Friday 7 April 2006

Warning: this vehicle is reVERSing!

Why do wagons and vans have audible reversing warnings? What difference does it make whether a vehicle is reversing or going forwards? Surely they can go faster going forwards and you'd have even less chance of getting out of the way if the thing came hurtling at you!

"Warning, this very heavy and big vehicle is coming at you REALLY FAST!"

And why don't cars have audible reversing warnings?

I like motor vehicle associated warnings, hazard lights are my absolute favourite. On the motorway yesterday, the traffic came to a sudden stand still after a minor bump further ahead. I was travelling in the outside lane and noticed that the traffic up ahead had stopped, so I stopped accordingly, well over 100 feet from the car in front of me. After I'd stopped, the stationary car in front of me put its hazard lights on - or should I say, the dickhead tosspot driver of the car in front thought it was a good idea to put their hazard lights on to warn me that they'd stopped, despite the fact that I'd clearly stopped about 100 feet behind them.

Why? Why do they do it? It's things like this that make me want to make the most of the runway I'd generated for myself and see how much speed I can build up before smashing into the back of the sorry little shits. Hoo wud win hout have a one tonne of big Nissan and a Vauxhall Corsa?


Happy weekend (esp for Whinger)

Bad cat 4th april


Anonymous said...

Thanks god normal service has resumed.

Anonymous said...

Uh. I just had a whole bunch of things to write, and they all went flying out the window. This is why I can't post on my own blog; my thoughts keep flying away. Must have something to do with SPRING and how we all lose our minds.

Keep up the good work, etc.

Anonymous said...

Oooh! It even LOOKS like Cat!

Thank God his little paws weren't made for delicate wiring.

Anonymous said...

The word "reversing" annoys me

Revarsing or revassing for our yank friends would be more appropriate as it refers to the back end.

Revarse your arse mate?

Anonymous said...

I think its because you can't see out the back of those vehicles and the people that drive them have never learned how to use mirrors properly.

we don't call it reversing here-its backing up.

have a good weekend.

nice cat.

Anonymous said...

Hazard warning lights were invented for those people who think they can park were they like. Don't get me started.

Anonymous said...

The moise is to warn people that the person driving can use the side mirrors but still hasn't got a bloody clue what is behind them due to no mirrorness in the middle.

I drive an ambulance (sometimes) and we have one of those as there is no visibility directly behind the vehicle.
If we are actually trying to knock people over (Government Casualty Creation Scheme) we switch the noise off.

Anonymous said...


bovine utterance in the Deep South.

Anonymous said...

I really have nothing to say except that my left nipple is a bit sore?


Anonymous said...

Tell the donkey to let go April.


Anonymous said...

Corsa drivers must die!

Have you tried undertaking?. it's illegal, but it scares the shit out of the 60mph drivers in the middle lane.

I've always fancied being an undertaker. I have a penchant for stretched limousines.

Anonymous said...

Is the term 'shagging' more common in the U.K. or the U.S.A.? It is a nicer word than 'fucking', but then I suppose it's all in the telling of it, hmmm? One could write: Where the shag are you?, but it doesn't sound as right as Where the fuck are you? does it?

Anonymous said...

I've been spending the weekend getting to know somebody a bit better. It has been lovely.