Saturday 1 April 2006

Wales watching

I am returned from the beautiful island of Anglesey. It was top notch.

Hotel - ace
Food - fuckin' delish
People - really nice (the English ones at least ;))
Weather - mad
Conference - not bad
Journey - brilliant
Price - free

Some photos of my visit:

My room

Conference happy
Ready for (in)action

View from conference venue

Another view from conference venue

Some rocks and stuff

South Stack, Holy Island

I joke about the Welsh hating the English, although some can still be a bit radical. One eminent ex-politician opened the conference, but I understand that he complained about the conference literature being written in English alone. The organisers pointed out that all delegates spoke English, some only spoke English and that the printing costs for bilingual literature would be prohibitively expensive.

I told this story to my friend who I stayed with last night. She told me that this was the same chap whose wife told a neighbour that she didn't want the neighbour's English children associating with hers because she wanted her children to speak Welsh alone. That'll get them far.

Anyway, North Wales is a lovely part of the world and the folk are great. Get your arses over there if you get the chance.


Anonymous said...

Yay... I'm first.

Great pics. You're not wearing jeans.


Anonymous said...

Hurrah, Hurrah, a full picture of you.. A lovely lass.
Great pictures; great story

Anonymous said...

Thank God you're back. Glad you had a lovely time... I rather expected fire and brimstone!

Pics are lovely ... I shudder to think what P&T will do with your first shot.

Anonymous said...

Ewwww! Nasty suit!

Is it grey?

And I can't believe April got a comment in first.... she hardly even blogs, for fucks sake.

Shifty - We have plans for the first AND the second shots!

Anonymous said...

there's nothing wrong with that suit you fucking cunts

It is sage and it is from Mexx

Anonymous said...

glad you're back Tina. nice photos. I'll have to go to Wales now!

Looking very professional and spiffy in your suit.

That's a nice bedroom, what does a hotel room like that cost in Wales?

Anonymous said...

That room would set you back £90 per night bed and breakfast - single rate. Double rooms were £150 per night for two people.

All the rooms had recently been refurbished with new en suites too - the best shower you'll have.

I got the whole bloody lot FOC. Shame.

Anonymous said...

sage isn't a colour, it's an accounting package. Nice to have you back anyway.

Anonymous said...

I thought you rather matched the bedspread.

Great pictures - it seemed like a nice place for a conference. Did you learn anything?

Anonymous said...

Conference was actually OK and yes I did learn some stuff too.

Anonymous said...

What like? What not to wear?

Sage - the colour choice of spinsters and Miss Marples.

And sometimes poo.

Anonymous said...

I hate you.

Anonymous said...

I quite like the suit sniff....

I just had a Whopper Jr. for lunch.... yuk.

Anonymous said...

Nice to know you enjoyed yourself at our NHS,paying for through the nose, expense!

Nice suit!

Anonymous said...

The University of Manchester paid for every single thing and I don't think I'll be reclaiming my petrol expenses, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you april, I like the suit too. It's a lovely fabric, nice and light-weight.

Anonymous said...

Ok ok...Tell me Tina have you been profiled yet under AFC?

Anonymous said...

Yes SID, and I absolutely THRILLED to be banded on a six

Anonymous said...

So big backdated pay then???

Anonymous said...

I'll be getting some backpay yes, probs about £500?

Anonymous said...

We are being banded in June I think, and I feel like I spent all my backpay last night.

Boo fucking hoo

Anonymous said...

mine is already spent too. Hey ho.

Anonymous said...

hrm...something tells me despite the beauty, that water wouldn't be so pleasant for a swim :(

Anonymous said...

Aye, fuckin' conference junket freebie scrounger.

Hope you burnt down some Welshish cottages: just as revenge like.

Anonymous said...

Nah, but I left a bit of a smell in my friend's toilet.

Anonymous said...

Don't you look smart in your work gear?

Great view from the conference centre. I would've watched the sea all day rather than done any "conferencing"!

Anonymous said...

funny you should say that IDV...

Anonymous said...

Welsh hatred of the English is mostly tonge in cheek. You do get the odd fasist.

At last, a photo that hints at the enormity of your bum. Bloody hell, no wonder you don't show it. Must be the size of Manchester.

I thought sage was something you shoved into chickens, or was I thinking of my willy?

Nice suit and lovely pictures.

Anonymous said...

And you accuse me of perverted practices, Tickers?


Anonymous said...

It only happened once and I was drunk......chickens can be very persistent.

Anonymous said...

Tina - You're just the cutest gal in the blogosphere. Adorable picture.

Anonymous said...


I must get on with writing a proper post later, I have been very slack this weekend.

Today's conference (yes ANOTHER one) should provide some interesting moments worthy of telling you all about.

Anonymous said...

"I have been very slack this weekend"

What about all the other weekends?
We need to know.

Anonymous said...

Oh for fucks sake, conferences are held away from civilisation so we don't have to hear about them.

Can't you post about ice-cream, or sweets or summat?

Where's my stick of rock, by the way?

Anonymous said...

Holy Smokes Girl, that camera was worthy every penny you paid for it! Great pics! And aren't you cute!!

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is I didn't even know the Welsh had their own language.

Anonymous said...

Great pics, as always! You look so enthusiastic, I had to laugh.