Thursday 6 April 2006

Where has Sniffy been?

Has she been arrested?

HK_Phooey sarge

Has she got a new job?

HK_Phooey rosemary

Has she got a new cat?

HK_Phooey spot

Has she been flirting with somebody new in her life??????

HK_Phooey henry

Could be!

So yes, I've enjoyed a couple of social outings and have been slightly engaged with other stuff at other times. It's quite nice, isn't it?

Tap dancing: the return
In the tap dancing post, the fundemental thing that I forgot to mention - and thanks Jamie for reminding me - were those fucking annoying and utterly STUPID taps that you press down and they deliver water for a specified amount of time. Usually just enough time to get your hands one third rinsed and 100% scalded on the hottest water imaginable. Useless shite.

I hate my phone so much that I'm getting depressed
To those of you thinking of getting a new mobile phone ("cellphone"), a few words of advice:

Under no circumstances get a Samsung - EVER! Mine almost got thrown out of my car window as I was driving over the big motorway bridge this morning. It is the biggest pile of technological wank I have ever experienced in my entire life. I would gladly swap it for the first phone I ever had ten years ago; at least I didn't expect anything much from that one .

For the past week or so, I have been receiving and sending a fair few text messages and yesterday, I discovered that my phone had decided to forget all the custom swear words that I'd taught it. Why? Why would it do such a thing? I use predictive text input, and it's bad enough that you can't go back and correct a word without deleting it and re-entering it, but to randomly lose the entire custom dictionary??? What the fuck is that all about?

This morning's phonecall to Trillion was constantly interrupted by the fucking useless pile of shite constantly disconnecting the headset. WHY????? It's not even got voice activated dialing, so you have to fart around, pressing buttons on the headset (if it's talking to it) to get to make a call. I HATE IT!

The fourteenth of April 2006 is going to be a glorious day for me. On this day, I'll have endured this thing for six months and the upgrade penalty will be reduced from £150. I can't wait to get rid of the fucking thing and once I get my new one, I'm going to smash this thing up with a hammer and show the photos on this very blog.

Your days are numbered, Samsung!


Anonymous said...

I like my Samsung. It has a little button on the side that you press and a little motor opens the phone for you. This is the sole reason I bought this phone, handset only, for an obscene amount of cash. I'm impressionable and easily seduced by good advertising and a shiny gimmick.

Anonymous said...

You are clearly insane.

Anonymous said...

That too.

Anonymous said...

You can teach your phone swear words? Holy shit! I'm with the wrong phone company!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Star. If you use predictive text input (like most new mobiles have), you can teach the T9 dictionary new words. It's great.

Anonymous said...

One word: Nokia.

Three, or maybe four words: Predictive text is a pain in the arse.

But I guess, since you mainly use your phone for texting, it's fine for you.

You could get a new phone now, you know - just buy one on eBay (that works with your service) and when it arrives, call your service and tell them you have a new phone and it needs activating. At least that's the way it is here - .

Anonymous said...

Eeeee! (Girlish squeal.)


Very exciting. Am actually smiling at you right now as flirting's the BEST.

Anonymous said...

Finally! you got your ticket
I too hate samsung. Poor battery system. Didn't last all day.
I agree with Nokia.

AAnnd, Ebay does have some cheap phones along with Ubid..

Anonymous said...

Nokia are far better, you can knock out those flirty messages in an instant.

Anonymous said...

thanks James. Jeez, some spam is so bad, it's just plain BAD!

Many thanks Whinger and Delahante.

Thanks for reminding me what a DICK I was for managing to DOWNGRADE from my lovely Nokia.

What are you trying to say, Trump?

Anonymous said...

Neigh lass.

Horse Spam is good.

Earthangel 1 has a Samsung and loves it.

Drunken teenager that she is.

Anonymous said...

get a fucking nokia and make your life easier. Bomb Bomb Bomb!

Anonymous said...

Sniffer are you getting some?

Anonymous said...

hmmm, *ears perk up*.

Action from already?

Such exciting news.

All cell phones are shite.

Anonymous said...

I have no fucking idea what kind of phone I have and nor do I care. On the other hand... I had a good piece tonight also.

So Sniff... fill us in - Enquiry Minds want to know.


and PS.... you shameless Hussy.

Anonymous said...

You know more than most April, so think yourself lucky!

Anonymous said...

i have a samsung, free with contract, no expectations (didn't want one in the first place, long story), so i'm happy with it. battery lasts few days but i don't talk much (less than 1500 minutes per month) on it. i got a second battery and a separate recharger to have one handy all the time.

i don't use any features, no texting, no T9 (hate it), no web surfing, no dictionary, no rocket launcher...

WHAT? this has a ROCKET LAUNCHER!!!???

i'll be back...


Anonymous said...

ooohhh! Are you in love yet? Sorry if I'm jumping the gun, but good for you for getting yourself out there...if I wasn't married already, I fear I'd be a hermit altogether, socially speaking.

As for the phone thing, still have no use for them and still not sure what texting is exactly, but meh one less piece of technological junk wouldn't hurt the world eh? Go ahead and throw it out the window.

Anonymous said...

"You don't say?" "You don't say?" "You don't say?"

That is her from the New Schmoo (or however one spells the goddamn thing), isn't it?

Tina's got a girlfriend!

* squeeeeeeeal *