Friday 16 June 2006

Is it really Friday?

It is, isn' t it?

Thank fuck.

Today has started out good and bad.

Good things:
  1. It is Friday.
  2. I am still happy about the England result from yesterday.
  3. I am going to be enjoying lots (to the point of feeling sick) of fuckin' delish South Asian food at the Nawab International buffet later (all you can eat for a tenner).
  4. I am also going to be engaging in a social even in which I will be enjoying the company of colleagues who I actually like.
  5. I am thrilled at the anticipation of spending quality time with Trump*
*Not to be mistaken with spending a lot of time with trumps, which I have done all my life.

Bad things:
  1. It is only Friday morning and I still have work things to do before I can relax for the weekend.
  2. Another nice colleague from Base 1 leaves today - that means that, proportionally, I'll be working with even more cunts. It also brings home the fact that I am still there while other people have been successful in moving on. Bastards.
  3. I am ovulating and so everything feels swollen and achy inside and it hurts when I go to the toilet.
  4. I have fucked my neck and I am in agony whenever I move in the slightest...
... I first noticed this as I tried to join one of the motorways on my journey to work this morning. As I tried to look over my right shoulder to check my blindspot, a very sharp pain hit me in the neck and then shot right up the back of my head and over the top into my right eyebrow. This meant that the rest of the journey was spent playing "Blindspot Russian Roulette" as I had to do overtaking manoeuvres using only my mirrors. The alternative was driving in the inside lane and not overtaking, but fuck that! I think I may have exploded in frustration at being stuck behind things going terribly slowly.

Why does your body let you down for no good reason at times?

I never know whether to end bullet items with punctuation. You start off a bullet list with single word items that don't really require any dots and that - it looks neater without. But then your mind starts get into its ranting flow and sentences appear that need a full stop, so you have to then go back and add punctuation to the rest of the list items. Most annoying.

Relight my fire
Yup, I'm off to see Take That tomorrow. Who are Take That? Get real! They were the best boy band of the 1990s. They went from being a much-maligned gay club dance act....

Take that

To the hottest thing going before ditching one band member and finally splitting a few years back. Today they wear jumpers and things...

Take that 2006

At their height, millions of screaming teenagers (and their mums) adored the boys and their songs regularly hit the top of the charts. When they split up, many counselling phonelines were set up to provide counselling for the distraught girls (and their mums).

In 1994, I remember my housemates (all grown women) having posters of the boys all over the house, particularly Jason and Howard. Of course, I wasn't at all interested and was always a bit confused when asked "Which one do you fancy?". I was like "Eh? No idea what you're talking about" - and I still didn't get the fact that I was gay, dur. But anyway, I grew to find their music inoffensive and some of it was OK.

So... I'm going to see them tomorrow night.. or afternooon - I can't figure out when the concert starts. It's at a football stadium, so the doors open mid-afternoon, but I don't anticipate the show starting until later on and I can't be doing with being stood up for long periods of time because it causes my back to seize up. Along with my neck, the evening could end up with a long wait in casualty.

Anybody want a ticket to Take That concert tomorrow? I'm actually looking forward to it, but especially since they're being supported by the Sugababes, who I think are the cat's bananas!


Anonymous said...


Bullets end with punctuation here. Each bullet ends in a comma save the last one, which ends in a period. I was a copy editor for a while, so I know these things.

My body has let me down countless times. Come chez moi for the full account.

Take That never caught on here, as we had the Backstreet Boys and 98 Degrees. Gahhhh. I wasn't sad to witness the demise of the Boy Band. Although the Girl Band was much mourned by the WCM. He was partial to All Saints.

I kind of like Robbie Williams though, even knowing he's a twat.

Anonymous said...

A stadium full of women of a certain age screeching in ecstacy at a warbling Gary Barlow.

The mind boggles.

Take That weren't that bad, it's the tossers like Boyzone who followed them that wanted shooting.

Anonymous said...

There are constant rumours about Robbie Williams turning up at one of these concerts. Don't know how much truth is in them. Saying that though, I don't really like him anyway.

Boyzone and Westlife are both fucking awful (along with 1471 or whatever they were called)! I quite liked bands like Blue and 5ive though.

If you're after a good girl bad, you can't beat the Sugababes, they're top notch.

Anonymous said...

What are your feelings about East 17 then?

Are you that flexible that you can fuck your neck? If so I'm impressed.

Anonymous said...

Why oh why do I live on the other side of the world (kinda, not so great with geography) so that I cannot accompany you to a boy band concert, even if I have not heard of said boy band?


Anonymous said...

I just came across your blog and wanted to
drop you, Blogger, a note telling you how impressed I was with
the information you have posted here.
If you have a moment, please visit my site:
ovulation monthly
It's a periodical....
I send you warm regards and wish you continued success.

ps. no punctuation AT ALLLLLL with bullets.

Anonymous said...

Women only go to see them when their ovulating.

Just in case.

Enjoy the memories!

Anonymous said...

Hiya Tina. I don't normally get the pinched neck thing but my husband does. He can hardly turn his head and he's 'somewhat' crabby. But, it all works out in the end. When I'm doing the PMS thing I'm the crabbiest person on the planet. He actually comes out on the worse end of the deal.

Enjoy the boy band!

Anonymous said...

I made a mistake, it's tomorrow. Dur. Fucking spammers, cunts.

Anonymous said...

And it's been long enough now.

Tell us what you've discovered about the Fishwife that you don't like and that you'll be changing.

Anonymous said...

Oh for fucks sake. Take that????

Okay, I admit they were okay(ish), but as has been said - all that lot that came after them were/are shite.

I don't know anything about punctuation after bullets - I've always not punctuated, but what the heck do I know.

No point in asking SID either - he'd give you some poxy answer from The Bard's times.

Anonymous said...

Hey kid, you mention a tenner for an asian dinner, all you can eat, so is this $18.70 in U S dollars?

Anonymous said...

Please change your tracking software as even firefox can't stop the popups now

Anonymous said...

Friday was last week.

It's the solstice you know. I'm feeling funny and plan to skin a badger and present its pelt to fat Gary Barlow in recognition of his inspirational role in....etc...etc..

Anonymous said...

*sound of doorbell*

Anonymous said...

Definate wane

Anonymous said...

A slight falling off.

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.