Thursday 1 June 2006

Dairy of a mad man

Of course, the good thing about soya milk is that you don't tend to get herds of soya beans breaking through a fence and grazing on the hard shoulder of the motorway in morning rush hour, thus forcing the closure of the road while police ensure the safe return of the wayward legumes to their rightful place in the field.

Given the choice between grazing in a nice safe BIG field of grass or a narrow and very scary motorway hard shoulder (with huge trucks and cars flying past in excess of 70mph), what thought processes might be involved in three cows and a bull who take the latter option? Perhaps it was a publicity stunt, a cry for help to highlight the plight of those dairy beasts who are being shunned in favour of soya alternatives. Next thing we'll be having is a real-life Cow Parade in our major cities: Heifers for justice, conducting a series of high profile stunts to raise dairy awareness. I can't wait to see one climb the Houses of Parliament.

They'll be in a city near you. Think on and look sharp!

Papering the cracks
Cosmetics can only cover up the bits where a person starts to fall apart. With sufficient resources, I'd be down to my local cosmetic surgery clinic for all over body sculpture and my eye bags reducing. The excess bits could make a whole other person - probably one who is more than capable of keeping her blog up to date.

Unfortunately I don't have the cash to go under the knife, so I'm resorting to stuff you can buy in Tesco (no, they haven't started a cosmetic surgery service yet, but after the flower fiasco, I don't think I'd bother if they did thankyouverymuch). I am currently trying "Dove Summer Glow" body moisturiser to make me look like an Umpa Lumpa in time for my trip to Canada, and also something from L'Oreal to fill in my frown lines. I don't know what it's called, but you can feel little microbeads popping on your face as you apply it... and then your skin really starts to burn. I think the idea is that people will be more worried about the appearance of blisters than fine lines.

It's great to know I'm worth it.

Wheelchair It's a Knockout Dodgem Smackdown
I went to the shopping centre over lunchtime. While I was there, I was amused to see a rather interesting stand-off between three motorised invalid scooters and a wheelchair. They'd somehow come together and got themeselves entangled. None of them were backing down though; there was NO WAY any of them was going to engage reverse: "I'm disabled you know!" were their cries of protest. "I'm older and I'm not motorised!", "Mine's a bariatric scooter - I'll kick your arse with this baby!"

A congestion charge for wheeled-users of public areas? Bring it on!

Cynthia was eating her lunch when I went into the kitchen to reconstitute my Cup-a-Soup. She was loitering near the sink so I couldn't avoid her as she ate what smelled like fish paste from a little glass jar by maniacally scraping a spoon - even after she had finished. I was also given the pleasure of her talking while she was eating; she was interrogating me about Canada and smacking her lips. I hate hearing the sound of people eating, it really does drive me mad.

Ozzy Osbourne
I used to really be in to Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath when I was a youngster. I enjoyed being in a very black mood - or at least looking like I was. Diary of a Madman was one of Ozzy's finest albums; I played it to death.


Anonymous said...

Played it and then became it I think.

Isn't soya milk just for wankers and weaklings?

Anonymous said...

Cows are thick, but not as thick as sheep.

Sheep are so stupid they deserve to be eaten. Oh look, here comes a car, lets wander into the middle of the road and stare gormlessly at rapidly approaching death.

Anonymous said...

But on the other hand they don't drive cars so that makes them marginally smarter than us.

'Cause as you know, the more you drive the dumber you become.

Anonymous said...

I suppose stupidity is relative. If I was a sheep, or any other animal, I'd look upon human activity with must disdain. I reckon all different species look at others and think "They're stupid, I'm going to eat them" or similar things like, "I wonder what happens if I chase one of those?" and "I like the noise that those flying things make, but I wouldn't like to live in a tree".

Anonymous said...

I had a friend once who ate an apple every day for lunch. Do you have any idea how noisy apple-eating is? The crunching, slurping, juice-sucking and lip-smacking was utterly fucking disgusting.

Jeez, I feel like having an apple right now.

Anonymous said...

Well your comment on what animals thought, brings to mind, (who was it that determined to eat an egg after watching it being laid,
and who determined to suck from the four danglees on a cow?

Anonymous said...

"I like the noise that those flying things make, but I wouldn't like to live in a tree".

It took me a long time to decipher that. I was imagininig flying monkeys.

Anonymous said...

Tree-dwelling helicopters?

Sweetened soya milk is nice. I prefer it to cow's milk.

Anonymous said...

I love going up to sheep and shouting "Mint Sauce!"

Anonymous said...

OMG Loving the Philip Larkin LOL

Anonymous said...

Aren't you coming out to play?

Anonymous said...

Garfer made me laugh with this, as always:
lets wander into the middle of the road and stare gormlessly at rapidly approaching death.

I know a few people that are that stupid.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, it has been a while hasn't it? I'll be back later...

Anonymous said...

yeah, I was a big ozzy fan a long while back too.....still play it now and again when I feel for soya milk, disgusting! INlaws eat that shit