Tuesday 13 June 2006


I don't claim to be the best person on the planet when it comes to spoken English; I have quite a strong northern English accent and I don't always get my words out clearly. But this is OK and so long as I speak slowly enough and take care to pronounce things properly, I can make myself understood to people with varying degrees of understanding of English (except my dad). This is important when part of your job is to deliver training, give presentations, talk to people, etc. It's just a shame the fucking BBC can't employ some people who actually speak English as pundits for their coverage of the footie World Cup matches.

This'll mean sod all to people who haven't watched any of the BBC coverage, but can anybody actually understand what Gordon Strachan says? Martin O'Neill is the same, and mix this with the international former footballing stars they've dragged out, I can't understand half of what's being said. It's even worse on ITV with that twat Allie McCoist.

Don't the Scots understand that nobody can understand them unless they speak at a normal pace? Dicks.

They all talk shite anyway, so it's no great loss. Of course the kings of talking utter crap are John Motson and Mark Lawrenson. According to this pair of idiots, nobdoy else need bother turning up because the Brazil are such masters of the game that they'll samba their way to a sixth win, and the Italians are too negative and they complain about unfair refereeing too much. Oh and England have got the best chance of winning a major tournament since the last time there was a major tournament. Just get rid of them, for fuck's sake.

That's the noise that one of the main speakers in my car is making at the lower end of frequencies at the moment. Methinks it is fucked. How the hell are you supposed to get at them to fix or replace them. It's this sort of thing that makes me think about getting a new car.


It's really hard and it really hurts if you haven't had any for a while.

Superhero powers
Sometimes I wish I had the powers of a superhero. It must brilliant to be able to lift off and fly about under your own power. Bloody hell, pigeons can do it, why can't we? The skills of the stupidest creatures astound me at times.

If I was to have a super hero power, it'd be something like telekenesis. I'd love to be able to do things using only the power of my mind a la Carrie. Just to be able to stare at somebody and send them flying across a room would be great. It'd be even better to do subtle things that played with my victims' minds, like suddenly move a piece of furniture so they bruised their shins - you know the way that really hurts?

Imagine how fantastic my car journeys would be? Ahhh, the delight at watching caravans going flying off the Thelwall Viaduct....

Ho hum.

Colour confusion
I haven't got a clue what colour shoes you can wear with navy blue trousers. I bet there are by-laws whereby you can get arrested for wearing inappropriately-coloured footwear with navy blue trousers. Should've bought black.


Anonymous said...

Martin O'Neill (being from Co Antrim) is actually highly educated, he just gesticulates a lot as the shaven headed cro magnon England supporters only understand sign language.

If I were a superhero I would swoop from the sky and twat all bank managers/cyclists with a large laserbat.

Anonymous said...

I want to be an indecisive superhero.

Or maybe not?

Then again?

No never,I couldn't.

Oh just for one day then?

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, I'm walkin' on air, I never thought I could feel so free-ee-eee! Flyin' away on a wing and a prayer, who could it be? Believe it or not, it's just... me.

(Greatest American Hero theme song)

Anonymous said...

Tan shoes.

Spiderman (when the position becomes available).

Anonymous said...

Well, I worry that people can read my mind all the time because when I'm bored (which is frequent) and I'm talking to someone I think about them having sex. Sometimes it just revolts me and I think that most people should be banned from getting naked. Soooo, after all that, I'd want to read minds.

Anonymous said...

Navy blue is remarkably versatile where footwear is concerned. Tan, black, or white (trainers only) go fine.

If I were a superhero, I'd want my power to be metamorphosis/shapeshifting. Can you tell I've given this an inordinate amount of thought? I love the X-men.

Anonymous said...

black, brown or white shoes I'd presume.

Yeah. telekinesis would kick it.

I don't understand most accents so no help here.

Anonymous said...

" I don't always get my words out clearly"

That'll be something to do with your teeth. They need filing down, dear.

I'd have thought you'd have worn them down on Fishwife by now, what with all that munching of her Brillo pad.

Anyway (fave word), I wouldn't want to be a Superhero. Just think about all those wankers that'd be bothering you all the time and wanting favours done because their too fucking lazy/stupid to get things done themselves.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to be a friggin' superhero. I'm not wasting my time helping numpties who get themselves into trouble. I only want superhero powers, which I can use to my own advantage. I suppose that would make me an evil criminal mastermind.

Anonymous said...

Just go barefoot. Problem solved.

Anonymous said...

But I thought everyone in Salford was already an evil ciminal mastermind?

Anonymous said...

Criminal and evil yes, but masterminds in Salford? You having a laugh?

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

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