Sunday 23 July 2006

Blasted from the past

In June 2005 I had a go at Paul McCartney. Considering I'd been blogging since the January of that year, I thought I was quite restrained with this six month delay at laying into this useless and embarrassing never-was.

Look at the comment that was left on the very same post yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Paul McCartney might not be any longer in his prime - but at least he was at one point, whereas you will not.

22 July, 2006 16:59
Fuck. Right. Off.

How can people be bothered to leave comments on posts that are over a year old? Mental, obesessed-with-their-heroes fucktards. It's a good job Cliff Richard fans haven't got a clue how to access the internet!


Toilet noises
People make all sorts of noises in toilets. The best ones are those trumpy ones that sneak out while you're trying to have a wee; they kind of amplify in the bowl and make you snigger. The other night, I happened to find myself in a compromising situation in a toilet cubicle with a certain somebody while at a wedding we were attending. Things had been getting a bit thingy between us and we sort of, well, you know, got a bit whatsit. When another of the guests came into the cubicle next to us, we had to abandon our plans because I couldn't keep quiet. So my companion decided to cut her losses and have a wee, trumping in the process. I giggled lots; that giggling when you're trying so hard not to laugh that it just makes things a thousand times worse.

We burst out of the cubicle milliseconds before the other woman came out of hers. She talked to us and apologised for making a smell and having a poo. She then asked if we'd heard somebody crying and asked if we were OK.

"We're fine, thanks. Having a great time."


Anonymous said...

Yay! First!

I refuse to comment on any post that includes the name of the fuckwit, Cliff Richards.

*trots out again, appalled*

Anonymous said...

Who is Cliff Richard?

Public washrooms/toilets suck ass, with the exception of the one's in Mexican Restaurants; they always smell doesn't matter what you do in there.

Anonymous said...

Kaybee - Cliff Richards is an ageing british poof who was apparently worshipped by old women in the 60's.

Supposedly Britain's answer to Elvis, or something.

He was shite.

He releases religious records every christmastime, which are shite.

He still is shite.

The only people who like him are senile old grannies.

Anonymous said...

I hate him and Macca. They're both repulsive cunts, with Sir Cliff being the most repulsive, vain, horrible man on the planet. He currently looks like one of the living dead. I can't wait until he is one of the dead dead.

Anonymous said...

Oh and btw Hello to Kaybee. Thanks for dropping by.

The worst smelling toilets are those porta potties that are distributed around the national parks over in Canada. They don't have a flush and all the shite just sits in the pot below you so you can see it all. Diz-fucking-gusting.

The thing about Cliff is that he's a homophobic queer who could never admit to his sexuality because of his faith. Fucker, I hate him.

Anonymous said...

Cubicle snogging? You wild women, you!

Anonymous said...

Snogging? Who said anything about snogging?

Anonymous said...

Good god, is nothing sacred?!

Anonymous said...

I usually camp a lot in the summer. These porta potty toilets you speak of, I haven't encountered too often. Though camping for me often involves sitting by a fire with a cold drink and the facilities are any tree that I can hide behind.

Funny cultural differences. I've never really been to England with the exception of the 12 hour layover I had at Brize Norton Air Force base. I was thrown on a bus and taken to a military bar where they fed me deep fried everything and alcohol(which they couldn't deep fry). Twelve hours with British soldiers really improved my usage of the word "fuck". It was great, short, but great.

Anonymous said...

Trump, you should have known. :-)

Anonymous said...

Trump, you shouldn't have implicated yourself in this. I might have been referring to anybody, but you've gone and dropped yourself right in it. I cant help you now, you dirty bitch!

Anonymous said...

Too right and all - you dirty little sluts.

Just because you can manage to clog the uncloggable chemical toilets Sniff. If wasn't their fault.

p-[0 (awwww, my cat just typed that)

You're referring to the "Hope Slide" toilets aren't you? You dirty little bitch.

Anonymous said...

Too right and all - you dirty little sluts.

Just because you can manage to clog the uncloggable chemical toilets Sniff. If wasn't their fault.

p-[0 (awwww, my cat just typed that)

You're referring to the "Hope Slide" toilets aren't you? You dirty little bitch.


Anonymous said...

fucking blogger was acting up and I posted the same shite twice.

Anonymous said...

There's no point pretending it was an anonymous comment now April!

Did I fuck have sex in those Hope Slides toilets. Jesus Christ woman, you saw what they were like. Remember Lake Diablo? Fuck. Still makes me feel ill now.

Anonymous said...

I am not a senile old grannie and I like Cliff. I have liked him since I was in my 20's. I am now 47. I am from the US. He is a Christian and he said he is not gay. Also his girlfriends swear he isn't gay. Why would they lie as they haven't anything to gain from it? And if he was gay why hasn't someone come forward and said so? And Cliff looks good to be his age and he was very handsome when he was young. He looks better than you because I have seen your picture on here. That is a horrible thing to say about someone that you wish he was dead. And he is not repulsive. I have his records and they are good. A lot better than Sting Justin Timberlake and Elton John's singing for sure.

Anonymous said...

I am not a senile old grannie and I like Cliff's singing. I am from the US and I am 47 and hav eliked Cliff since I was 20. He says he isn't gay and his girlfriends swear he isn't. And if he was gay why hasn't someone come forward and said he is? He looks good to be his age and he was very handsome when he was younger. And he looks better than the ones that said he looks like the living dead. I saw their picture and they don't look as good as Cliff does. That is a horrible thing to say that you wish he were dead. And he can sing better than Sting Mick Jagger Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears that is for sure.

Anonymous said...

I am one of Cliff 's girlfriends and I have slept with him before he was a Christian and he is NOT gay. We had an affair when we were young. I swear this.

Anonymous said...

My name is Carol not Carla. I am the one that slept with Cliff.

Anonymous said...

Cliff might wish you were dead.

Anonymous said...

Right Cliff might wish you all were dead.

Anonymous said...

Well my name's Carl and I've slept with Cliff too. So he must be bi.

Anonymous said...

I agee, he's so much better than Sting. But gay.

Anonymous said...

No he is not gay. How do you know he is gay? And I have slept with him and I am from the UK. I am Carol (formerly married to one of the Shadows)

Anonymous said...

You all talk and use pretty language on here (meaning you don't). And you put down people you don't even know or have facts about. And you all have a merry Xmas and New Year.

Anonymous said...

You all use prety language on here(meaning you don't). And you put down people you don'e even know. Have a Merry Xmas and New Year now.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be a problem as I posted my message and it is coming up twice.

Anonymous said...

That's because my blog has something similar to a "three strikes and you're out" policy as part of its anti tosser filter.

Anonymous said...

How about blocking hateful remarks and vulgar language?

Anonymous said...

What is a tosser?

Anonymous said...

If you don't like it, what are you doing here? And why are you searcing for "Cliff Richard gay" anyway?

What's a tosser? Look in the mirror.

Now, piss off if you find it so offensive. Or go write a blog about how much you love untalented, vain and geriatric pop stars. My blog, I say what I like, those are the rules.