Thursday 22 June 2006

The final countdown

Before I start this post, I'd just like to postulate about the behaviour of cats whenever a new box appears in their home. They simply HAVE to sit in any new box, preferably curl up in it and fall asleep - no matter how small it is.

Remember this and this? Well, Sonny the ginger cat won't let us get rid of that box and he still sleeps in it for hours on end every day. Weirdo.

Where was this going? Fuck knows. Oh yeah, and when you spend £30 on a cat bed for them, do they sleep in it? Do they buggery. Ungrateful swines.

So now is the time when I start to get nervous... VERY nervous. I hate travelling you see, but in eight days' time, I'll be somewhere over the Atlantic/Arctic cruising at a few thousand feet while I'm whisked away to Canada in a tin can. Either that, or I'll be in lots of squishy bits, mixed in with the squishy bits of other passengers' body parts after the plane has crashed/blown up.

There's always the potential for a crash within the Arctic Circle where I might get eaten by a polar bear. Or Bjork.

I can think of no greater honour than being eaten (preferable post mortem) by a magnificent polar bear. Rrrraaarrrrr!!!!!!!! Well maybe being eaten by a tiger would top it, but only just, and only if I was dead first.

So I hate travelling. I hate the uncertainty of it. It get to this stage before setting off and start to wonder whether it's worth cutting my losses and just not going. Dont' get me wrong, I am VERY excited about being in Canada, meeting April the donkey lover and also Connie and Jenn. It's just the uncertainty of getting there, in other words - the flight.

I've come to realise that, after years of not doing it, I don't really like flying afterall. It is unnatural and it is boring. "It's the take off and landing that are worst". No, it's the crashing that's the worst and you can do that at any point in a flight. Fucking hell, in the Manchester air disaster of 1986, nearly 60 people died and they hadn't even got going on the tarmac! In all honesty, if a plane is going to crash, I'd rather it be nearer the runway than a few thousand feet in the air. At least there may be some recognisable bits of me remaining to shove in a coffin for my fantastic Dynasty funeral.

I don't think I'll be the victim of terrorism. At least I hope I'm not, I don't think the insurance covers it. But if the plane is hijacked (a Zoom airlines holiday jet from Manchester to Vancouver????) I shall do my best to disarm the hijacking scum with my deadly farts, poo breath and maybe even a toxic shock tampon.

You see, this is where the airlines are missing a trick. They should allow passengers to arm themselves. If this was the case, any potential hijackers would know that they'd have to fight a gun-toting, knife-wielding angry mob before they got through to the cockpit. Perhaps guns wouldn't be such a grand idea, but baseball bats and knives would be OK.

Of course, one of the worst accidents I heard about was that Greek plane that went down last summer. The cabin lost pressure and the passengers suffocated and froze to death as the temperature dropped to -70°C and all the oxygen got sucked out. In that situation, do you think the cabin crew would have been annoyed at being asked fro extra blankets?

Anyway, in preparation for my trip, I really must think about getting prepared for it. I still have no idea what I'm taking with me. All I know is that I want to travel light so I can pick up some bearskins and jars of pickles while I'm over there.


Anonymous said...

I'm reasonably jealous - if you have a good time I'm booking in a trip to stay with April (especially if I become single again!) She's a foxy lady and no mistake.

Are you going to keep up your blogging when there?

Anonymous said...

I'll see how I get on, but I hope to post the odd thing while I'm there if there's time.

April is lovely, isn't she? I think you should go anyway. Then again, you and Garfer? You never know what might come of that.

I'm really looking forward to it, it's going to be spectacular and I'm just sorry that I haven't got more time there. But who knows, I may be able to get back there in the future, so this can be a toe-dip I suppose.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing that Garfer will take a dislike to me - most people do. I'll stay out of his way - lots of walks with dogs and that. I'm mostly hoping to do very little and de-work stress.

Also, good for you Tina. Things sure have changed for the better up here on Tina mountain.

Anonymous said...

Things are very good, I'm quite happy at the moment.

Ah... Tina's mountain... just you wait, I'm preparing a treat. I think. Hope I can get it right.

Anonymous said...

Just re-read post, are you meeting Connie and Jenn as well? - you lucky lucky b'arch.

Anonymous said...

I hate flying too and am being shot across to Madrid in Aer Lingus tin can Sun 2nd July.

However as the engines start up on the runway, I intend to stand up and shout

"We're all going to die!"

What you think?

Your flight path takes you over my house. Wave at least.

Anonymous said...

You can always visit with me herge! NObody wants to visit ontario these days *sigh*

Anonymous said...

crashing *is* landing.


wave when you pass over the city of brotherly love.

Anonymous said...

April is coming to stay with ME. And she's going to mow my lawns. Whaddagal.

You're going to be looking after her sprogs.

A polar bear wouldn't stand a chance against you, it'd be too scared of getting a severe telling off with swear words and everything.

Anonymous said...

Yes, spending a couple of days with Connie and Jenn too. It's going to be a fantastic trip and I'm really looking forward to it.

Aas... thanks very much. I suppose it's rare for people to completely vaporise in mid-air so there will be some solid part of me hitting the earth again at some point. Nice reassurance I guess.

My usual thoughts as soon as I get near an airport are "Oh my god, we're all going to die" and this continues till I land at the other end.

Anonymous said...

I swear I buy things with big enouhg boxes just to keep my cats happy.

I have a cooker coming on Monday...

Have a good trip!

Anonymous said...

why is it whenever I get enough bottle to visit your blog I get the impression you're going to die.
You never do!
I should know this by now.
Like the Lone Ranger in those black and white movies of long ogo.

Tina SnakeKisser isn't going to die.

Anonymous said...

Pack a parachute Sniff.

Anonymous said...

Aww, Max is still cute and it's still funny.
Have a fab time.

Anonymous said...

Oh, pish. You'll be fine. You'll definitely want to take your kagoul, though, as it's chilly in Canada in summer. Have a good time!

Anonymous said...

Can't be any colder than britain. The kagoul is going in the bag, I'm not forking out for another one while I'm there.

Anonymous said...

Oh but Bronwen... I live in Lotus Land.


Anonymous said...

April lives in one of the best parts of Canada weatherwise. You'll have fun.
Don't worry about the flying Tina. We all have to go sometime....
If it happens over Alberta I'll rush out and try to catch pieces of you and send them back to England, ok?

Just kidding. The long overseas flights are really deadly dull, that's the worst thing.

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.