his iPod?


At the time this was happening, the guy driving the car behind me had his iPod on and he was also holding a conversation on his mobile.


I have decided that what is needed to counteract these fucking imbeciles is an iProd: essentially a cattle prod that can be used to shock some sense into fools who are too absorbed in their own little musical worlds to realise that the world is going on around them and that the world is a dangerous place. A few hundred volts might, just might, do the trick. Imagine the advertising campaign: those sillhouetted people dancing around and being given the odd electric shock to warn them that they're wandering into oncoming traffic without looking.


Perhaps such warning devices should be kept at the design stage and we should let natural selection take over.

Aunt Bessie's
Just had some Aunt Bessie's bramley apple pie. It was the sweetest thing I've ever had in my entire life. So laden with excess sugar that I couldn't taste anything remotely resembling apple. Don't bother with them. Not good.

Not good like Nanaimo bar. Nanaimo bars are a bit like millionaire shortbread, only completely different. They were invented by a housewife from Nanaimo, BC, who entered a competition to find the ultimate chocolate square. They're fucking delish. They're also very sweet. Make some for a diabetic friend or relative, they'll love you for it.


Anonymous said...

Great idea! I have a handy little device for my car that allows me to play the ipod through the car speakers. Cops here will pull you over for driving with headphones on - it's inattentive driving.

Here in the US, particularly in the South, we love us some sugar. Is it any wonder we face skyrocketing rates of obesity and type II diabetes?

Anonymous said...

If I'm not mistaken, you're not supposed to wear headphones while driving over here either, but where are the police when you need them?

Anonymous said...

The police are attending to more pressing matters when you need them, such as comparing the lengths of their billy clubs to their dicks, or playing with their sirens and flashers.

yum...haven't had a nanaimo bar since Christmas. Careful though, one can overdose on those deadly treats. 50% of British Columbian deaths are nanaimo bar related.

Anonymous said...

50% of British deaths are iron bar related. Ho, ho, ho!

I might make some Nanaimo bars this weekend and post them over to April as a token of my gratitude for her hospitality while I was with her. I know she'd really appreciate it judging by the way she gagged while I ate mine on the Nanaimo ferry.

Anonymous said...

Make sure you send her a glass of milk too. Can't have one without the other.

Anonymous said...

We had an Aunt Bessie's apple pie the other week and thought exactly the same thing.

And I know what you mean about this fucking Ipod thing too. I despise them and their owners.

You have one of them, don't you?

Anonymous said...

Yes, a glass of milk!

I wouldn't have an iPod Piggy. I can't bring myself to have anything Apple. I'd go for a Creative any day.

Anonymous said...

Where's my sidebar gone, for fuck's sake?

Blogger's sidebar server must've gone down in the heat.

Fucking pathetic.

Anonymous said...

The Rev I Paisley would approve of an iProd.

Personally, I think a roof mounted taser based device would be an effective deterrent.

Which ways the Patent office?

Anonymous said...

i'm from mississippi and my first car's stereo was murdered, so of course, all i had were headphones. before i took off for parts unknown, i did call the highway patrol, and according to them, there wasn't a law against wearing headphones as long as you can hear a siren over them. i would think that a hands free cell-phone thingy would be considered the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Well, Pink, of course the main thing is that you can hear - people have their car stereos on really loud too. Stop spoiling my fun by engaging in proper debate! We need vitriole, not sense. You see, Garfer has the right idea: a roof-based taser!

Anonymous said...

Gatso's are set up to catch such unwary drivers so we don't need police on the roads.

Scud missile on the roof would be a more effective deterrent as you could position yourself on the road so as to take out the dickhead in front and behind (via the rocket exhaust) at the same time.

Anonymous said...

I think women applying their make-up whilst driving is a fucking nuisance.

And why is is that all those great big fucking clunky and polluting 4x4's are all being driven by women these days?

Badly, I might add.

Anonymous said...

Are they not big and clunky and polluting when driven by men?

Women applying makeup, men shaving while drinking coffee. They're all as bad as each other.

I don't have any problem with what cars people drive to tell you the truth. Although I think people who drive people carriers are the most pious, yet worst drivers on the road. People carriers take up just as much room as a 4x4 yet their owners seem to think that they have more rights to be on the road than anybody else because they're transporting the future generation.

Hate them.


Anonymous said...

Nanaimo Bars are horrible chunks of chocolate/coconut faeces. Looks like what came out of my bum this morning. Disgusting Sniff. If you send me a copy I'll post those nude sunbathing picture of you.

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.